To Four Thousand Years Later

v4 Chapter 136: this is my intuition

Leonardo did not go directly to the Sforza Potential Development Academy. It's not that there are any barriers around the academy that prohibit psionic leaping. But with Leonardo's current status, it would be too involved to go directly to the door. What if something happened suddenly while Leonardo was talking with Aleister. As a result, if Leonardo's deeds were discovered, some accidents would inevitably occur.

After all, he is no longer the young inventor he was ten years ago.

The current Leonardo is a real big shot. In many places in Sardinia, his words are more effective than Lorenzo's.

Because maybe in a city, more than half of the companies are owned by Leonardo. The fields he controls include metal mining, coal mining, steel, military industry, medical care, catering, transportation and construction, electric power, finance, textiles, printing and dyeing, and measurement. Even philanthropy. In Sardinia, the name Leonardo is the real uncrowned king. If a king sneaks across the border without making a sound, the big news of having a private meeting with the president of a university in another country who is involved in a controversial incident will undoubtedly alarm the Teutonic king that day. After all, on the bright side, "Sforza potential development Academy" has nothing to do with Leonardo. His founder is Aleister, and his investor is the Duke of Sforza. If you insist on talking, Augusta Ada Barron, who was accepted as a disciple by Leonardo, graduated from the Sforza Potential Development Academy. In order not to let the Teutonic King think too much, and in order not to cause trouble for Lorenzo and Aleister, Leonardo still planned to say hello to Duke Sforza, "Spirit Eater" Galeazzo first. , He issued a certificate and took Leonardo to inspect the Sforza Potential Development Institute.

In this way, maybe it can bring some political support to Aleister. After all, a university is fortunate enough to be recognized by the richest man in a neighboring country, the prime minister, who is not considered weak, and can even be said to be quite developed in economics and science. He is also the greatest inventor and artist in the world. If Leonardo could say something to the reporter "Not bad" I am afraid that the number of applications for admission in the coming year will more than triple. After all, it is well known that Leonardo has a deep friendship with this old friend. A few years ago, when the younger brother of the Duke of Sforza fell into a financial scam and couldn't extricate himself, it was Leonardo who borrowed half of his own income that year to help him tide over the difficulties. It was also through that opportunity that the Sforza family had the energy to transform into the banking industry and became the only Teutonic nobleman with multiple multinational banks. The incident was even documented by some writers, who used it as a model to create stories in praise of Leonardo. Of course, part of it was written by Leonardo's academic writers, even if it was a task, they wrote it happily.

Because Leonardo was the first boss who convinced these arrogant literati with his own talents, he had a conscientious personality and was neither violent nor stupid, and he also offered them extremely generous treatment. He quickly pinpointed Galeazzo's location with psychic power. Galeazzo is indeed at home now. In the bedroom with his wife. So Leonardo called out the Duke's name aloud and came out of his study. It's a kind of tacit understanding between them-no matter what Galeazzo is doing, he can always give each other some reaction time. It won't be too embarrassing when pushing the door open.

"Morning, Leonardo."

"Well, early.

"Come, come, come.

Galeazzo grunted and pushed open the bedroom door.

From the bedroom, Duo even saw his wife lying on the bed raised her upper body and cast a wink at herself. That may not be a good feeling, but the suddenly cold shadow under Leonardo's feet is also not an illusion.

"Is there any mistake, it's only past seven o'clock.

His Excellency the Duke complained to Ruo in a low voice, and yawned: "I know you don't need to sleep, but we still need to sleep, shall we?"

"At your psionic level. I think you only need four hours of sleep a night."

"But then again, it's not every night that you have the time to get four hours of sleep. Well, hold on. Let me take a breath to wake you up. Duke Galeazzo reached out and grabbed Leonardo's arm and closed it His eyes didn't move. The psychic energy around him was slightly fluctuating, and the subtleties were swimming like the feet of insects, nibbling away the psychic energy overflowing from Joleondo's body. His complexion gradually turned rosy, and the spiritual energy on his body Can react violently -- that's a sign of hyperactivity.

"Okay. I'm awake. The Duke of Galeazzo called

"Are you still not full after taking such a big sip?" Duke Galeazzo suddenly became angry: "I don't have a problem if I don't eat for a few days!"

"But going without a drink for a few days is a big problem, right?

Leonardo chuckled: "Okay, take me to the restaurant. Give me lamb stew and creamy mushroom soup. You can arrange the rest. My business is not urgent.

"It's not in a hurry, you sent it early in the morning

"I'm giving you an excuse to drink.

You have a conscience.

The Duke of Galeazzo smacked his lips: "Speaking of which, you really don't intend to let Lilith marry Jian? He is more or less the legitimate son of a duke of the kingdom. Leonardo, my first officially married son, shrugged.

"You're a little offended

Leonardo replied.

"Ah, I understand I understand, my dear brother," the Duke said casually, "my mind is limited by the eyes of the times. I have heard you say it many times, and I have eaten it. But to be honest, after all, I am People who live in this era. I am living here, not in the future. It has nothing to do with me to see people in the future, and it doesn’t make much sense to me if I look too far away.

"You are being pragmatic.

Leonardo couldn't help laughing.

"However, I heard that the old Francis also gave birth to a daughter. Forget it. His daughter, after thinking about it, is definitely not a quiet lady. He is very uncomfortable with Leonardo's uncle. Use In Galeazzo’s words, the other party always looks at me with a vision that seems to be robbing me in the next second. It is obvious that his nephew is richer than me! Wait and sit in the restaurant, Galeazzo’s company He happily opened the bottle of extremely expensive wine, and poured himself and Leonardo a glass. He took a sip, sighed comfortably, and said, "You don't have many days with me. The last time was years ago. "

"Busy. Not as free as before.

Leonardo smiled and took a sip of the wine: "I came to you to ask you to play a play with me."

"What drama?"

It's not difficult, just visit Aleister's school.

Leonardo shrugged his shoulders: "You know, my identity is not suitable for me to go and see. Duke Galeazzo thought for a while after hearing this, and asked with a frown: "Master Aleister is in trouble? "Galia Zuo Gongli raised her eyebrows. She said slowly: "This is also my intuition. "