To Four Thousand Years Later

v4 Chapter 175: fear called justice

"Have you heard, Arthur? The strangler is at it again.

Doyle muttered casually without raising his head: "This time it's really big news, I won't lie to you. He hugged his beloved white mink and used the goat he carefully groomed and anointed every day Hu rubbed the ermine's chin lightly like a brush. That movement seemed even more intimate and careful than when he loved his only daughter back then. Under his feet, it was like a young serval Cat 1 was masturbating like a mink, and he was still looking at the beautiful peacock in the yard. This big factory owner who owns two heavy factories and nine shipyards will only be exposed in front of his friends Show your tenderness.

One and stop by to pick a mink. The persona he created externally is a rational to indifferent wise man, a majestic and fair manager. When he lectured his daughter, he never pretended to speak. She often scolded and cried... until now she is still afraid of her father. Only at the house of his friend Griffith Cromwell, Minister of Revenue of the Frankish Republic, can he relax and get close to the cute animals he loves.

The Griffith family kept many pets, even to the point of opening a zoo. In addition to the relatively common ones such as falcons, sables, foxes, servals, and foxhounds, there are also rare animals such as peacock snakes, black photos, macaques, sika deer, red-crowned cranes, and lions that ordinary people do not keep at home... and even There is a pair of lions with a male and a female. His family spirit allows him to talk to animals, so he can understand the demands of many rare animals that are difficult to domesticate or even raise. Under his careful care last year, the couple of griffins finally gave birth to three cubs. The family of them is regarded as a treasure by Griffith, and when they are free, they go to the hill where the lion is raised. You know, these five lions add up to eat at least two adult bulls a day. He was also worried about the lack of nutrition, so he specially bought high-quality trout mixed with carrots and steamed them to feed the cubs. Pounds of fish eyes as snacks. In the aristocratic circle, whenever people ridicule Gris, they will bring up this matter and say: in their twenties, they have not married a wife, and they know how to rub against wild beasts every day. Who is it? Arthur just smiled and tore off the chicken leg meat and fed it to his hounds raised at Griffith's house, and responded casually: "How big can it be? Did he kill some big man, or did he kill a lot of people?" To die?"

You may not believe it, but I was there when he killed the man. I also chatted with him. Arthur grumbled inwardly.


Doyle repeated solemnly: "Yesterday, more than 200 people died in total. The core members of the 'Overseas faction' are almost extinct, and there are even so many of their guards, servants and wives among the dead?"

Arthur paused with his fleshy hand, and he suddenly raised his head in astonishment: "The family has been destroyed?" In his impression, there were only seventeen or eight guards who were killed. This number exceeded his expectations.

"Wow!" Seeing the fleshy hand freeze in the air, Arthur's hound barked dissatisfiedly, reminding him to feed himself quickly.

"In that case, it's okay. At least we can determine who the target of the strangler is. Doyle put the mink on his lap, stroked his hair gently, and said in a low voice: "This time he seems to be pressing Location kills. In the place where those nobles died. Whether it was their home, the manor, or the place where they had a private meeting with their lover, everyone related to them was killed.

"The place where the least number of people die is a hotel or a bar. Only they, their lovers, and bodyguards are assassinated... But in the manor or at home, it can only be said to be a massacre."

"That is to say, he didn't deliberately kill the relatives of the target, but he didn't deliberately avoid it either. Arthur simply concluded: "This shows that the goal of the strangler is not entirely directed at the families of these nobles. He has no desire for revenge, but he has the act of cutting grass and roots...

"I think maybe that's because the chokers thought that whoever was with them at that time was not innocent.

Carlos Augustin next to him replied. Arthur heard this, and looked at him pretending to be curious: "You seem to have some inside information.

"That's right." Little Augustine said in a deep voice, "I got some news from my father. This batch of dead seems to be related to a new drug called 'Trace'.

Doyle raised his eyebrows: "In that case, there is no need to look at killing. As long as you don't report it? The old king's ecstasy soup' people haven't forgotten it, and it's easy to sue them for ruining their families." Who knows. In short, I don't know what they are doing recently, but they must have caused trouble. Little Augustine sneered: "Although the relatives of the deceased went to the police and the parliament like crazy one by one, saying that they would definitely bring the murderer to justice. But think about it, that refusal...that's Mi Carlotta." The man he killed. How many are innocent? Seeking justice for those he killed? In case the investigation is clear afterwards. What heinous crime did they commit, so wouldn't it be miserable for those who spoke to them? This is what actually happened before Michaelot's name was investigated. An old nobleman who was usually very popular was killed by a strangler, which aroused righteous indignation for a while. Many people speak up for him, and it is ridiculous to plan to be here.

But less than three days after that, an anonymous letter sent many accusations and evidence about the nobleman to the homes of all the noblemen, and notified the parliamentarians, the police, and the newspaper office.

Overnight, public opinion reversed. Not only did people immediately lose their pity for the old nobleman, even all those who defended the old nobleman before were treated with the same suspicion and contempt, and few noblemen and businessmen were completely clean. Immediately, under the spontaneous actions of the people, those veterans who dared to defend the dead were also turned out. Since then, anyone who was killed by the strangler will always subconsciously suspect: Did he commit something? Was he harboring some secret crime? Otherwise, how could he be approached by the strangler? The weapon itself is not to be feared, what is to be feared is the martial arts of generals; justice itself is not to be feared... but what is to be feared is the eloquence of demagogues.

There is no doubt that no matter whose hands the strangler is held by the school, he himself is a murderous soldier, a righteous murderer.