To Four Thousand Years Later

v4 Chapter 199: Heaven's Light Stream

Leonardo let out a deep breath, which condensed into white frost in the air.

He looked around—north on all sides.

He has come to a place that no one in this era can reach in person... the South Pole.

He holds a scepter, wears a crown of thorns, and wears the gray trench coat he usually wears most often. His appearance in this suit has been photographed by the world's first camera and is permanently preserved in the Leonardo Museum.

certainly. It's the version without the scepter and crown. He is wearing this outfit now. It means that you are ready to meet the end of your life.

For the most solemn ceremony in the world, all the seventy-one demon gods are here again. Other spectators included Abaddon and Lilith, as well as the former Pope Hector III who was specially approved, Aleister, the founder of the Sforza Potential Development Institute, and the person who will soon inherit the name of "The Radiant One". Lorenzo de' Medici.

The three of them, together with Michaelot, are the test subjects who hold the second-generation spiritual energy seed granted by Leonardo. They have a strong enough will, a spirit of wholehearted goodness, and excellent individuals. Leonardo named this plan "Sages".

After they die, they will store their spiritual bodies in that small coin, freeze their consciousness, and be awakened by Leonardo when needed.

therefore. They also have the right to come to Antarctica to observe the ceremony. They also have the need to see how Leonardo passed away.

And it was also the first time for them to see such a large number of psykers with such powerful individuals gathered together. As if they were walking among the gods.

"It's the second time I've seen many of you. Leonardo said peacefully: "But you still remember me, but the people we met last time don't remember me. Those who once loved but lost themselves are enough to build a city. Only you can always be with me.

"You will be the one to be sung for generations.

"It is so.

Leonardo nodded solemnly.

He turned around and replied calmly: "Remember, the reason why mortals go astray is often not because of their ignorance, but because they think they know. You must remember this sentence, and you will commit more delusions.

"You don't need to grieve for me. I'm just lying in a new coffin and cutting off the most boring part of my life. As long as I live, I will be vigorous. Every day of me, he said, pure white The radiance of his body was kindled.

Leonardo's body gradually became clearer.

The transpiring spiritual energy spread around like wings of light and vines. Within a radius of more than ten miles, countless cracked pieces of light flew out of his body, scattering and falling in all directions like feathers.


Leonardo greeted.

Baimon stepped forward immediately

"After I leave, you and Yastaru will store my body in the ice cap 1,800 meters below. I hold this scepter, and my body will be immortal; as long as my body exists, it will be endless Constantly draw psionic energy from the End, and feed it to my crown of will be able to isolate the gaze from the mountains.

Neither the fantasy 'or the bloodthirsty years' will be able to look at this planet again—their tentacles will be completely cut off by me. This seal will only be lifted unless someone has more psychic power than me at my peak.

Leonardo replied warmly. He raised his head, looked at the vast and beautiful galaxy, and took a deep breath.

"Listen, we're not alone. Leonardo looked up to the sky. We weren't the first, and we weren't even the last," he said softly. We are just in the endless river of history. An ordinary point in the endless Milky Way.

"I don't want human beings to fall into endless wars when they compete for the resources of this planet. Human beings should not fight among themselves, because there are bigger enemies that may fall at any time...Lorenzo couldn't help asking.

Leonardo shook his head.

"I don't know either. But he does.

he replied.

This sounded like a joke, and it seemed like a parent who was too lazy to make up a story was fooling people casually. But Lorenzo knew that Leonardo was definitely not an idiot who would joke around at such a time.

"You can keep it, but keep it well. Don't make it public until the Leonardo consortium collapses... I don't want people to deify my existence. It's best if they can credit all my success to the masses Power, just treat me as a villain who loves fame.

