To Four Thousand Years Later

v5 Chapter 15: induced attack

You wake up la la. Your place is mine. or you go.

Seeing the bewildered Doctor Norbert appearing at this coincidental moment, Forty-two subconsciously thought of a vixen trio.

But Forty-Two quickly suppressed his subcutaneous desire.

After all, these words do not match his current personality. Today's Forty-Two plays an innocent and harmless synthetic who has lost his memory and many common senses of life.

So he just replied flatly: "The boss plans to change my contract.

...? "

Dr. Norbert stretched out his prosthetic limb again in a daze, and scratched his head: "Why did I suddenly think of this process... Forget it, Mr. Chang! The results of Chang Qing's cloud computing have come out, and the target is basically locked!"

"Just say it straight. Jonson is still from Fujiwara?"

Chang Xi put his hand on the door and asked.

"As you might expect

Dr. Norbert shrugged: "Unfortunately, you still guessed wrong.

"Don't live in vain with me. You also know in your heart that it must be these two old boys who are so carefree, either one or the other. Chang Xi laughed: "At first I thought it was the grandson of Fujiwara, but Because Fuzi and the others broke his stock last time. He must have held a grudge. I have done business with him for more than 30 years, and I betrayed him. "

Holding a personal terminal that looked like a suitcase in his hand, Norbert sat down on the sofa, took out a cup and refilled himself with tea, as if he didn't treat himself as an outsider.

Boss Chang was delighted when he saw it: "You are quite self-conscious.

"Because I've done it.

Norbert said calmly.

"Then I introduced him to the boss, is there any merit?"

Norbert took a sip of tea, took a sip with a smile, and took another piece of persimmon cake to his mouth: "Good tea. It's a waste to drink it for Mr. Chang... Well, this thing is not bad.

"You can put it on and put it on.

Seeing him eating his own food indiscriminately, Boss Chang was not in a hurry, but just reminded: "It's already past five o'clock, it's time for breakfast."

Forty-two was slightly taken aback: "Aren't you guys sleeping?"

"I don't need it," Boss Chang said casually, pointing at Norbert, "It's already four o'clock in the morning after I finished your physical examination. Why sleep.

Norbert stuffed another mouthful of persimmons, and muttered vaguely: "This stuff is a bit too sweet... I mean, it's better to go to bed after breakfast.

"Don't you have to go to work?"

"He works the night shift, Bey. Don't listen to him talking in the vernacular. Dogs only work at night. Even if he is a straw dog, he has to come out at night to scare people."

Boss Chang sneered, "Don't listen to how diligent he is, it's not bad if he clocks in at five or six in the afternoon." Then...

"That's when he asked Captain Ping to take the car and caught up. Boss Chang waved his hand: "You guys go after breakfast in the morning. Today, Lao Ren is making breakfast. You take forty-two to go, and then remember to send forty-two Back in his dorm... Forget it. I'll drive you back. Then I went to the police station to settle down the synthetic man I rescued yesterday.

"I'll tell you straight, Norbert. Even if it's Jonson's this time, the Fujiwara dog will have to come again sooner or later.

"What if I spread the news?"

norbert asked

"No need, it's really unnecessary. You can hide from the first day of the junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day. No matter how much they hear, it's better to see it with your own eyes. Boss Chang stood there without moving, like a statue, with his mouth curled up. Said: "Let them come! When Forty Two beat them back, the grandson of Qunxiang would know the pain.

"So is there still a group of people in the future? Hearing this, Forty-two asked: Do I need to go to the other side to wait for defense?"

"It's almost dawn, so we don't need it now." Boss Chang shook his head and explained to Forty-two: Let me tell you, there is still a rule of secret passage in your business. That is, no matter how noisy you are, you have to wait until after dark for the employees to get off work before starting to make noise. This rule existed hundreds of years ago, and it is the same now if it is not a family member.

"These employees will follow you if they don't follow me. They take the blame

"If the other side is invaded during the day, it's not a matter of whether the project was saved in time and whether the data was damaged. Those programmers are thankful that they can go offline safely. This is directly the sin of dozens of innocent lives. Boss Chang shrugged his shoulders and said bluntly: "To put it bluntly, those psykers you show to the company's database, and those mercenaries who take money to do things, are basically black households. Most committed serious crimes and had to renounce their citizenship. In the struggle between the company and the company, they will pretend not to see how many black households who violated the heavy law died on which side, and how many things were lost on the other side... After all, in the eyes of the errands, we dog bite dog and die clean It's good to have it.

