To Four Thousand Years Later

v6 Chapter 1: fair

People two centuries ago would not have understood. What a painful experience it is to be resurrected from the dead. Gradually regaining his own consciousness from nothingness, drifting in confusion on the sea of ​​darkness like a dream. Just like the feeling of nothingness when the hands and feet are cut off, the feeling that the whole body is not connected makes people feel uncomfortable and want to vomit. But they couldn't even contact the organs that could vomit and nausea. It wasn't until their spirits broke through that ray of light that their consciousness naturally rose up. As the sound of breaking the ice continued to sound, a large number of cracks appeared on the top of the frozen coffin.

A hand poked out from inside. Crush the thin ice surface. The ice surface melted quickly the moment it was shattered.

"Cough cough cough.

Carl struggled and choked. One hand was grasping in the air indiscriminately. It wasn't until he accurately grasped the edge that he dragged his weak body slowly out of the pool. Immediately after that, a wet head poked out with difficulty from the platform, and then slowly moved half of the upper body out. This consciousness turns into a platform, like a coffin, and like a bathtub. Inside is a body that was also customized during his lifetime. His face was covered with solidified, transparent jelly-like jelly. Carl coughed and stroked his face. Wei Wei opened her eyes a line, feeling the faint light. The jelly on the face and mouth quickly dried up and dissipated as the consciousness became clear, and the breathing gradually became smoother. At the same time it also prevents theft of the body - unless the correct psionic waveform enters the body. This gel blocks breathing all the time. Suspension puts the body into hibernation. Like all new humans, this body has no hair, its pupils are of a crystal-like light color, and a spar protrudes from its forehead. As Karl entered this body, the crystal on his forehead was gradually dyed with emerald green light. A faint golden light shone from his eyes. A cold female voice sounded next to his ear: "Your superior conveyed orders to me. Take back your last unuploaded information. Otherwise, you may be disobeying orders during war, concealing military information, falsely passing military orders, and fleeing during battle." He was sentenced to a maximum of 130 years in prison for other crimes.

Appearing beside him was a phantom of a woman.

Wei wears a pure white sheep's head mask on his face, and wears a multi-layered white robe that looks heavy but is thin and light. Under the agitation of her psychic energy, the robe billowed outward like a sea of ​​clouds, and the mask rolled over her head blocked the spar, only the golden halo in her eyes was as bright as thunder. can reclaim my memory.

Carl took a deep breath, and said slowly and intermittently in a low voice: "I can't provide you with anything else.

...Okay, take it easy. Qiu said calmly.

She reached out to caress the spar on Karl's forehead.

The moment before her slender white fingers touched the spar. The fingers of her right hand turned from illusion to reality. And after she came into contact with the spar. The spar on Carl's head was infused with a golden radiance. This is the "keystone" that everyone uses to prove their identity in this era. It is made of psionic crystals. It can amplify and stabilize everyone's psionic energy and prevent the psionic energy from getting out of control.

And it only needs to touch psionic energy. A complex image will appear outward. It's like a crystal shining with a brilliance that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. And the intensity, frequency, and pattern of this light are everyone's ID card. With special equipment, one can read out the psionic energy waveform unique to each person. It can also be used for personal positioning - just like the communication numbers of the old days, as long as the waveforms of both parties are matched. Mind synchronization regardless of distance can be achieved.

In other words, in this era, there should be no "poor communication".

All information in the theater should be compressed and transmitted instantly. At the last moment before they die, they should package and upload all the theater information, and let the artificial intelligence calculate the best response method, and then the psyker who synchronizes with the artificial intelligence will transmit the order to the front line in real time. Soldiers, explorers, and expatriate scientific researchers are allowed to obtain custom bodies for free indefinitely, just because they have such an obligation. Their memory is the most precious common treasure of the Golden People.

One hundred and sixty years ago, the "Minimum Connection Time Act" stipulated that people do not need to maintain a state of mind connection all the time. After all, although this will have a recovery effect on spiritual energy, it can also continuously strengthen people to achieve a perfect mutual understanding with others. It has been one of the spiritual goals that people have been pursuing since ancient times. People need friends, and above friends, they need bosom friends, and above bosom friends, there are bosom friends. But even a bosom friend, it is impossible to perfectly understand you and tolerate you, but it is different in the state of soul link. In the first few decades of the two thousand years, the world gradually tilted towards unmanned. The Zerg was defeated, and a large number of projects were unmanned and handed over to the supervision of bionics. People don't have to work, or have fewer people working, and the rest can be supported.

until 2050. The giant tower of mind is built. Although it is named "Tower", it is actually an extremely vast floating city. It can even be seen clearly from the moon.

If "server" is understood as a "storage mechanism for player characters", then the Tower of Mind is the storage mechanism for human will. It can transfer human will in real time and without loss, unlike the memory box, which only exports memory data.

This means that humans have achieved true immortality5.

Their will is no longer bound by the body. Even if you die, you can be arranged to be reborn. With the end of life. Almost all of them have gradually changed into synthetic human bodies. Human beings who have used the memory box technology earlier and whose will has been damaged can also upload their will. But more of them have transformed themselves into artificial intelligence. So there are only two kinds of inhabitants on the earth.

. New Man" and "Companion".

After death, new human beings will first return their will to the "tower. Then, according to their own designation or the arrangement of the regional federal government, they will be handed over to the consciousness transfer centers in various places. They will be resurrected on the consciousness transfer platform and their partners will be The most trustworthy partner of human beings, the digital life accompanying human beings—transformed by human beings or artificial intelligence, or spiritual life hatched and born from the sea of ​​spiritual energy.

They also have human gestures. There is a gesture of God. There are gestures of animals and gestures of plants. It can even be a ball, a book, or a megaphone. Each has its own options. This is their freedom. Just as human beings also have the freedom to enjoy the individual soul. But freedom has always been limited.

If they wish, the new human beings can not be connected to the ocean of mind throughout their lives. Do not share their wisdom and thinking with others, and do not share their research results with all mankind. Even so, they can enjoy a rich material life without hunger, thirst, illness, or homelessness. Likewise - they will not enjoy the chance of resurrection after death. Unable to put one's will into another body. To feel yourself growing old and frail...with no escape from it—it's only fair.

Fairness above liberty.