To Four Thousand Years Later

v4 Chapter 164: Burning-eyed President Lawrence

This is the third important investment in Arthur's life. The first time was that he auctioned off a manor, stolen armor and long sword left to him by his father, and bought a ship capable of sailing the ocean; It was sold in exchange for upper-level support. And this third time, it was a rush to retreat bravely, wise and safe, and would rather return to China to start a small business. Nor can it be involved in the fierce game of several countries as an individual. While that may bring greater benefits, it is more likely to be smashed to pieces or simply assassinated.

Arthur spent all the funds he had won in the past 20 years on the development and preparation of the "rubber" industry, and even sold all the mines and an auction house under his name for this purpose. Except for a theater and a dozen restaurants. This is all his property. At that time, it could even be regarded as "Frank's top ten selections of stupid investment behaviors every year"-because rubber had just appeared in Europe at that time, and its main function was to make waterproof rain boots and cloth.

This certainly has its value, but is it worth the money? So Arthur was ridiculed for a time. People thought it was because Arthur wanted to go crazy overnight, or because he had won the first few bets in the past, so he sold his property to carry out this kind of life-gambling investment business.

- Did he think he wouldn't lose the bet? Because the person who discovered the rubber was the botanist under Arthur.

He discovered rubber trees in the New World—a white, milky liquid that dripped from their cuts. It hardens and turns black when exposed to air.

The local aborigines will use the whole piece of this gum to make waterproof boots, which look like leather after being smoked. And that botanist, because of the limited field, failed to discover the technology of stabilizing white latex in a liquid state for a long time, and latex is very easy to congeal naturally, and the rubber shipped to Europe is made into bottles or ball-shaped black rubber by earth method Solid glue. Therefore, the Franks mostly apply latex on the canvas, transport the canvas to the Americas, and then transport it back after being treated with water. The cost of the tarpaulin made in this way is much lower than that of cow casings. In Frank at that time, rubber was only a cheap substitute for cattle casings. Even if you get the right to sell all the tarpaulins, how much money can you make? Compared with a lead mine, I'm afraid I can't even earn a fraction of it. Not to mention the profits he made from selling rare species such as griffins and eagles. You must know that his lead mine was exchanged for two lions, one male and one female. The reason why he made such a bold investment is because he has a very good personal relationship with Chairman Lawrence. Because of the first internal information of his subordinates, he realized that there might be huge business opportunities hidden in the rubber, so under his trust in Chairman Lawrence, he gritted his teeth and chose the third gamble in his life.

Later, Leonardo invented the plastic mixer.

In a few years, rubber products such as elastic bands, rubbers, raincoats, gastric lavage devices, tourniquets, tires, etc. quickly emerged, and Arthur's business was booming every month. The reason why Arthur can enter the parliament is that Arthur discovered that rubber can be used to make balloons. In order to make airships, this material, which is far cheaper and easier to make than cow casings, made Arthur quickly become one of the highest-ranking businessmen in the Frankish Republic—and the only member of the upper parliament who was born as a commoner. Arthur knew in his heart that this was all due to Chairman Lawrence. He was very disappointed with Chairman Lawrence.

Lawrence looked like a beautiful young girl with long fiery red hair and bright red eyes, but in fact he was a middle-aged man with a mature and magnetic voice. Numerous and President Lawrence does not shy away from his appearance, and he likes others to praise his beauty. He also loves special makeup, wearing girlish clothes to confuse foolish young people, and when others show love to him, he maliciously tells the other party his true gender, and feels happy for the other party's disillusionment.

But also because of the other party's beauty, nobility and elegance, there are really some male nobles with special hobbies who have always hoped to have some more in-depth exchanges with Chairman Lawrence. And for this kind of people. On the contrary, President Lawrence never got close to him, and he could perceive the other party's attitude and expectations without even contacting him. It seems to be able to penetrate people's hearts. It was for this reason that Arthur admired President Lawrence at the very beginning, and tried his best to get acquainted with this person—he thought that President Lawrence would become a great leader in the future. Strong wrists, rich knowledge, unique insights into many things, and accurate judgments on the development of some emerging things. He even has a close relationship with the leaders or high-level leaders of many countries, and he can always buy and sell some hot things.

Moreover, he acts decisively and has a keen sense of politics. As a businessman, he is unexpectedly not stingy with money, and he is very generous and informal to his friends. This makes his personality charm very prominent. Aside from being a bit arrogant as the president, and having such a wicked hobby that can't get on the stage, and even often offends people, it can be said that he is a person with almost no shortcomings. If Leonardo is sought after by scholars and civilians because of his charisma. Then Lawrence was also sought after and admired by businessmen. This is also a self-made businessman, and all his development trajectories can be traced. He didn't intervene in any gray or black fields, relying purely on his business sense and personal charm, he became the leader of the world's largest transnational business alliance before Leonardo. In this incident, President Lawrence also keenly sensed that something was wrong. He sent Arthur over and asked him to talk to Leonardo and borrow Leonardo's wisdom.

At first Arthur refused.

He didn't even know why he had to talk about such important matters with foreigners while watching the ceremony. After all, there are so many people, and walls have ears. If this matter reaches the ears of the Teutons who say so, perhaps, and Arthur himself is not very proficient in such matters, otherwise he will not be unable to persuade his rebellious son on this matter, so he can only send him Beaten up.

But after listening to His Majesty Leonardo's explanation, he quickly realized what kind of emergency Frank was in now.

He simply summed up Leonardo with the logic of a businessman: a group of grandsons were plotting against them, fooling a group of children into ordering their houses for the purpose of selling their building materials to build a house.

And the most important thing is that this building material is still unscrupulous, not only adulterated but also imported. So he immediately understood the current situation clearly.

Arthur nodded abruptly.

You have to find a way to kill them every day.

I died laughing when I saw a new idiom club. After laughing, I concluded with tears in my eyes that there was nothing new, so I became a social animal, "Nothing is an animal.

In order to buy a house, I naturally became a social animal, without land.