"But my employees are different. They are all clean people. They have no criminal records, and they are all excellent talents. They have complete tax records and family pedigrees. If something happens to them, it will be a big problem.

"In this day and age, if one or two employees die, a large company may not be able to survive. If a psychic attacks an ordinary person, it would be a serious crime—after all, it is not a life-and-death struggle between us. It's not necessary to stumbling each other. Kindness makes money. It's really unnecessary to make too much trouble.

Boss Chang explained to Forty-two in a low voice.

On the other side, Norbert lifted his prosthetic limb slightly, Xuexin stuck out a USB-like interface, and inserted it into the personal terminal that had just been turned on.

He opened the suitcase-like personal terminal, and a clear light curtain projected out.

"Honestly, I'd recommend going to the papers. Or report it to the police. Make up any excuse. They'll understand.

While operating, Dr. Norbert said casually: "I'm not afraid of things... just like you said, boss, I don't think it's necessary. Forty-two is still a novice now, and Fujiwara has the top three mercenaries in East Asia." , it would be bad if something happened to Forty.

, look at this.

As B said, he stretched out his hand and swiped the light curtain, and it made a half circle in the air, showing the front to Forty Two and Chang Xiyi.

Dr. Norbert pointed to the image on it: "The guy who gave them the list does look like someone from Fujiwara at first glance. I would have gone to Fujiwara as well. But the last time you asked the police station for surveillance, boss I secretly kept a copy here, and there happened to be that day in it...don't hit me later, look at the result first and then the see here—when this person goes out from here, it has already become another One person. I tracked down this person again and found out that he is the newly hired 'Special Security Advisor' by Johnson & Johnson

Having said that, Dr. Norbert shrugged: "You also know what this title is for.

"Well, I'm even going to give a copy to Forty-Two.

Anyway, that's it.

Norbert paused. Cleverly avoided that question: "Look, Jonsson wanted us to fight the Fujiwara family. If I hadn't secretly saved a copy of surveillance, we might have been fooled, so don't hit me, let me finish!

…In short, they even prepared a backhand. This backhand can only be discovered when the 'Xun Bone' is caught. The purpose is to make us think that it is the Fujiwara family who caused the trouble.

"So I have a reason to say. We shouldn't have a fight with the Fujiwara family now. Otherwise, we will fall into the old Jonson's trap. The best way. It is to find reporters to send news. Scared them away.

"But then the Jingsheng family will be on guard.

Boss Chang folded his hands on his chest and made an orderly mechanically synthesized voice: "You may not know, but you have arrived at the location of those mercenaries." Although it may be a bit offensive to say so, if you are free tomorrow night, you might as well take Captain Ruoping with you. And the forty-two method? "Boss Chang smiled: This is not from the Fujiwara family, right? Is it okay to deal with them?

...can be traced? "

Norbert blinked and looked at Forty-two in astonishment.

He knew better than Chang Xiyi what this meant.

After all, Chang Xi is not a psychic, and his understanding is not comprehensive enough. Can invade other people's consciousness, and leave them sitting... This is not because of the special ability of the ghost agent, but because the spiritual power of the ghost agent is at least two times higher than that of the usual "wild dogs" and "watchdogs". class. Only when the strength of the spiritual energy forms a crushing situation, it must be at least two levels higher, so that you can not be found to tamper with the opponent's consciousness.

But forty-two looks like he's only twelve or thirteen years old, right? At this age, the best psychic special L is probably still in school, right?

Or...has he lived a long, long time? Isn't he the result of some "mass-produced ghost agent" project, but the finished product of the "immortality" project?

"So, do you have any objections to my promotion and new appointments?" Boss Chang asked politely. Norbert was shocked immediately: "No, no opinion, no opinion" That's good. Boss Chang asserted: "Go and rest for a while, and you can go to the other side to get familiar with it when you are 40. Practice your hands more. Remember to ask Chang Qing to make you some weapons. I remember we also have a dog meat here.

"I use the rest.

Norbert snapped.

"Yes, my grandson uses leftovers.

Boss Chang picked up the tea bowl, took a sip and said with a smile: "You are wronged, use it first. Use 'Xun Bone' to make dog meat. I have to wait for you to get started, and I will find someone to make it for you, so as to save waste." I have ordered Chang Qing to arrange a dormitory for you. I have a room of 180 square meters, which is the standard of executives. Just downstairs from Norbert. Now the bionic housekeeping company is installing furniture for you to connect to the Internet, so you can use it when you go back after breakfast. But remember to go to bed early, you will set off at 4:30 in the afternoon. Boss Chang smiled gently: "Go beat their heads for me.