To Four Thousand Years Later

v5 Chapter 5: ghost agent

Dr. Norbert gasped, his brain seemed to be soaked in a thin cooling liquid, not so much surprise. It's more like fear.

How is this going? Forty-two should not know his personal identification code. He also didn't use a data cable to connect to his neural interface. So, how did this friend request be submitted? And, what is the situation of this garbled code?

Generally speaking, the last four digits of the PIN should be displayed, but why does this child only have two digits? Dr. Norbert suddenly had a dangerous guess in his mind: Could it be that the child's memory was a ghost agent before it was formatted?

Some young people today may not know it, but eighty years ago, there was a war that swept the world. At that time, the federal government had not yet been established, and the Zerg had not yet invaded the earth. The scale of the war was not large, and the total number of dead in the end did not exceed one. By.

It was a rebellion from the psionic world.

With the awakening of psionic people more and more. The spiritual world and the superficial world gradually began to become inseparable.

Young people are proud and proud of their abilities, but they are dissatisfied with the fact that they still have to obey the laws and morals of the superficial world, and also obey the internal discipline and code of conduct of large organizations such as the Holy Eldest Sons Association and the Shinzong Rosary Cross in the spiritual world .

The fuse of the incident is very ridiculous. It comes from the loss of control of the ability of a female psyker named "Annie". She has little academic control over her abilities, but encounters thieves on the bus in an accident that ends up killing three people. Although Anne had no intention of killing, she had caused serious consequences after all, so she was sentenced to fifty years in prison. This incident was spread on the Internet, but it was brought into the rhythm by some young psykers who feared that the world would not be chaotic: they thought that if there were no thieves in the first place, if the thieves did not carry guns. These three would not have died—so the crime should have been the thief's, or even the lawman's, the legislator's. And the reason for punishing the righteous man is because those who have no psychic power, or those with weak psychic power are jealous of the genius psychic.

But according to the police, Miss Anne has no power to enforce the law after all, so she should be responsible for causing more damage because of her reckless behavior. And she should know that she has quite dangerous psychic powers, so she shouldn't shoot in the first place, and she shouldn't even take the bus. In other words, she herself is a huge flammable object. But this is understood by young people as a form of discrimination. Unfortunately, these schizophrenia patients have the ability to act with real value.

As a result, young people from all over the world united to form the vigilante "Fire Guardians", and punished the "outlaws" everywhere according to their concept of justice, so as to prove that it is the law that begins, and their righteous deeds are true. won the approval of passers-by. But later, with the Yang power struggle within the "Fire Guardians", and some people who really harbored malicious intentions towards psykers deliberately led them to act more radically. They have been suppressed by those in power and are ready to resist. at this time. The Anglican Church intervened. They attempted to mediate, but the group of teenagers were unwilling to give up their revenge, and the mediator was poisoned and killed by a leader of the Flame Wardens.

This group of children didn't understand the saying that "the two armies are fighting without killing each other", and they all acted willfully. So the Anglican Church also got angry and ordered the Fire Keeper to be labeled as an illegal association.

All of a sudden, the fire guardians were hunted down by two worlds at the same time. They go crazy. They began hijacking the TV station to express revenge, or attacked the police station, and the conflict between the psychic and the former became more and more intense all of a sudden.

The climax of the incident was the unfortunate death of a diplomat from Fark. A group of more conservative fire keepers believe that this diplomat is behind the scenes of inducing hatred. He decided to secretly think that everything was over, but another group of more radical fire guardians were unwilling to stop. Worst of all, the diplomat is proven innocent—and they've been duped again. Realizing that they were being calculated from the beginning to the end, some fire guardians finally gave up resistance and did it without a fight; but others, together with those anti-social psykers who are dissatisfied with this world, as for those who have awakened psychics The criminal, renamed "Fire Extinguisher", begins Gostil's attack on Cut Order. After confirming that the other party has committed an unforgivable crime, the brothers will go out along the nest. Forty-two elite assassins killed all the rebels within three months. While the incident wasn't technically too disruptive, it served as a wake-up call for governments.

Later, the Zerg invaded. The Earth Federation Government is ready to be established.

A scientist named Dan Talin invented the "Raymond Gayton" system. By implanting a chip in the back of the neck and connecting it to the nervous system, humans can control smart homes through ideas, communicate with each other, or browse information on the Internet. . This great invention sparked a revolution in production. The younger you are, the lower the risk of undergoing transformation. If you undergo neurosurgery before puberty, you can achieve a 100% success rate, while if you undergo transformation for the elderly, you may be paralyzed. then. After the federal government came into being, the government decided to give all newborns a free makeover. And create PINs for all citizens, all of a sudden. Industries such as logistics, communications, finance, and credit reporting have entered a new era.

At the same time, the government also implanted a psionic suppressor on the chip—people can still awaken psionics, and psychics can still speed up their studies and work. But psionic energy will no longer bring special energy to human beings, because the psionic energy produced by human beings at the end of communication will be absorbed and released by the chip. It is like turning a bowl into a funnel, and there will always be no energy left The spiritual power that causes qualitative changes. Of course, for ordinary people, this is a better result.

Just like a holy king, long-term accumulation of psionic energy in the body without use will cause slow and lasting damage to the body; and with the advent of modern society. Most of the aggressive and destructive psychic abilities cannot be exercised, but people are almost engaged in mental work, which will allow their psychic abilities to grow slowly.

In the end, it will lead to a tragedy like the "Anne case".

But restricting the psionic abilities of ordinary people can keep everyone safe to a certain extent. And after the pressure is released, the body can continuously optimize the human brain and nerves through the flowing psionic energy for a long time—just like the ancient psionic users who often use psionic energy. And just by data decoding and appropriate transformation. Just let some good and reliable people become "ghost agents". certainly. Not for them to kill.

The psychic suppressors in the back of their brains can instead become a restraining body, allowing them to safely enter the online world as spirit bodies—even if they are killed, they can be recalled in time.

So they can monitor major companies and keep them out of the constraints of the law; monitor battlefields in various places and dispatch soldiers at the first time; and walk through cameras in various places to hunt down wanted people. Because ordinary people cannot accumulate spiritual energy, it is impossible to condense spiritual body. They can only enter the local area network, or enter the network normally like using a personal terminal network. That's why they are called "Ghost Agents". When you are chatting with your friends, maybe there will be a person who looks like a Quling passing by. And you didn't realize it? Could it be that Forty-Two was a ghost agent before losing his memory? Dr. Norbert felt that his expression was a little stiff.

Hey, this is big trouble. I said, is it too late to throw him away now?