To Four Thousand Years Later

v4 Chapter 77: Sforza Potential Development Academy

"Shinmong Rose Cross... Hearing this name, Aleister's face showed a serious expression.

After pondering for a long time, he nodded his head: "Okay, it's up to you, Your Majesty."

After a short silence, Aleister spoke again: "Since you are here, Your Majesty... why don't you give the school a name.

"If all goes well, it will be the beginning of psykers revealing themselves and changing the world.

"Of course it will go well." Leonardo said peacefully: "As for its name... the young man said this, and gently twisted his curly hair hanging by his ears behind him, and curled up even deeper in the chair.

He pondered for a while, then said: ... Sforza Potential Development Academy. Thanks to Duke Tearforza for your investment. To recruit those students who are eager to stand out or realize that there is something extraordinary in themselves, to develop their psionic abilities, and guide them to be good so that they can make full use of their psionic talents and give their lives for the rise of mankind. "

"We only recruit people who can be transformed. Leonardo raised his head and looked deeply at Aleister. He replied in a low voice: "As for ordinary people... your psychic power is to transform ordinary people into Psyker?

You said so.

Aleister touched his bald head, and replied in a low voice.

Sforza Institute of Potential Development... the name is not bad. Does your Majesty plan to open up and show the "spiritual energy" to the world? But that's good, it's more practical... What I thought before, "Just put this thing out of the bucket" thought, now I think it's really impulsive. Because of being irritated by the Order of the Rose, the element of venting grievances is greater. F wants to make some changes.

As expected of you. His Majesty. "

He couldn't help admiring again: "Your eye Leonardo looked at him peacefully, without saying a word "However, Master Leonardo.

Aleister couldn't help but asked: "I still don't understand. What's wrong with this world? I witnessed everything with my own eyes. People a few hundred years ago were not so greedy.

"If according to what you said, subjects under the rule of the king have their limits. Then many countries, such as the Frankish Republic, have overthrown the throne. But why don't their lives get better? It's just my opinion A puzzle, I don't want to refute you... But I don't understand, since the world has improved, why do people's lives worsen?"

Leonardo curled up in the rattan chair carelessly, raised his cane rhythmically, and said lightly: "Many progressives. They all advocate that if society is progressing, it seems that the world is from yesterday to night, and today is dawn.

"What they say, this is the greatest step for mankind, and the world will be different'. In fact, this may really change the life process and habits of all human beings. But it does not represent an improvement in individual lives , and painful things will no longer happen.

His voice is slow and rhythmic, like a teacher in class, and like a lover whispering: "1 The old era has the pain of the old era, and the new generation has the sorrow of the new generation. The world will always get better and better Yes, but people of all ages have to fight for this kind of change." Aleister subconsciously said: "Even without your guidance and without Wang Yi, nobles and wealthy businessmen would still be oppressing you. On the civilians. For them, nothing has changed, or even worse, Your Majesty. This is what I have seen with my own eyes." Hearing this, Leonardo's expression became serious: "But I I've seen more than you, Aleister. My life has been repeated many times and will be repeated many times.

"I've seen fire on the ground. I've seen the ocean stand tall

"I've seen gods fight each other and people kneel and panic.

"I have witnessed the most ordinary and powerless people gather to oppose their great law-maker. I have seen the whole city shouting if a name, I have seen the tyrant who killed the saint, and I have seen the red dragon descend. "I have seen the most Loyal courtiers kill the king, and cavaliers charge towards the firearms. I've seen people hate, rage, greed and rage...but I've also seen the kindest humans.

"I've seen assassins lay down their lives to end wars. I've seen people storm the Senate for justice. I've seen people who, betrayed by no one, even their own sons, sacrificed their lives for the advancement of medicine. king.

"I have seen the hand that crushed a mountain melt into the softest caress, the hatred and love of two peoples and two nations melt into nothingness.

"I fought with the gods, fed the dragon that destroyed the town, raised many wise kings, and gave the Pope a final confession...I have seen countless people from birth to death, and the language from birth Leonardo looked shocked and silent Aleister said word by word: "But I still dare not say, I understand human beings, I understand this world. I'm still just a normal guy. It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future.

"And what about you, Aleister. After living two lives, you understand this world?

His expression was calm and gentle, but there was a hint of mysterious authority in it.

Being reprimanded by Leonardo indifferently, Aleister felt that his anxious and excited mood gradually calmed down.

"You say so, Your Majesty."

He whispered more respectfully. After the contradictions of the governed are resolved, the secondary contradictions will become the primary contradictions.

"If what you expect is to solve a problem

…Unless the consciousness of all human beings is uploaded and the minds are synchronized. Leonardo added in his heart.

"You're saying... I understand

Aleister nodded sincerely. The wisest suffer the most. And if he is in front of Leonardo, he doesn't have to worry about this, because all the thinking and judgments that make him painful and struggling will be borne by the more intelligent Leonardo. Leonardo naturally realized this.

This is not good.

He was worried. The only difference between him and these people is that he sees farther and lives longer. Leonardo is more aware of the wisdom of the masses. Within a single flower, a world cannot bloom. But people will always rely on him, looking to his wisdom and judgment. It's impossible for Leonardo to really leave one...that would be the worst choice. The consciousness from the end discovered this world, and the depravity of the Political Guild made him realize what would happen if he completely returned the consciousness of freedom to people. I hope that the Psychic Academy, or rather, "Sforza Potential Development Academy", can surprise him. What he expected was not... he only hoped that after the sun went down, people could still see a starry sky when they looked up. That's all.

Leonardo sighed: "Take me to see your students, Aleister.