To Four Thousand Years Later

v4 Chapter 191: So all our efforts are in vain

The Michaelot incident that shook the whole of Frank had happened nearly two months ago. History has once again proved that people are forgetful. When the Michelot incident happened, almost every Frankish person was discussing it. Even if it's very far from their lives.

They were discussing, arguing, and taking stock, passionately and eagerly pointing to Jiangshan. Some people think that Michaelot is innocent, some people say that he must be convicted, and some people think that Michaelot should be awarded an award. Others said Michaelot should be expelled from the country...

Based on this discussion. They can also extend many differences behind each point of view.

But not a month has passed. They just forgot about it.

Those who should farm should still farm, and those who do business should still do business. Their lives have not changed much... It can be said that what the gentlemen plan to do with Michelot is not even as important as who installed the telephone in their town and village, and where the railway has been connected recently .

Until now, the verdict on Michaelot has finally come down.

"Don Michaelot. After our discussion, it is now officially announced to you that your death sentence has been pardoned.

The judge with a tired face sat outside the iron fence and said seriously to Michaelot who was squatting in the secret room: "Of course you are guilty, but what you have done is E... Although you have killed indiscriminately , but we believe that your heart is still good, and we hope that Frank will develop and progress in a bright direction.

"Justice and axioms cannot sentence a person with a bright heart to death, let alone take your life like you deprive others of their lives. Therefore, you only need to admit that these people were wronged by you, and then you will be sentenced to two Ten years in prison, and depending on your specific performance, the sentence can be reduced to 14 years.

As he spoke, the judge took out a poker card full of names from his pocket. He lightly pressed it with the index and middle fingers of his right hand, slid it across the table, and flew over the iron fence to the other side.

With a voice full of emotion, he exclaimed: Praise, executioner! The era of killing to stop killing is over! I can even promise you that you will not be made things difficult or tortured during your sentence, and after you get out of prison, you will be able to enjoy life like a normal person. I will also personally lend you a two-storey house in Whitechapel until you have a house of your own. It will always belong to you..."... As long as I am willing to admit, the people above are unlucky?" Michelot finally spoke. His voice was hoarse and dry, like the sound of wind gushing from the abyss. The motionless body like a stone statue seemed to come alive with his voice.

Seeing this, the judge subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. He has already experienced many battles. But when he saw Mikarot sitting cross-legged on the bed, he still felt nervous. Mikarot didn't close his eyes to meditate, but just stared intently at the judge, with his slender lips tightly closed. His upper body didn't shake at all, his breathing was extremely weak, and his beautiful enamel blue eyes didn't blink. It's true without blinking. As if this Michelot was not alive. It's like a puppet and stone statue that can kill people. And this terrifying quiet atmosphere that seemed to freeze both light and will, "Yes." The judge was secretly relieved, and quickly responded. He realized that his tone was a little humble, so he immediately looked serious: "You survived not because of the generosity and compassion of those you killed. It's because we decided not to let you down." For this reason, we made a lot of concessions. , and don't expect anything in return from you... but at least don't trouble us.

When the judge said this, his voice sharpened slightly, and he threatened in a low voice: "Now, the reporter is outside. I hope you can know something in your heart, don't say something about people who are not, even if you say something more Yuan phone, it will only act as if you didn't hear anything.

"At that time. You have to do it again. But then your house and job will be gone... If you don't obey, then it won't be something that can be solved in twenty years.

"I hope you're a smart man. It's nice that we don't bother each other, don't we? We're on your side, Michaelot. If you need it. In ten years Afterwards, before you get out of prison, we will let the newspapers whitewash you and prove your innocence... So, we will pay you another sum of money. It is enough for you to live comfortably until you die_as long as you can manage it well your mouth.

It's not that difficult, is it? The justice followed the lead.

Twenty years? "Mikerot was silent for a while, and muttered to himself in a low voice. The judge's face darkened, "The minimum is fourteen years—this is already the limit, Michelot. Even counting your voluntary surrender, you will be imprisoned for fourteen years. Of course, if you can report some other prisoners, or promise to work for us after you get out of prison, it is not impossible to lose a few more years., I mean, only twenty years? "

Michelot raised his head, looked at the judge, and whispered softly in a dreamlike tone: "I killed hundreds of people.

"But they're dead.

The justice said in a deep voice: "Compared with caring for the dead, what we have to do is to make the living live better.

Michelot snorted and grinned.

To protect and relieve the innocent by applying the law justly to all who are subject to it, is this what you should do? '"Are you doing it or not?"

Waiting outside! Pick it up for me if you want! "Mikerot smiled silently, and walked over. He picked up the playing cards and looked at them carefully.... Few of these people are innocent." He whispered.

"So you mean you don't want to? The judge narrowed his eyes slightly. Michelot shook his head silently. He looked at the playing card carefully, then put it in his pocket, and closed his eyes .

"Call the reporter in," he said softly, his whole body relaxed, as if all his strength had been exhausted in the words: "I'll give you an answer."

"That's right. The judge heard the words. He smiled with satisfaction, and the expression on his face returned to benevolence and peace: "Don't worry, I will give you what I promised you before. Although you can't have children, I will send you a few women in... I will definitely not treat you badly. We have always been like this with our friends.

After all, he walked out the door.

Not long after, when he opened it again, dozens of reporters rushed in.

"Mr. Michelot! Have you heard that you are going to be exempted from the death penalty!"

"As the first murderer in human history to be exempted from the death penalty, do you have anything to say?

"Mr. Michelot, I heard that you got wrong information and accidentally killed innocent officials who did not manufacture and sell drugs. I am deeply sorry for this and repent every day... But we did not get more accurate information. May I ask, among those people you killed, which ones are innocent and innocent?"

Journalists are enthusiastic questioners. They crowded together, ravaged and pushed each other, like a wave of flesh and blood, constantly surging. Many hands stretched out high, and many eyes looked at one with the same emotion. At the other end of the iron fence, the thin Michelot stood quietly, with his hands behind his back, without saying a word.

All of a sudden, they didn't know which side was the one locked up.


Suddenly, Michaelot said: "They deserve what they deserve.

Immediately, the reporters fell silent. The judge's complexion turned livid.

But there was no sound in the room.

Only Michaelot whispered.

Like a puppet, he repeated in a hoarse and dry voice: "No one is innocent." Michelot slowly raised his head and stared at the reporters and the justice with calm eyes.

So do you.

He is dreaming. Muttering in a low voice: "Me too."

behind his back

Then, he clenched his hands into fists. Amidst the tooth-piercing squeaks, dozens of bodies were hoisted high, humming and screaming insignificantly, and swaying slightly like wind chimes.

"I am very sorry, my lord."

Staring at the judge who was gradually suffocating, Mikarot murmured in a very soft voice: "But your pardon of my death sentence...I don't pass it here.