To Four Thousand Years Later

v4 Chapter 25: werewolf

...Pazy bastard? Francis realized something. This assassin who can make himself transparent was invited by Francesco to kill him? So did she find herself, or did Francesco already know who he was? With some uneasy sense of crisis, Francis decided to use Francesco's name to swindle her. At least it can deceive the news of who her employer is.

"Since Francesco asked you to kill me, didn't you even mention that?"

He breathed contemptuously, and said confidently, "Are you sure he came to ask you to kill me, not me to kill you? Do you know who I am?"

I don't even know who I am now. Francis murmured inwardly. She spoke very fast: "Listen, psychics... Calm down first. I'm just taking orders, and there is no hatred between us... We are all psykers, a family, brothers and sisters .

Her voice was hoarse, but Francis could still hear the thick Sicilian accent: "I'm from the Order of the Rosary, my brother. Where are you from?"

"Don't try to waste time—I know you guys have already tuned me to investigate very carefully."

Francis put on a vigilant look, and snapped: "Honestly, how many other people are there besides you? Where are they hiding now?

"It's really just me! I didn't straighten you either!"

The girl quickly argued: "I just hurt the person who hurt Francesco before I chased him... He didn't report that the assassin was also a psyker. Otherwise, this would be just a personal grievance between you and that Pazzi bastard!"

"You say I'm a brother... what if I send you back to kill Francesco?"

Francis snapped. The girl frowned slightly when she heard the words, looked at Francis with some doubts and doubts, and paused for a while before replying: "No. Of course...

Yes, it's revealed. As soon as she uttered a word and a half, Francis shot without hesitation.

He fired three shots at the assassin's forehead, cervical spine and chest without warning!

When the opponent was standing still, with a distance of less than ten meters, Francis had no chance of missing... 3A4 immediately spattered blood, and the assassin fell to the ground. Jump forward.

Wouldn't it be alive?

Francis looked at her body vigilantly, and slowly backed away, creating a distance.

- Even though Francis still doesn't know where he said the wrong thing. This did not prevent Francis from judging that she had begun to doubt herself.

Francis worried. If she started to get suspicious, and deliberately said some wrong and absurd information to test herself and confuse the would easily expose the fact that she didn't understand anything.

He didn't even know what "psyker" meant, nor what "Order of the Rose" was. He can only realize it. This may have something to do with the ability to cancel the sound that he suddenly had yesterday, but Francis didn't have the energy and intelligence to analyze while acting. Looking at her body again, Francis hesitated for a moment, but decided not to search for the body.

Although he knew in his heart that if he looked directly in the past, he would definitely be able to collect more information... But after seeing Francesco who was resurrected from the dead, Francis was always worried that the person he killed would suddenly jump up. Give yourself a knife or something? !

At the moment when such an idea just popped up in Fumingxisi's mind. The girl's body suddenly jumped up and rushed towards him! Francis suddenly trembled suddenly, tried to calm down for a moment, and fired his last bullet. At that time, he already felt that some bullets that had been aimed at his forehead fell on his face. It just broke the bridge of her nose and spurted out blood, but it had no other effect.

But this bullet made her let out a beastly scream, and the jump that should have landed on Francis was also sideways.

Francis took the opportunity to roll over, passing by the female assassin who had missed her. It is a good habit that Francis has developed since he was a child not to empty the bullet in one go, and now it has saved his life again. As they passed by, Francis could not help but gasp as he looked at the horrible **** wound on the assassin's body.

He didn't dare to go over to check the wound before, but just now Francis could see clearly that the three shots he fired before only scratched the skin, and didn't hurt the bone at all! What a monster!

After Francis landed. Without hesitation, he jumped away again and took the opportunity to reach out and touch his arms, ready to give the gun 5 bullets.

And after the female assassin landed, her body suddenly became hideous. The muscles of her back and shoulders swelled and twisted, dark brown hair grew from her whole body, her muzzle grew longer, and as she grew taller, she also became stooped.

It's like turning into a female wolf standing upright

The only difference is that this female wolf has a bear-like figure. Francis' small-caliber bullets couldn't even penetrate her muscles. And her previous wound also stopped bleeding quickly, and the hand-like flesh and blood tissue slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It would be nice if you could change the rifle. No, it should be used at this time

A thought flashed through Francis' mind. But at this distance, it was too late for him to change weapons.

"You lied to me!"

The werewolf turned around and let out a ferocious growl. Roared with a hoarse voice that echoed.

There were two dim yellow lights burning in her eyes, as if two flames were staring into Francis' heart.

Fuck it, it's over. Francis almost fell into despair. Try to watch her move. Trying to dodge one more pounce from her. But this time the assassin didn't give him a chance.

After a short two seconds, Francis suddenly heard a small gunshot.

Leaping in the air, the werewolf who was about to throw Francis down was suddenly sent flying by the horizontal gunshot.

The bullet was like an invisible sledgehammer, hitting her out of shape with one blow, and landed on the edge of the roof in a mess like a splash. Francis saw that her left shoulder muscles swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then became transparent. A steady stream of black water gushed out from the gunshot wound. Her originally strong and raised shoulder collapsed quickly, as if all the bones and muscles had disappeared. It's like melting. The werewolf used the remaining arm to hold onto the floor, so as not to fall, her nails cracked and dragged five bright marks on the ground. Francis could actually see a trace of fear and despair from her wolf-like face.


She opened her mouth wide, as if she wanted to say something.

But the next moment, that weird gunshot crossed the sky again. A gun hole suddenly appeared on her forehead, and her head snapped back ninety degrees. Then her whole head began to swell and then melt.

"Come with us, Francis!

He heard a woman's cold voice, and looked down.

She is an exceptionally handsome but handsome female equestrian.

She has blue-black indifferent pupils, her face is a little thin, but her **** is full. The mount under her was covered with fine sweat, two daggers pinned to her waist, and she was wearing a long cloak. The moment he saw her, Francis realized that he could never beat this woman.

So he immediately chose to obey.

"Get on the horse," she said incredulously, "Leonardo asked me to rescue you. He jumped down from the roof obediently. The female rider easily caught him. And when Francis wrapped her arms around her When he was at the waist, he suddenly stiffened.

He found a rifle hidden in the cloak behind the woman.

, were you the one who shot before? "

Francis couldn't help but ask.

But he didn't get any response. Feeling the awkward atmosphere, he hesitated for a while, and subconsciously said, "Are you Leonardo's friend?"

"Yes. Young man."

This time she said, "You can call me Phoenix.