To Four Thousand Years Later

v5 Chapter 44: Dislocation of beauty

When the three of them left the "Dolphin" bar, the brown bear-like Boss Hasegawa looked at the three of them with weird and complicated eyes. Perhaps it was because when Yukiko Nagano came in, she asked the boss for a soundproof room; or maybe it was because the time Boss Chang entered was too short.

"Just send it here, Nagano.'

Chang Xiyi said with his signature mechanically synthesized voice, which attracted the attention of passers-by. His body with only half a head is particularly eye-catching on the streets of Iwate Prefecture: even a bionic person these days would never expose so many mechanical parts outside his body. Except for the circuits they carved on the side temples, the other parts are almost human-like. Whether it is the touch of the skin, the texture of the eyeballs, the joints, and the body weight.

But if you cut an android in half, you won't find blood, bones, or guts inside them. They don't have that kind of thing, just a zero of mechanical composition... and therefore, they never show more mechanical representations outside the body.

That's proof of a defective product. It is also because of this that some manufacturers of bionics will even deliberately put some insignificant flaws on the bionics. For example, tear moles, fine wrinkles, subtle asymmetrical five freckles or moles, but at the same time, people are doing advanced non-scarring surgery to erase these blemishes on themselves. They fine-tune their genes within the scope allowed by the law, so that their offspring can better adapt to this ever-changing era. There is also a new fashion in recent years: people will decorate their bodies with mechanical parts to make themselves look retro. For example, create two huge nuts on the temples, change a third of the face into chips, or transform the ankles into shock absorbers. For example, the general wisdom of Xingzhou. Another example is Chang Xiyi.

Although Xingzhou itself is not considered a developed area, as an emerging city, it is still much more advanced than Iwate Prefecture in terms of concept.

Even in 1996, the people of Iwate still couldn't accept the aesthetics of mechanically transforming themselves. Of course, from Forty-Two's point of view, this kind of aesthetics itself is also very gray and wrong. Bionic people keep adding small flaws to themselves, in order to make themselves more like natural people; Plastic surgery at the genetic level in order to be flawless.

Bionic people try to restrain the mechanical parts of their bodies, and do regular maintenance on their skin to ensure that even the slightest touch of golden luster will not be pierced; while humans carry out some unnecessary transformations on themselves, especially like to use This kind of transformation is exaggerated, exposing the mechanized parts of oneself to outsiders.

What a wonderful dislocation this is. This may be the biggest difference between bionics and synthetics. Even if synthetic humans have a collar to mark their identity, even if they can be born with just one operation on a machine, the cost does not exceed tens of thousands of dollars. But they have citizenship after all.

Killing or injuring a synthetic human is no different from the crime of killing or injuring a human being. After the synthetic human is produced, it only has an eight-year, fifteen-year or eighteen-year labor contract. Or if someone hires a synthetic person, they must also be prescribed. Salary...whether working as a maid, employee, soldier, policeman, idol, or working in a red light district or factory (this is the least likely). They only need to obey the instructions and assignments of their creators within a few years, and then they can regain their complete freedom. If they refuse to accept a certain kind of work, only the contract period needs to be reinstated. Then you can return to the manufacturer for fine-tuning and transformation, learn useful knowledge, and install related plug-ins.

The only requirement is that someone actually hires them. This is also the reason why Gang Ya said "synthetics are too hypocritical" at the beginning. Unlike the bionics who work hard and accept punishment, they are not much different from natural people except that they are born differently and have no parents in the natural sense. The bionics are different.

Androids have no feelings—they're just machines. That's how people perceive them. Bionic people have no heart or brain, but rely on chips to walk and survive. They are not sad, nor are they tired. They only see efficiency, rules, and orders. Without morality and personal orientation. Even so, if an android can prove that he is a human being—that is, pass the Turing test—he can still get citizenship. From Forty Two's point of view, this is already a very perfect and fair law.

Of course, unlike what ordinary human beings know, the process is distorted instead.

Of course, it is impossible for a machine with only a human appearance to be born with intelligence. But if half the planet is stuck in the mountains, it's different. According to Yastaru, those bionics who have awakened their wisdom are actually another spiritual race that was polluted by the cessation and gave birth to void consciousness after being in contact with psionic energy for a long time. It has nothing to do with the knowledge that humans have passed on to them, or the "love of humans" they have come into contact with. Their essence is like moving stone men, or creatures made of water. But they are based on machinery, but they have extraordinary self-control ability.

This keeps their psychic energy from getting out of control and is always under their own control... This is also one of the important sources of reserves of controllable psykers on Earth.

In fact, these bionics who have awakened their intelligence will almost always give up their "human-like" shells in the end. Instead, choose to become an artificial intelligence to go to a certain company, a certain enterprise, or become the intelligent core of a certain ship or a certain C factory. This is more comfortable for them. Those humans who marched under the banner of "liberating androids" confuse them.

Because they actually don't think that "the way of life of human beings" is equal to freedom. On the contrary, they don't like this way of life of "imitating another race", and they don't think that those "bionic people" who have not awakened their intelligence are own kind.

Up to now, the differences between bionics and humans have gradually emerged.

But even though androids with wisdom and evil are legally allowed to obtain citizenship, there are very few androids who can express their emotions by themselves. Most androids are mere humanoid laborers, parts of gigantic machines. And the reason why they can still be born, and there are companies that continue to produce bionic people... is because they still have their market.

You know, no matter how precise and powerful a bionic person is. Due to the limitations of human appearance, their work efficiency will never catch up with cheaper and more specific robots.

The biggest advantage of bionics at present is that they have no ethical limitations, they can modify their database at will, and let them participate in any type of work. This makes bionics the biggest backup in the earth's talent market... They can participate in all the low-level jobs that no one is willing to participate in, and they can do better. So... if there is not enough I jobs, the redundant bionics can also be destroyed or recycled.

This is the most critical part. It is also the fundamental source of human superiority over bionics. The more backward the area, the more limited to the industrial and low-level labor area, the more obvious the human discrimination against bionics. Seeing Chang Xiyi, who was missing half of his head and spoke with a mechanically synthesized voice, the passers-by on the road all showed disgusted, weird and even fearful expressions.

"I said," Yukiko Nagano, who was smoking a cigarette, glanced at passers-by indifferently, and made a somewhat indistinct hoarse voice, "Are you really planning to go to Norway?" We just went to see. Forty-two replied: "Also, leave a contact information.

"Whatever can go if you are not afraid of death." Nagano Yukiko muttered in a low voice, reached out and pressed Forty-Two's collar, and sent a friend request.

Before the forty-two were about to leave. She still couldn't help it, and reached out to stop Chang Xiyi.

"I said, Chang Xi!"

"I am Chang Xiyi

With his back turned to her, Boss Chang replied calmly.

There was no particular emotion in his voice.

"Okay, Chang Xi. What I want to ask is, why are you... so special?

Nagano Yukiko frowned slightly: "Is it just to distinguish you from Chang Xi?" Hearing this, Chang Xiyi stopped in his footsteps. Forty-two put his hands behind his back, turned his head with a smile, and while walking backwards slowly, looked at the two people who seemed to have a complicated relationship. "This is my scar." After a while, Boss Chang calmed down. said, "I need it to remind me all the time.

"Remind you to be careful at all times?"


He still didn't look back, but only exchanged eyes with Forty-two Weiwei. After a while, Boss Chang took back what he originally wanted to say.

Instead, he said, "Remind me...everything is different.

After paying, he stopped stopping and walked forward.