To Four Thousand Years Later

v5 Chapter 27: Chang Xi "One"

"I said sister, can we go?"

Chang Xi said to Dorothea with a bitter face: "If you count the time, then Mengchen will be here soon. "All right." Dorothy sighed lightly: "Then come again next time. Boss Chang was surprised. Dorothea glanced at him, and the face that was exactly the same as the female governor made him pause: "Since there is no If you find it, there will naturally be a next time. Don't even think about running away, you are an accomplice, and there is no good for you. "

Chang Xi scratched her iron skull. Distress almost came out of his electronically synthesized voice: "No way, can I find it for you?"

"I advise you not to inquire.

Dorothea said flatly: "If you know too much, I can only trigger the virus."

So, are you really looking for something dangerous? Dorothea turned her head and stared at Ruo Ruo, a man with only a chin, without any fluctuation in her tone: "Can you stop me?" Can you expose me? I don't think you can—you can't. You will not help me, you will only mess with me.

"So you better not ask too much. The less you know, the safer you are.

Of course, this statement is deceptive.

Dorothea added in her heart. Even the "gray hand" virus, I am afraid it can only control Chang Xiyi for a short period of time - that's why she didn't go to Chang Xiyi in the first place. When they straightened Guan Mengchen, they also investigated the relationships around her. And this guy named "Chang Xiyi" is undoubtedly the most troublesome of them.

As early as his undergraduate days, this person had already won three times for his school to participate in the world finals in the international college student programming competition, and won two places for him at that time, and he was also called Chang Xi. When he was studying at the master degree, many internationally renowned companies had already sent invitations to him. But he still decided to study for a Ph. D., so he rejected all invitations. And when he was in the second year of his Ph.D., his father, who was also his doctoral supervisor, died on the plane with his mother.

Realizing that this might be a conspiracy, Chang Xi gave up her doctorate, sold her property and went to Xingzhou. Long before Leonardo's era, the New Roman Kingdom swallowed the Buddha Kingdom, and then expanded its power. In the late Leonardo era, due to over-expansion and the intervention of neighboring countries from east, west, north, and east, the New Roman Kingdom was divided into three. Among them, the entire Malay Peninsula is the main body, and more than 60 small islands including the surrounding Singapore Island, St. John Island, and Turtle Island are independently formed as the "Singapore Federation". The borders are open to each other, and each island is independent and mutually connected. Then a kind of parliamentary relationship was formed, and an ethnic relationship mixed with Malays, Chinese, Indians, Thais, and Burmese was formed. Under the pressure of several big countries in the north, they trembled and dared not make a sound. A long time after that. Xingzhou's technology was in a relatively backward state until the establishment of the Earth Alliance, Xingzhou and the entire Indochina Peninsula were assigned to the Asian region. It has become the object of backward assistance and the front line of the battle against the Zerg.

A large number of Chinese entrepreneurs came to invest and set up factories, and at the same time sent troops to form a steel line of defense.

One of the main landing areas of the Zerg is the many tropical island groups with land or seabed volcanoes headed by Sulawesi. The location where the Zergs descend must be on land, and there must be power plants, volcanoes or submarine volcanoes near the location where the teleportation descends, or there will be an earthquake in a few days. This is the main rule of the Zergs descending. Because they need and can absorb energy from nature, Zerg not close to volcanoes are fragile and slow to evolve, while Zerg in volcanic areas are vigorous and prone to strange mutations.

After discovering this rule. The threat of the Zerg has been greatly reduced, and people are no longer worried that they will come to the downtown area, and even a small number of artificially raised Zerg can be used to predict earthquakes. It has also been found that Zerg and other Zerg seldom come to inhabited places. Instead, it often comes to sparsely populated places. Carry out the first evolutionary metamorphosis. This is not a cunning, cautious psychology. But there is usually no movement when the Zerg invades, so even if the camera covers the whole world, it is difficult to find where a new Zerg has appeared in the first place.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a surrounding "front line" around the general area where the Zerg may descend, and allow nearby residents to move out and impose martial law. There are no people living in a large area around Chengyan District, and the land can only be used in the form of automated farms and pastures. With the help of his friend Hua Lifu, Chang Xi obtained his first villa in Xingzhou and a sum of start-up funds. Relying on his patent in the international college student programming competition, he opened a "Chang's prosthetic body and neural plug-in design and manufacturing company" that sells bionic prosthetics and enhanced prosthetics. When I first came to the Jurong Industrial Zone, there were less than one-handed manufacturing companies of prosthetic bodies and neural plug-ins, large and small. Now it can become the most famous "prosthetic book" in Southeast Asia, which is still inseparable from Chang Xi twenty years ago. In the industry of prosthetics and neural plug-ins, Chang Xi has gradually achieved world-class standards. When he was thirty-six years old, he was even able to directly get a batch of orders from the Xingzhou Military Defense Department with his own skills. After the news spread, many neural plug-in companies around the world also opened branches here.

Until six years ago, he was suddenly shot in the head by a mentally ill gunman. Although the person who was arrested has been searched through memory, it is confirmed that it is not. These days, people's memory is nothing but plasticine, which is not trustworthy.

The pig knew that it must have been done by his peers. Relying on the good relationship obtained with the military order before, Chang Xi got the chance to resurrect with the "white box". But at best, it can only be said that there is a copy of Chang Xiyi's memory and he knows it himself. This proud man refuses to be resurrected as Chang Xi.

He sawed off his skull and took out his brain, and transformed his body into a half-mechanical, half-biological creature. At the same time, he changed his voice into a five-humble synthetic sound that reminds people of machinery. In a sense, He "killed" himself. And this is the last product he made as "Chang's prosthetic body and neural plug-in design and manufacturing company".

After that, there is only one cool security company "Chang's Security Company" left in Jurong Industrial Area.

After that, he met Guan Mengchen, who was not yet the governor, at a ball. Surprisingly, after losing the "face" and "voice" that Chang Xi used to be proud of, he has become more attractive in the industry of prosthetics and neural plug-ins. Chang Xiyi is now considered to be the top group in the world. In a sense, he opened this security company out of anger. What he is really good at is not the design and manufacture of prosthetics and neural plug-ins.

The "gray hand" virus is just a nerve virus with a threat level of 02. It is difficult for ordinary people to get rid of it without a key, but Dorothea has no doubt that as long as Chang Xi is given time, he will sooner or later. There is no plan to let Chang Xiyi survive.

The "grey hand" virus itself is not fatal, but it will cause people to lose all memory within three days of receiving the signal, and then immediately self-destruct and disintegrate. She believed that Chang Xiyi sat on the sofa without saying a word before, trying to analyze the external code of this virus.

But, the way to kill people is not only neuroviruses.