"There is also... the person who dug out Solomon's Tablet. Remember to take care of him, don't let him lose the tablet. Don't let the people of the old age attack him directly. His existence will be the last thing to eliminate the Solomon Theocracy An important key. Leonardo turned his head and finally warned: "Remember, we must divide the power I left in an orderly manner as I planned before my death. If there is a war, it must be done as much as possible. "Compared to the endless galaxy, this planet is just a small, unknown village. There is no need to fight to the death over petty and trivial matters... Wait until you enter the universe generation, People will find that many disputes will disappear invisible.

In the middle of the night, the night sky was already filled with fragments of endless light feathers. His body was torn apart, as if there was only a glowing empty shell left, and a small amount of "cotton" inside.

But under the wonderful force field, those cotton wools that looked like impurities were leisurely spinning back and forth inside Leonardo's body.

"I am Solomon, the greatest priest and prophet king in the world. I am the founder of the Age of Gods; I am **** Augustus the Godslayer, the last prophet of mankind, and the end of the Age of Gods.

"I am Charles Solomon, the foundation of all things, the cornerstone of wisdom. The dawn star of the new generation. I am also Leonardo da Vinci. The glory of this world, the glory of human wisdom and evil."

"Dawn has come, and the light always shines

From then on, the stars don't need to bow to the moon.

Every day. When mortals raise their heads, it is the sky filled with brilliance.

Following Leonardo's whispers, his body gradually glowed brighter. That is light. Endless light.

Like a waterfall rising against the current, it rises straight from the ground to the sky, overflowing in all directions in the night and starry sky.

A white, extremely pure and thin curtain starts from the South Pole and embraces the entire planet.

People don't know about it. They only knew that the newspaper said that Leonardo and his wife had disappeared and were suspected of being killed.

But they didn't know that Leonardo, whom they either longed for, or feared, or admired or envied, would indeed leave them on this day.

But they will also find out one day that the world is not impossible without him.

—That's because although he changed the world, he never wanted the world to change because of him.

"The world is better than everything. It will eventually turn into smoke and dust.

"I once refused the Egyptians to build a pyramid for me, because I knew that even the pyramids would be buried under the dust one day. There is no eternity in this world.

"The pyramids are not eternal, the diamonds are not eternal, the gold is not eternal, and the planet under our feet is not eternal, nor is this dazzling star. His eyes are full of endless brilliance.

"But we have never lived in eternity. Leonardo burned quietly, burning under the shocking gaze of demon gods and humans.

"I'm just a light."

he said softly.

"A ray always takes the shortest path". If this light is a person, then he must know everything, and know everything before setting out, in order to walk out of this ideal path. No matter what adjustments he makes, the path he takes cannot be the shortest path.

He replied: "I'm just the light. Human beings take detours, and the light knows how to take the shortest distance... that's all.

"But there is a pitiful and hateful person here. He has dry hands, thousands of eyes, dry throat and thousands of faces, lives at the bottom of the sky, and looks around... He intends to gather all things in the world in one place.

"He cast his flesh and blood into candles, twisted his thoughts into wicks, and illuminated the world for all living beings. He was proud of this, thinking that he was the only light between the world and the world—"but he was just a beam of light. . The people have their own sun.

Leonardo's voice gradually became ethereal, and his body became light.

"When the sun sets, it will rise, and all things will be renewed. Now, the dawn has come. You should block the porch door, blow out the lamps and fires, and don't burn it with him" because what he suffered, posterity will never need to repeat by.

Leonardo's voice gradually became lower, but the light in his eyes began to dim. Leonardo murmured softly. Slowly closed his eyes.

"May all beings love you, my dear." Yastaru gently stretched out his hand, putting Leonardo behind her, and all the demon gods bowed their heads and worshiped.

"May you always be happy."

The grinding gods responded in unison. However, Leonardo could no longer hear their voices. He held a long stick in both hands, his upper body stood upright like a loose body, motionless.

His body was extremely ordinary, and there was no gleam of brilliance flickering. And above the sky. The stream of pure white light is still roaring like a living thing.