To Four Thousand Years Later

v4 Chapter 89: Horror Blockbuster of the Year

Hearing the news from the servant that Lord Baimon and Leonardo had come out of the room, Galeazzo hurriedly wrote the ending, blew on the paper, and took notes carefully. close. He brushed his hair a little, rubbed his right hand, which had become stiff from high-speed writing, and breathed a sigh of relief.

...It can be regarded as completing the homework.

Or, fortunately, he wasn't too lazy at the time. At least two-thirds of the writing was done before he started to touch it... Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to make it up now. He was obsessed with deer hunting at that time, and when Teacher Bai Meng left, it happened to be a good season for deer hunting. Galeazzo painstakingly read the material and wrote it for about a week. But in the end it was unbearable. Decided to put it on hold. When the season is right. Have a good time and come back to write again.

Of course, after that... there is no after. When he came back, he had already forgotten about his homework. Even if I occasionally think about writing later, I have long since lost motivation.

Who knew Baimon would come back suddenly!

Although there are still some problems in the content, it is still a bit rushed in the end. If only you could give me another quarter of an hour. But it should be able to deal with it now... Duke Galeazzo pretended to be nonchalant, and walked out of the study slowly. He rounds the corner. Then I saw Leonardo and Baimon waiting in the living room.

He quickly took two steps, and handed the book in his hand to Baimon.

"It's not very good... After all, it's been several years, and it took me a long time to dig it out," Galeazzo said in a low voice, "Teacher, take a look?

"No, I'll take it away.

Rong Yazuo replied in his characteristic cold voice: "I still have something to do here, so I won't stay any longer." Then teacher, please, I'll see you off. Galeazzo heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and quickly put on a smile on his face, and personally led Baimon to the door. Leonardo looked at his back and couldn't help sighing. Who made your teacher Baimon? You are making it up in front of his eyes. Rather, the reason why Baimeng proposed to do homework directly. I just want him to complete this part of the research. And when they were in the room before, it was Baimon who told Leonardo that Galeazzo had almost made up, and they only went out... It was to give him face. After all, the child is grown, and it is impossible for Baimeng to hang him up and beat him in front of so many people.

- He is not Yastaru. But after a while, Leonardo watched Galeazzo come back with a bitter face.

"The teacher assigned me a new homework. He said that it will be collected in a month. Galeazzo said with a sigh: "But I haven't read a book for a long time...

"Can't you eat inspiration?" Leonardo asked curiously: You should be very interested in learning. After all, you can always taste the taste of different authors.

"The taste of books is definitely the best for the first time." Galeazzo said affirmatively: "I do read books a lot. I've even read my archives, even several times. But that was a long time ago.

"I really don't want to read it again. For me, it's like turning out something I'm tired of eating and eating it. It's far more painful than reading a book for ordinary people.

You have read it several times, but still can't remember the content of the book? " Leonardo couldn't help asking.

heard the words. Galeazzo's eyes widened immediately: "Just read it a few could it be memorized?"

Before the words fell, he had already reacted.

The reason why Leonardo has such outstanding knowledge and ability is probably because his learning efficiency is very high. If only it takes a few flips of the book. If you can memorize all the knowledge you need to learn...

That's really enviable.

Seeing Galeazzo's suddenly enlightened expression, Leonardo probably understood what Galeazzo was thinking.

But he can also guess, Galeazzo is absolutely wrong, he has this level of memory. And now he. There is no need to turn it over at all. As long as you see some key passages, sudden inspiration can instantly integrate them.

certainly. There's no need to tell anyone else about this.

"I really envy people with such a good memory like you.

Galeazzo shook his head: "My mind seems to be empty, let alone recite it after reading it a few times. Even if I read it a dozen times in a row, I forget it as I read it.

"I just read the first two pages and then turned a page back. When I read the third page, I almost forgot about the first page... When the teacher gave me some tasks, I always looked them up.

"I always feel that your memory is not a problem anymore. Leonardo said seriously: "Actually, I think it should be at the level that ordinary people can have...

Galeazzo suddenly became angry: "There is no such ordinary person!"

The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

Of course Leonardo knew that his memory was quite outstanding. When he memorized words, he could memorize them as long as he read them once. When he was in school, he could memorize the contents of the new teaching in the textbooks before get out of class was over. Although he was born as a programmer, Leonardo has always felt that his liberal arts talent may not be bad—at least if his memory is as good as it is, it will not be so bad.

His stomach full of miscellaneous learning is also because of this. He has liked to read some miscellaneous books since a long time ago. It just so happens that his memory is relatively strong, so he can't forget it even if he wants to.

Zu, that's why his boss picked him back then. When Leonardo first met his boss, it was taking up odd jobs and cats writing programs at Starbucks. At that time, he saw this dark-skinned, tall and thin man who always had a bright smile on his face. And this man was bragging with other people in fluent Mandarin, and it happened to be something Leonardo knew.

Unable to hold back for a while, he put down the work in hand and started talking with the other party. What surprised him was that the other party actually attached to his topics about history, politics, society, economy, military affairs, mythology, and even miscellaneous things such as machinery manufacturing, soil engineering, high-tech, etc. The conversation was good, and the level was not inferior to him. So they became friends and exchanged business cards.

Only then did he know that the other party was the director of that well-known game production company. And the other party also became interested in him, and hired him to work as a product manager in their company—this is undoubtedly a very generous treatment, especially for a person who met for the first time.

So Leonardo accepted it shamelessly.

I don't know how many years have passed. Rubbing his forehead, Leonardo wiped away the long-lost nostalgia.

It is rare for him to meet people who have a happy chat with him. Maybe there will be some in the future, mainly because Galeazzo feels too kind to him. This kind of troubled and painful appearance due to bad memory looks like his classmates or colleagues. before each exam. You can see that they keep repeating Ma Dongmei's question. This fellow Galeazzo looked, no doubt, the same way.

And he wants even more painful meat like that. Leonardo sighed: "Then let me teach you. I still have some experience in teaching.

"But do you have time?"

"I've got to see that engineer you called. I haven't even seen a picture of a reversible rolling mill and a furnace. I'm dying to see a picture." He patted the table. Said angrily : "And I still have to take the difference engine... I can't leave for a while.

"Ah, that's good.

He just hesitated for a moment, and then he came up directly: "It just so happens that I have time too. Then let's start from the beginning." Then, "he paused, "Let's go straight to the books written by His Majesty. Especially "Mathematics and Physics", I don't quite understand most of it. The time the teacher lives here is too short. I even forgot the formula thoroughly.

Then you are really asking the right person.

Looking at the studious young duke, Leonardo shrugged and responded: "Okay.