To Four Thousand Years Later

v4 Chapter 115: How do you say green is green

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when Leonardo and his party arrived in Palermo.

So they just went to a place to have dinner at random, and it got dark quickly.

Less than fifteen minutes before the agreed time, Leonardo had already returned to the place where he met the man named Ivan before.

Because they didn't want to attract attention, there were only two demon gods who went with Leonardo, and the other demon gods went to join Abaddon and got on the back of the dragon. As long as Yastaru opened his mouth to call, they would immediately descend from the sky and be directly airdropped to the ground.

Or to put it in a rougher way, being thrown off by Abaddon's swoop.

This market is located on the side of the central square of Palermo, close to the direction of the port. Some valuable goods have been transported away before dark, but there are still many sealed and heavy crates scattered here. After all, these things can't be transported just by transporting them, and someone must look after them. This thing is so heavy, it is not afraid of being stolen, but there are still some guards patrolling at night to prevent vandalism.

Here in Palermo there are guards patrolling even after dark.

But Bi Jing's duty as a guard has been changed.

They are not as busy as catching thieves, maintaining order and supervising workers' work during the day, and they don't have so many people on duty. There are not many guards at night. There are only two groups. Two people in each group.

These guards serve only as an early warning. When someone actually invades, launch the warning fireworks into the air; drive away the people who stay here, and prevent someone from setting fire at night or using other means to damage the booth.

But that's already working pretty well. Even as long as there is a guard on duty here, the crime rate will drop to zero. And if no one stays, some things will always be lost and destroyed at dawn, and even at the earliest time, some people maliciously retaliated against a certain vendor and burned his shop overnight. And the fire is not as obedient as the knife in his hand, it only limits the sharp edge to one person. Within three hours, the flames lit up the sky, and the entire market was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, causing huge losses to many vendors and workers, many people. The man was found after the fire was about to spread to the orange grove. It was hung on a wooden shelf at the south end of the market, and the internal organs were taken out alive and fed to dogs. They were left to dry until they rotted and stink before they were thrown into the sea to feed the fish. There have always been guards on the night shift since then. But it was also at that time that the rich suddenly discovered that even a few guards on duty were enough to deter those thieves and saboteurs.

So it became a local tradition—

In Siri, there will never be that kind of silent night. on this island. Any company, any business, even markets, plantations, and warehouses, there are always people watching during the day. There is always someone on duty, even in the middle of the night. There are even people patrolling the streets and residential areas—not to ensure the safety of residents, but to directly increase the cost of crime from the root.

After all, even the most well-planned thieves still have a place to live. To guard the residential area is to guard the entrance and exit.

And if they want to travel through various places, the members of the Blackstone Gang must have their own intelligence channels. Or be strong enough and vigilant enough to not be discovered by these guards and report the news of their appearance.

One hour after sunset, Ivan appeared within less than a minute of error. He emerges from a path. He looked at his surroundings vigilantly. But he didn't see Leonardo waiting for him here. Ivan couldn't help showing a little disappointment on his face, but he heard someone behind him calling softly, "I'm here.

He was terrified all of a sudden. He just came out of this alley, but absolutely no one has ever entered this alley by him!

In other words,...someone silently followed him all the way, but he didn't notice it? For a moment, Fan didn't dare to act rashly, the muscles all over his body tensed up, and then he slowly turned his head vigilantly, his feet firmly planted on the ground, as if taking root.

He looked at the three of Leonardo very vigilantly, and did not let down his vigilance because of their harmless appearance. Leonardo, on the other hand, was expressionless.

He can avoid finishing touches. The reason for following Ivan far behind is very simple - today's Leonardo can see names of various colors walking around without even turning on his vision.

Follow the name from a distance, it is like a small map with its own directions and steps, and it can be said that it is not difficult to track. Under such conditions, Leonardo has spent a year with each other in vain, and he can get stuck in the field of vision so that no one can see him.

Leonardo said again: "I have something to go to the 'shelter' here, please guide me.

...Who introduced you? "A friend from the Theocracy."

Leonardo replied vaguely: "He should know can also tell him my name first. I am Leonardo da Vinci.

...Your Excellency Leonardo. Ivan chewed the name slowly, glanced at Yastaru and Baimon beside Leonardo, thought for a while and replied in a low voice: "I have heard your name before. Please come with me. See you Ivan's attitude suddenly improved a lot, and his name became light green. Leonardo raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything. This is a bit interesting.

How did he know my name? And Charlie, who is also from the Blackstone Gang, doesn't know?

Today, Leonardo can be considered a moderate celebrity. With the proliferation of the Leonardo-style automatic jacquard, and the perfection and re-promotion of the Underground Railroad project, the reputation of the "young inventive genius" had begun to spread throughout Sardinia. Bai is only on the sidelines, and he must have heard his name.

The International Chamber of Commerce is still promoting a mysterious machine that is said to "answer all questions", and many universities are asking for it. No one said that they want to return the product, and there are even people who have bought it multiple times and the machine has nothing to do with it and they can't buy it. This makes people yearn for it even more. Even in the legend, Leonardo's image has begun to become increasingly distorted. There are even rumors that Leonardo is a bald dwarf with a head twice the size of a normal person, with a eccentric personality and a eccentric personality, unable to communicate with ordinary people-although the person who said so disappeared two days later, such remarks are still circulating down. In this case... and Ivan, who seems to have a higher status, knows Leonardo, and even became friendlier after hearing Leonardo's name.

This is very interesting. Leonardo remained silent, followed Ivan around the path and left the market. After only walking for more than half an hour, he suddenly saw many names in front of him.


Ivan said.

This silent man knocked on the door of a private house with some regularity, and shouted loudly: "I am Ivan, and there was a sudden silence in the originally noisy private house.

After a while, Leonardo saw someone push open the door and come out.

It was a reddish name.

Hector, thirty-two years old. He was tall and thin, with a narrow face and fair skin. He wears a soft and light cotton robe, and holds an oak staff in his hand. Hector narrowed his eyes slightly like a fox. Look to Leonardo. Asked vigilantly: "This is "I'm Leonardo," Leonardo stepped forward and held out his hand, "Leonardo da Vinci. You may have heard my name. Hector was stunned when he heard this.

A smile appeared on his face immediately, and he stepped forward. Hold the hand that Leonardo gave out." It turned out to be Leonardo, who has been admiring him for a long time.

It can be seen that you have really admired me for a long time. Leonardo saw Hector's name instantly change from light red to light green, and his confusion increased. What is the origin of these people?