To Win Over That Son-in-law Protagonist

Chapter 73: 073 I know what I am doing

Before Wei Xuan suffered a lot of losses in Xifeng, he was still obsessed with it. He suffered a bit in Xifeng and spent some thought on operating it, but he didn't take advantage of it. According to Wei Xuan's idea that he would lose if he didn't take advantage, he felt that he didn't make a profit that time.

The reason why I didn't make a profit was not because of the more red fish. Wei Xuan was not upset, he was a little bit demon. In this life, if he can't squeeze a handful of redfish wool and gain the upper hand, he will not be willing to die.

However, even if the situation in Hezhou is critical now and he is acting proactively, Yue Hongyu has no intention of cooperating with him.

In fact, the people who recited the Shanhui are also human beings, and not everyone is as highly vigilant as the more red fish.

When thinking about it this way, Wei Xuan's whole person also looked sweet.

"Why should the Immortal Yuejian be so wary of me? No matter how I am, I am still loyal to the court and will never stand by the side of the rebels."

After all, he was just cunning, at least he didn't jump repeatedly.

Just like Lan Yue'e can find a good job after leaving the Red Flower Guard, there are many people who are willing to ask Wei Xuan, the rider. If you think about it here, Wei Xuan really has a loyal tone.

"What's more, when we were together in Xifeng before, wouldn't it be considered cooperation?"

The more red fish pondered: "That's not naturally counted, it's regarded as using you and calling you."

If it's an ordinary person, I'm afraid I can't handle this wave, but Wei Xuan resisted it, and he still smiled.

Yue Hongyu rarely praised a few words: "Your craftsmanship in baking potatoes is still good. It's just that we have strict disciplines in the Shanhui Association, and I can't really let people wait for me."

In the face of this wave of ridicule, Wei Xuan fought lightly: "It's fine if you like it."

I also wanted to mention the matter of Mozhong City to awaken Yue Hongyu's affection, but now Wei Xuan feels a bit off topic.

Since the topic was already off, Wei Xuan pulled the topic back.

Wei Xuan: "An Zei is weak and avoids the battle, and wants to vote for another high branch. We must not let him be satisfied. Nan'an Wang is suspicious, even if we don't pick, he also knows that Ye Ningshuang has been to Jinzhou, and he must have been more to An Xue. Beware."

We are Honghuawei's general speaking skills to increase the sense of intimacy. Wei Xuan put out a wave of falsehoods before, and he continued to do it again, seeing that he was going to repeat his tricks.

Xue Ran has taken a dog, and Wei Xuan is ready to design An Xuecai as the next victim.

Ye Ningshuang spoke well to An Xuecai and An Xuecai didn't listen, and Wei Xuan was about to force An Xuecai to be loyal to the country and fight the traitors together.

A person is not staunch and can't help his own temperament, An Xuecai is self-willed.

"Furthermore, there are many of Nan'an Wang Xinna's subordinates, and some of them are not based on his name. Jinzhou rich, naturally there will be some people who are ambitious and don't know their own weight. Nan'an may not be able to restrain, but even If you want to restrict it, I'm afraid it can't be restricted."

Wei Xuan talked freely. When he talked about his profession, he suddenly noticed that his eyes were bright and a little bit above his head. His cheeks are slightly red, and his eyes are gleaming.

Yue Hongyu put his finger on his lips and hissed softly: "That's your business, it has nothing to do with me."

Wei Xuan closed his heart, with a friendly smile on his cheeks, but he was angrily in his heart. Who is that?

In any case, it will be good for you to read kindness.

He said that he wanted to cooperate with Nian Shan Hui, but he didn't really expect Yue Hongyu to listen to his instructions. One person takes one step and thinks three steps. Wei Xuan's current wave of today just wanted to get a good impression, and see if he can use it in the future.

Just like he used to go deep into Xifeng, digging for Mu Congyun's handle, it was stored for later use.

However, in the process of giving it away for nothing, the more red fish did not give any face, and refused to accept it at all.

Stingy like this, not plucking at all.

The Nianshan Association is obviously a rogue style, otherwise the sword fairy in the Association would not be like the more red fish.

Wei Xuan was so forced inside, but he didn't dare to say it.

It is obviously an extremely difficult task to attack Yue Red Fish, and even the head of the Red Flower Guard is blocked everywhere.

However, even if he returned without success today, Wei Xuan still couldn't tear his face apart, and got up with Yue Hongyu.

He is a person without a personal temper, and rarely does any external expression of his happiness or anger.

Therefore, it is also a rare thing to be stimulated by Xue Ran by an honest person inadvertently.

Wei Xuan said goodbye, he took a few steps, his cheeks gradually became hesitant.

He sighed and turned around: "Yue Jianxian, you don't want to pay attention to these things, and I understand it. But if you don't care about things, you don't care about anything. In recent days, you have too much control."

Yue Hongyu stunned Dry Huashan with a sword, rescued Tang Jiaoer, and exterminated the white-faced ghost in Xifeng. Recently, he refused to allow Nan'an King to injure Hezhou women and children. Even the fact that she drove Mu Congyun to death is not necessarily an eternal secret, and there is a faint sound of wind.

"You are brilliant in swordsmanship, and the heads of the people in the world are the fruits of your sword. What about a person with high power? With you martial venerables, I am afraid that their lives will not be safe. Who is not afraid of death? The higher the status of a person, Nature cherishes life more. Isn’t it good to be aloof like you used to be like a wild crane? Now that you are involved in too many things, who would believe that you ignore mundane affairs. Then this way, you are too scary."

If a person is too scary, that person's situation will become dangerous.

"Then Mu Congyun is dead, some people will say, you want to cut off the other martial arts in the world, from now on the world is invincible, kill whoever you want to kill. This is not my word, there are so many smart people in the world, I can't bear it. You also have a lot of people. For example, our predecessor, Lan Yue'e, wouldn't you think of this?"

After all, the more red fish manages too many things, then she breaks the balance of the world, which is actually not a good thing for her.

Wei Xuan knew that the more red fish was not really just well-developed limbs, and people's minds were not simple.

It's just that Yue Hongyu is such a smart person, why should he do these unwise things, not really indulge in martial arts, and ignore such worldly affairs?

She really didn't understand, she broke the unspoken rules between the martial arts of the world.

If the martial lords of this world really become presumptuous, today you kill the leader on my side, and I will kill the leader on your side tomorrow, then what's going on?

The truth in this world is the way of balance. Once broken, it will attract backlash from cause and effect.

Wei Xuan's slightly cool eyes carried a strange feeling, and there was a trace of anxiousness, staring at Yue Hongyu like this.

His words are indeed very reasonable, and the more red fish cannot say that he was wrong. After all these truths, Yue Hongyu still understands in his heart.

However, Yue Hongyu clearly knows these ways of balance, and she still does so, and naturally has her reasons.

Of course, Yue Hongyu couldn't help but smile.

She probably also knew what Wei Xuan looked like when he was working. Wei Xuan throws this kind of worried doggy eyes on his boss, and he will definitely make the boss feel that he is full of emotions, and he will feel that he has extraordinary affection for himself. No wonder this rider is very favored and trusted by His Majesty.

Wei Xuan's truth is right does not mean that emotions are true.

Of course, the more red fish also knows what they are doing?

Yue Hongyu: "This is not something you should worry about."

She categorically said: "I know what I am doing."