To Four Thousand Years Later

v4 Chapter 196: obey instinct

Leonardo returned directly to Florence from the Theocracy and did not go to Frank. Because Frank's side has entered the stage of chain reaction, it will go down by itself without can't even be easily stopped. The Michelot incident not only drained the Franks' patience and compassion for criminals, but also made them hate the MPs who sheltered criminals. From people's point of view, the Overseas Sect seems to be doing the same crime as the Legal Sect: today's Druid Sect is the former Michaelot, and they are all harming others in a legal way. There are also the blessings of nobles and officials behind him, and he also intends to amend the law based on this.

Those overseas congressmen who produce and sell drugs, and the druids who sacrifice to evil gods and deceive people are all over. The rest is nothing more than a matter of time.

"When people act and think in groups, they become so impulsive, impatient, and fickle. Today they wholeheartedly support the Humane New Deal of the Legal School, and they will scold them with the same focus tomorrow. ° Complicating with the perpetrator—Leonardo hugged his daughter and said softly: "What do you think this is because of? "

"Is this because...they are not opposing or supporting someone from the bottom of their hearts, but just following the public?" the girl asked tentatively.

She saw satisfaction in her father's eyes.

Her first name is Lilith, and she has no last name. This is not because she is an illegitimate daughter, Leonardo is unwilling to give her a surname, but because he is unwilling to use a human surname to bind her.

Yes, Lilith is not human... but a demon.

Just like her mother Asmodeus_little Lilith still looks like an extremely immature girl. She has gorgeous and exaggerated bright silver long hair, which spreads all the way to her calves, and the brilliance of life flows on it, as if it is not human hair, but some kind of living animal-like charm that looks like hair. Lilith also has the wings of a bat, but does not have a snake tail or webs. This means that she only inherited one-half of her mother's authority.

Her existence has a very special meaning.

Asmodeus is the ruler of the wilderness, the collector of "scapegoats". The iconic meat wings, meat tail and meat webs on her body represent animals that survive on the wild sky, land and rivers. Although Asmodeus usually uses shadow, poison or cold marriage abilities, she really capabilities are much higher than this. The so-called "wilderness", its truth is the backside of civilization... that is, anti-Ming. Unlike Yaszenglu's power over the living and Amon's power against the sun... Asmodeus is a demon **** that develops simultaneously with civilization.

She has always possessed the ability to degenerate civilization to a certain stage in the past. Blocking the sky, blocking ocean currents, banning energy organs, banning biotechnology... Asmodeus is the key to preventing human self-destruction.

As long as there is nothing wrong with Asmodeus, human beings will never be able to self-destruct. Because when things are about to develop to the point of no return, she can push back part of the technology tree until the other demon gods assist her to stabilize the world again.

This is why among the several possibilities for the destruction of the world envisioned by the ancient gods, there is no such thing as the self-destruction of human beings. Because they have seen too much. Countless primitive civilizations. They are all perishing in self-destruction and self-conquest. This is a consensus in any cosmic civilization... Even if the five ancient gods did not develop the same civilization, they were still vigilant about it.

The reason why Aszend did not pass on the power of shadow and deep cold to Leonardo through a contract is precisely because this is not her psionic power at all, but the "authority" she was granted if she died , there will be the second-ranked demon **** on top. After death, there will be a third. They are the eldest sons of this planet. Parents are not at home, and the eldest son has the responsibility to raise his younger brother and teach him how to behave And obligations. If human beings reach that point, it can only show that the Demon God is negligent. But if the Demon God is really such a useless elder brother and sister, they can't let the younger brothers and sisters die.

And Asmodeus is the "formatting agency" used to launch this emergency bill. The reason why she collected lambs to listen to the sins committed by human beings is not that she intends to use this man who will never confess the mistakes he has committed to the angels and confess to them; Dirty devil, there is no psychological burden to ask the other party to clear himself of his sins in a fair way,... and he will tell the other party every detail in special detail.

They would never have thought of it. Hidden in the heart of this "devil". It is the archangel who monitors evil and represents justice. As long as human beings confess too many sins to Magic Electric Azasel, she will kill them; if a tribe sacrifices to Azasel too many times, they will be destroyed by her. Not because of the devil's moodiness...but because this "devil" is fishing for law enforcement.

Now Lilith is born. This meant that Osmod began to gradually let go of his authority.

That is to say, Asmodeus believes that humans can no longer use him as an inspector. Humans have learned to self-reflect, self-correct, and self-correct. They are a very good race, and they are the second sons who are faster and smarter than the eldest sons.

In short, the birth of Lilith means that mankind has lost the last supreme supervisor.

Neither party has unconditional jurisdiction over civilization. Or rather, she let go. It's like a mother watching her child grow up. It was as if the examiner had finally admitted that the candidate had successfully passed the last exam.

"I'm glad you can understand that," Leonardo smiled gently, hugged Lilith and said in a low voice, "I'm glad you don't attribute this to their low morals, low IQ, or 'natural lowly' or something like that."

"It's just because human beings haven't fully awakened yet. They are aware of my existence, but they can't get their own position out of the group wave.

"Humans are social animals, and some have a strong desire and need to integrate into the group instinctively... Just like cats love to stare at moving things, like squirrels instinctively store food. Obey the group. It is also an animal sexual instinct."

"It is an instinct, not a defect. As humans become more and more out of the wild, people will gradually get rid of these old instincts...regain new instincts. If one day, man" Human beings will become gods. right dad? "


Leonardo replied: "They will surpass the gods."

Humans have grown up. They no longer need the demon god, and they can grow by themselves. They don't even need Leonardo's guidance anymore, and they can find the right direction of development.

Now, the dawn has come, the sun has risen in all its splendor.