To Four Thousand Years Later

v6 Chapter 26: greatest sacrifice

By now, Gabriel finally fully understood the nature of this task. The responsibility she shoulders is not as simple as just clarifying the truth and finding out those hermits hiding in Moon City. And the harm of the hermit is not just as simple as destroying the most holy and good z way. Their mere existence is a negation of the new era and a questioning of Zheng Fu. Unlike previous generations.

Those Zheng Fu who used to support the previous life in the past became stubborn and rebellious in the end. The gods, priests, kings and nobles who were behind the times have all been dealt with by Zheng Fu one by one.

Every time he returns to the human world, his primary mission is to correct the deviations that occurred in this world when he was not in this world. This time was no exception. However, it was only now that Zheng Fu finally understood why the "established miracle" of the previous system or dusk would allow him to skip hundreds of years and directly descend into an unfamiliar future.

If he has been alive, then with his huge influence at the end of the mission, his words and deeds can easily change an era. In other words, no one in the world can disobey him. Since the aggressiveness comes from him, how can he realize whether he has deviated from his original intention? How can he calm down and destroy the empire he created with his own hands? To what extent must it be destroyed to ensure the complete eradication of this thought? It's like a parent who is not willing to be cruel to his children. If he sees with his own eyes, or even personally promotes the development of those old-age forces into what he is now, even if he finds mistakes and if he skips the middle development process , directly to the end, I am afraid that the first reaction is "how did wdn/md become like this" or "You bastards, you have wasted the great rivers and mountains that I have laid down for you". There will be a little heartache.

But it's different now. Relationships are almost inseparable from the crime of "comparison". Just like those old elders in the past, a few years ago, they were still persuading their children not to spend too much time in school. It is best to enter I at a young age to find a permanent job and a working age. Those who have advanced studies have become big shots. Was their previous decision wrong? Not. At their time, in terms of their values ​​and perceptions, what they said were all "correct" experiences. But correct does not mean advanced. Times change too fast.

No one can always accurately predict the direction of the tide of the times, not even Zheng Fu. In an instant, the beauty of the past has become backward, and what was once belittled and despised has become the mainstream of society at some point.

Hermits are the same as those gods, priests, kings, nobles, and capitalists in the past. They want to go back to the past times. The only difference is that they will become what they are now, with a trace of responsibility from Zheng Fu. That's all.

The birth of the hermit just proved the mistakes made by these moon dwellers. And the best Zheng Fu can do is to stop doing anything about it, so as not to soften these criminals of the old era. The crimes they committed should be witnessed, judged, and executed by the human beings of the new era. And Zheng Fu, because of his lofty status in the world. If he intervenes in this matter, it means that people may be scruples about his existence and show mercy to them from time to time. But this does not mean that the contradiction has been eliminated, but suppressed. And with that gentleman's noble character, he didn't want these problems to appear, but eliminated them at the beginning.

"Don't think too much, little girl."

Just when Gabriel was thinking about it and started to have a dull headache, she suddenly heard a sigh.

Then, a somewhat dissatisfied voice with some local accents rang in Gabriel's ear: "Where do you get so much attention?

"Excuse me... who are you?" Gabriel asked hesitantly, startled by the voice that came from nowhere.

And soon she located the direction where the voice came from. The coffee cup chuckled: "I'm coffee... just kidding. You can call me Chang Xi, Your Excellency Zheng Fu and I can be regarded as half old friends. The little brother beside you can prove."

As Chang Xi's voice sounded, a smiling face appeared on the side of the coffee cup in Gabriel's hand. Afterwards, a tile above her head moved aside, revealing a water gun with a handle used to scour the floor. Yes, if you encounter any sudden crisis and have regular memory backup... it's okay if you can't live forever. Could it be that if you can change your body, no one will want to die?

"Be optimistic. At least when you want to die, it's not as convenient as us, right? Delete your memory backup, send yourself a format, and simply ascend to heaven. It's so cool. If you want to live, you don't have to worry about falling into the War, not getting sick, not even... We have lived for hundreds of years, and there is no right to ask us to continue living.

"We are all old, son. Those who live on the moon are at least over a hundred years old. Most of us are reasonable and know how to advance and retreat. You don't have to worry about our affection, say To tell you the truth, it's not because of the old love that can do such a bad thing, who can have a greater relationship with Zheng Fu?"

"Your life is indeed better than ours. Even after death, you can enter the Central District forever. But this is not the reason why some of us chatted out a few **** and came out to cause trouble for everyone. You can't justify this truth-your own Live a good life with no illness, no disasters, and go out to harm others because you are jealous of their better life, what kind of **** can think of this?" Chang Xi scolded curtly: "Be obedient, child. If it weren't for Zheng Fu...not being easy to deal with, he would have taken action to deal with these **** a long time ago. You should catch and catch them, and you should be punished. People should be punished if they do something wrong. You are not guilty if you are poor? Where does this kind of reasoning come from? I have lived for almost a hundred years, and I have never heard of such a shit."

"If you ask me, the group of people who caused troubles were full of food. Sending them to a thousand years ago, they can survive. The little **** have never seen a hard life, and now they can live so well. There are not many, if they lived on the earth, they would have been arrested and convicted, and being able to hide on the moon is thanks to His Excellency Zheng Fu, and they are still not satisfied." Chang Xi kept mumbling, very dissatisfied. Just by listening to it, Gabriel could imagine a man in his fifties or sixties sitting on a bench and complaining loudly. In fact, Abaddon also knew that Chang Xi didn't say a word.

Those hermits never thought about one thing.

Ankle said that memory being digitized and unable to be reincarnated means doomed misfortune.

He had already transformed himself into an artificial intelligence before the Tower of Mind was built. His position is the same as those hermits, he has lost the ability to reincarnate. And this originally belonged to him.

In other words, Zheng Fu exchanged his own reincarnation ability for all human beings to have the ability to reincarnate.

This is the greatest sacrifice. He exchanged his countless lives for the infinite continuation of civilization. He is busy saving the world every day, just like the past four thousand years.

But now he is in trouble.

Who can come and save him?

Abaddon sighed silently.