Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v10 Chapter 10: Imprisoning the Creator

Gu Mo'er didn't talk, she had a new understanding of her teammates.

How big is the gap between half-step epic and epic? One is the pinnacle of mankind, and the other is the realm of true gods. Half-step epic and epic have no chance of winning! Escape from the hands of the epic elementary level is something that can be bragged for a lifetime!

But what they discussed was not the half-step gap between epic and epic. It is a half-step between detachment and detachment! Although the difference between the two is only a few words, there is a difference in strength.

If the half-step epic leapfrog challenge the epic can be called a peerless genius, then the half-step transcendence challenge transcendence...It seems like the discordant paragraph in the forum, and it will make people laugh and generous.

Gu Mo'er had just read the surface files of these teammates, and they were all half-step detached.

But they randomly commented on the powerhouses who transcended the ranks at will, which... seemed a little unbelievable.

Are they really emboldened, or are they crazy?

Obviously, none of the strong who can get to this point in the main **** space will make fun of their lives.

They...must have hidden treasures.

Or... At the end of the black universe is suppressed its strength?

The stronger the stronger, the better he can understand the rules of the main **** space. Mengxin who first entered the main **** space thinks it is a happy paradise where there is no order, but as his strength increases, the invisible shackles of the main **** space will Seal you to death.

Gu Mo'er couldn't guess how confident his teammates were and dared to confront the superpowers head-on.

"How?" Void Silver Wing asked again.

"I have located the coordinates. It is estimated that the two battles will not last too long. If we continue to drag on..."

"Cough cough." Holding a keel staff, Wodji Djemo made a short fist with his right hand, put it on his mouth and coughed twice, and said: "I don't think we can act rashly, who knows the endless fragile timeline here. In the end, how many detached powers will be born."

After speaking, everyone looked at Gu Mo'er again, and Gu Mo'er shook his head blankly, indicating that he did not know the world outside the main timeline of the main universe.

"Someone has retreated." Void Silver Wing spoke again, and found that the detached powerhouse who had summoned the sun, moon and stars had made a few ruthless words before slipping away.


The man who was directly contending with the detached boss slashed with a sword, and the pale sword light seemed to divide the world in half!

The fragile time and space was easily chopped into chaos, and instantly hit the Void Silver Wing through the space!

I saw the outline of the Void Silver Wing twisted into a ball, and all the power of time and space around it poured inward, and it was not long before the Void Silver Wing returned to its original form.

Everyone squinted their eyes.

The hard-to-resist and transcendence powerhouses survive a single blow, and it seems that they have not suffered any physical harm... This Void Silver Wing's defense method is terrifying!

The sword just now, I'm afraid it would be easy enough to kill the solar system. Even if it is consumed by the power of time and space, it cannot be taken by an ordinary newcomer to detachment, let alone a surface file that is a half-step detachment.

Although Vodji Djemo's short eyes were muddy, his pupils and whites were particularly distinct.

As the eyeballs turned, the nerves connected to the red flesh were exposed, and every cell contained a huge amount of necromantic power.


Void Yinyi shook his head, and said, "Impossible."

This time, the handsome Jian Mei Xing with a 41-meter long sword spoke for the first time: "His sword is terrifying, and it is suspected to be a weapon of surpassing the pinnacle."

"The pinnacle of detachment?"

Everyone recalled the long sword that slashed out the stars.

The long sword has no primitive meaning. It is printed with mountains and plants on one side, and flying fish and beasts on the other...

Wodji Djemo’s short smile was even brighter, “So let’s get back the transcendent who slipped away first. How about inquiring about the news?”

"I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money."

"In the early days of detachment, I believe you all have secret treasures in your hands?"

After discussing for a while, the Void Silver Wing cleared the way, and the five half-step detached reincarnations chased in the direction where fate had slipped away.

In the passage of time and space, Gu Mo'er introduced the information she knew to his teammates: "...If there is no wrong guess, he should be'destiny', an existence that has been contending with the ancient gods."

"Destiny? Humph! This name is really annoying. If I catch him, I must punch him!" Hua Fei, who was full of tendons, said such words, seemingly credible.

But Void Silver Wing's focus is not on this.

"Ancient gods? Can you elaborate on it?"

"What I don't know is too clear. From my previous memory, they are just a group of epic-level little guys." Gu Mo'er replied.

"Don't underestimate the enemy." Wodji Djemodan still has the same tone that has remained unchanged for thousands of years: "God knows what will happen to you in the past few years, thinking about me..."

Gu Mo'er found that the two men, Wodji Djemo Short and Sword, were completely two extremes, one was particularly talkable, and the other was very silent.

On the way, just listening to Wodeji, a necromantic **** of the Continent of Gods, brag about his past, he almost told everyone what color underwear he was wearing today!

"Okay, we're almost there. We will imprison each other with the Star Technique in a while?" Void Silver Wing asked.

"Just to my liking."


Void Silver Wing stretched out his hand, and the black hole in front of him suddenly spread for hundreds of miles. The space was entangled with turbulence and other debris, raging back and forth in the storm, biting the edge of the fragmented time and space.

"Destiny" was immediately stunned.

This is his world! Not long after he was promoted to Transcendence, when he was about to display his great cause, he was beaten by another Transcendence!

Now that it’s hard to come back, why have you been beaten to your doorstep?

"Void! Could you break the barrier of time and space! Sword, you come to act as an eye! Concubine Hua and Gu Mo'er, please rely on you for the suppression!"

Everyone nodded, and Wodji Zemo's short distribution was extremely reasonable, and they had no objection.

The whole person of Void Silver Wing turned into silver thread, and gradually weaved it into a big hand, which contained a strong time and space power, constantly squeezing the barrier created by fate.


The sour voice sounded, the transparent barrier that could directly see the outer starry sky was crushed by the big silver hand! It was as if the glass was about to be broken, white flowers.

Just as Destiny was about to take a shot, Gu Moer tacitly teleported Concubine Hua to Destiny.

Hua Fei, the devil-muscular man, has a physical body compared to the detached and strong. The dragon-shaped tattoos manifested on both arms turned into two golden dragons entwined with each other, and each blow produced the sound of broken dragons. .

The emperor flames in Gu Mo'er's hand gathered into a colorful endless spear. In the instant of fighting between the two, every blow can bring a burning effect to fate.

The fragile time and space burned into embers, the space barrier was overwhelmed, and it turned into light and disappeared in a crisp sound.

Wodji Djemo yelled shortly:

"Take advantage of it now!"


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