Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v11 Chapter 31: Sleeping mad 3

Before, a high-ranking **** of war in Luofeng district played him, and now there is an inspection envoy of the Xtreme Martial Arts Center...The little girl is so young and arrogant. Thinking of what he has experienced before, Congressman Fall’s lungs are all About to explode!

The flames on her body fluctuated violently, and the girl who hung high in the air only moved her pupils a little, and it seemed that he didn't pay attention to this old congressman at all!

Especially the other party is still carrying his hands! Representative Fall inhaled again and again, reminding himself that the other party was in the extreme martial arts gym. If it is not easy to explain...

"Congressman Fall, now this Kirishima is owned by our Xtreme Martial Arts Gym, please go back." Kuangsan said lightly.

"Member Gu, we discovered the spirits of plants and trees first." Senator Farr said in a gloomy tone.

"I discovered it first!" Luo Feng interjected, facing the flaming Representative Farr, "You can ask them to come out and confront me!"

Senator Fall's face sank, but fortunately, his whole body was wrapped in the talent of fire, and he looked like a fire man from the outside.

"Congressman Fall, please, in my opinion, your current behavior is completely provoking our Xtreme Martial Arts Gym."

"Huh! Little baby who doesn't know the order of etiquette, I have to teach you a lesson for the first speaker today!"

Kuang San was unmoved, "Luo Feng, go down and stare at the three of them."

"Yes, Mr. Gu." Luo Feng bowed and didn't even glance at Mr. Er. He stepped directly on the shield and used his mental power to fly towards the magical demon, Li Yao and others not far away.

Senator Fall's face became gloomy and more terrifying, and the flames on his body rose sharply.

"A genius is arrogant. It is only a matter of time before a genius who has not been tempered and beaten. I will take care of..."

"Hit if you want, what do you bad old man find so many excuses for?" Kuangsan frowned.

Representative Farr was not speaking, and the whole person turned into a flame streamer and rushed towards Kuang San!

"Actually." The girl raised her little hand slightly, and a golden flame suddenly appeared from her palm, and it seemed to have the power to affect the space while it was slowly burning!

"For so many years, you are the first person to dare to play with fire with me."

Senator Fall was disdainful, but after seeing the golden flame, his face couldn't help but twitch.

He actually felt a dangerous aura on a little guy who had just taken the position of a member of the God of War!

Kuang San waved his right arm, and the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan spewed out, as if he was letting go for the first time, the golden flames stretched for dozens of miles!

The phantom demon, who was driving Luo Feng away from below, stopped, and looked at the flames that seemed to have encroached on the entire sky in horror.

Seeing the scene where Senator Farr was swallowed, the magical demon immediately shouted to Luo Feng behind him in broken Chinese:

"Luo...Luo Feng, these are all the spirits of plants and trees on my body."

Luo Feng smiled, and took the backpack handed over by the Magic Demon.

Phantom is also smiling, but the smile is very stiff.

"Then...I'll leave first."

Luo Feng nodded.

The magic demon was ruthless and said, "Li Yao ran over there!"

Luo Feng, who had obtained the Spirit of Grass and Trees, narrowed his eyes, did not say a word, and turned into a stream of light to continue chasing Li Yao.

Phantom Demon glanced at Kuang San floating high in the air again with fear, and quickly rushed into the jungle, hiding his figure.

In the air, Kuang San would naturally not treat Senator Farr as a Senator from the God of War. If he killed the opponent, it would still cause a series of subsequent reactions.

Quite a lot...

The moment Golden Flame touched Senator Farr, the innate law understood by the promotion star, the flame was like a little white rabbit encountering a tiger, no matter how shivering, it couldn't avoid the fate of being swallowed up!

Senator Farr, who hadn't even had time to wailing, turned black in front of his eyes.

Farr, whose whole body was burnt to carbon black, fell directly into the jungle from high altitude.

"Boom!" A small hole came out with a sound.

Suddenly, Xiao Honghou's voice rang in his mind.

"Master, Luo Feng didn't run into the ruins of Babata at all, and Babata didn't give up much thought. Since we told the Venerable that he would come some time later, his enthusiasm for choosing disciples on earth has dropped to a minimum."

"I know, it will be a while."


Kuang San connected to Luo Feng again.

"Luo Feng, have you resolved it over there?"

"It was run away by Li Yao!"

"Do you need me to do it?"

"...Thank you, no. Mr. Gu, I will return now."

"Alright, you put Senator Farr on the fighter plane to prevent him from being eaten by some monsters."

"it is good!"

Crazy cut off the communication, and could only pretend to go to Kirishima to fish a lot of the spirits of plants and trees, and draw out the magic cloud vine thrown by Babata to finish.


At this time, Kuang San was sitting in the reception room of the master "Hong" in the world headquarters of Xtreme Martial Arts Center.

Hong raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Are you sure you want to change the prehistoric smart fighter?"


Hong stepped forward and took a look, thinking that his price was wrong.

King class smart fighter: 2 stars

Universe-class smart fighter: 15 stars

Prehistoric intelligent fighter: 60 stars

Hong again glanced at the balance of Kuangsan: 72.3 stars

"The Qiankun-class smart fighter is also equipped with high-power laser cannons, which can kill king-class birds, and it only needs 15 stars and is of high quality and low price. Almost all the inspectors of our Xtreme Martial Arts Center are equipped with this configuration." Hong Haosheng advised: " The star points you save are likely to give you a big step forward."

Kuangsan said weirdly: "The owner, there is still such a thing in business? Isn't it said that the only one of the original intelligent fighters is yours?"

Hong coughed, and suddenly realized that the other party was just a little girl who hadn't grown up yet, so he didn't insist on insisting.

In the end, he earned it anyway.

Kuang San didn't care about the trash left in Hong's place. When she returned to the Original Universe, she could leak something from the Chaos City Lord, which would be N+1 dimensions better than Hong's "babies".

"All right, the prehistoric-class intelligent fighter will be sent to the elite training camp for you in a few days." Hong helplessly said: "What else do you want to choose?"


On September 1, Kuang San was still asleep.

The students in the elite training camp returned from the trial land of Australia one after another. Everyone knew about Luo Feng's sudden disappearance.

Yesterday, Renates officially graduated from the elite training camp. As his direct teacher, Kuangsan inevitably attended the banquet, and the riots did not stop until midnight.

The kid Renates also confessed to the madness under the dual effect of everyone's encouragement and alcohol...

"Dingling bell~Dingling bell~"

A slender white hand stretched out from the bed and slapped off the alarm clock. Since the consciousness stayed in the clone of emperor blood, Kuang San had a soft spot for sleeping late.

Seeing that the alarm clock couldn't wake up his owner, Xiao Hong had to play in person.

"Master, today is Luo Feng's day to take over as the Supervisory Envoy of the Jiangnan Base City Extreme Martial Arts Center. He sent you an invitation a long time ago."

Kuangsan sat up from the bed with long hair and shawl. His eyes were confused. Only the three dull hairs on his head that were unwilling to be lonely danced gracefully in the wind.



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