Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v11 Chapter 63: Rescue Private Luo Feng (4k)

(The rest of the content is in the "Author's Words" and will be changed to the main text after 24 hours)

Since billions of times, since their birth, I have never seen such an angry father. Even Xiaoqi and Xiaoba, who have always been naughty, were silent, and didn't dare to make any changes.

The world tree **** body is huge, and the tree canopy alone reaches an astonishing one billion kilometers. But the universe is fair. With such a huge divine body, the world tree is destined to be extremely difficult to move. Unless it can become the strongest in the universe and separate from the original universe, there will be no such restrictions.

Far away from Tree Island, Welling has been in a state of excitement ever since Kuangsan got the branches of the Venerable World Tree.

The world tree that ranks first among the plant-type special life in the primitive universe! But it's stronger than that snow vine, I don't know how many times! If you can comprehend something from the branches of the World Tree, you will definitely be able to make it into the Universe Venerable!

Welling is extremely confident about this.

The branch of the world tree is placed in the world ring, and the Kuang San who completed the goal is teleporting crazily. The entire Jiuyou time and space is too huge, she needs to teleport to the nearest natural wormhole to leave the mysterious realm of ancestors.

This is the territory of the Lord of the Nine Nethers, Kuang San wanted to leave long ago, and he was uncomfortable staying here.

Below, is the endless ocean.

That is the body of the Lord of Jiuyou! The Lord of Jiuyou knows everything that happened in Jiuyou Time and Space, and Kuangsan couldn't guess that person's thoughts...


The loud and bizarre sound penetrated through the divine power, and went straight into Kuangsan's mind, causing Kuangsan's tinnitus for a short period of time.

The sky and the sea have all turned blood red!

Kuang San made a "thump" in his heart, knowing that he couldn't escape, the Lord of Nine Nethers would still make a move.

Kuang San was quite jealous of the Lord of Nine Nethers, but this one had the record of killing the Lord of the same universe. Not to mention that she is still in other people's nest, and the endless divine power ocean light can make Kuang San fall.


The surrounding space is condensed into substance, which is a normal phenomenon after the Lord of the universe controls time.

The blood-red sky gradually formed an outrageously large face-like outline.

Kuangsan bowed slightly to show respect: "Lord of the Nine Nethers."

"You are not a member of the Ancestral God Sect, and you don't even have an Ancestral God token. You still dare to be so arrogant when you sneak into my Jiuyou Time and Space. Since billions of years, you have been the only one."

"Thank you for the praise of the Lord of Jiuyou."

"Praise?" The blood-red outline showed a big smile and laughed loudly. "Interesting human beings, aren't you afraid that I will let you fall in this sea of ​​Nine Serenities?"

"If the Lord of Nine Nethers wants to do it, he won't spend so much time talking to me."

The blood-colored sky suddenly disappeared, and the control that bound time and space was also completely gone. In the endless secluded sea below, a million-kilometer-high, middle-aged man-like giant rose.

The coercion was stronger than before with the scarlet outline and big face.

"You seem very confident?"

"The Lord of the Nine Nethers is joking." Kuang San lowered his eyelids, and she answered a question from the other party. If it is not necessary, she still doesn't want to fight against it in the lair of the Lord of the Nine Nethers.

"Humanity, I have never seen you. A genius who has recently emerged among humans in the last billion era?" Before Kuang San answered, the Lord of Jiuyou continued: "Since I am a smuggler, then I am a patriarch who is qualified. Kill you."

"I can see your general strength, which can prevent the World Tree from using time and space control, and then get a branch to escape from it. Even some top cosmic overlords can't do it." The Lord of Nine Yous paused, not knowing. What are you thinking:

"Fleeing from my clone, the world tree and smuggling have all been exposed. If you can't escape..."

"Wei Wei understands."

"Hua lily, right? Get ready to take the move."

The next second, Time and Space Blockade again raised to Kuang San.

Seeing the human being drew out a short spear and fired two shots at his head at extremely rapid speed, the Lord of the Nine Nethers did not fluctuate. He also knows roughly the skill of the secret pattern on the treasure, and he has also seen the opponent use it when snatching the branches of the world tree, so he won't be too surprised.

The time and space control of the Nine Nether Lords is several levels higher than that of the World Tree.

The Five Bullets, which can foresee the future for a short time, completely lose their effect in front of such a strong man.

While using the bullet of one to accelerate, a bullet of seven containing hundreds of millions of years passed through the void, hitting the control of the time and space cast by the Lord of Nine Nethers.

This goal, time stands still!

The speed of the pupil of the golden clock in Kuangsan's left eye has reached an extremely alarming level.

With a heart move, Ke Kedi hiding in the void instantly transformed into a mad emperor! Even Welling twisted into a silver-white military uniform.

The Lord of Nine Nethers was slightly surprised, thinking about changing the color of his shirt during the battle? Or... is that the function of the treasure itself?

The energy excited by the silver short spear hit its owner's temple again.

Kuang San began to burn his supernatural power.

The water bottle bomb that can continuously regenerate keeps the burning power above 98%.

"Cancer Sword!"

Kuangsan's beautiful eyes condensed, this sword does not use secret methods, but simply cuts off time and space by relying on the characteristics of the "Cancer Sword"!



The Lord of Jiuyou was completely aroused by Kuangsan's interest, and that human being could escape the control of space, which surprised him very much.

This is Jiuyou Time and Space! Even the master of the universe who possesses the domain treasures, dare not compete with him for the control of time and space here!

"The treasure is kind of interesting."

In the sight of the Lord of the Nine Nethers, that human being had turned into a light spot and was about to disappear. The million-kilometer divine body identity fell into the endless secluded sea, and after a short time, a million-kilometer divine body clone was formed over the sea in front of Kuangsan.

Exploring the hand, the secret method is used.

Kuang San shrank rapidly, and his body hugged each other.

Beautiful eyes closed tightly, linking time and space.

This move is an evolutionary version of the law of space shock.

The ultimate secret method of the master of the universe!


The surrounding time and space were immediately shattered, and the space fragments in the interlayer contained the laws of space that Kuangsan had understood. A silver sphere with a diameter of less than one meter completely wrapped Kuangsan.

The one-meter-diameter sphere, in contrast to the one-million-kilometer-high avatar of the Lord of the Nine Serenities, is like microbes and elephants.


The Lord of Jiuyou suddenly noticed the strangeness. The things in the interlayer around him seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction. Even the divine kingdom space of some immortal gods was torn into pieces, and they fell one by one!

Inside the silver sphere, Kuangsan’s insights about the space chapter of the cosmic chaos monument burst out, and the space debris deep in the interlayer of space was attracted and compressed into the ultra-small sphere with a diameter of only one meter.

The space debris that was originally hundreds of millions of kilometers long was compressed into the size of a blade! The law of space contained in it is so harsh that it makes the overlord of the universe fearful!

Approaching unconsciously, those tiny silver blades pieced together in the position of the shoulder blades of Kuangsan's back, growing continuously.

Kuang San, who had wrapped his arms around his knees, stretched out slowly, and opened his arms.

The silver sphere with a diameter of one meter swelled one billion kilometers in an instant!

The time and space controlled by the Lord of Nine Nethers was shattered in an instant! The silver shards pierced through the secret method used by the Lord of the Nine Nethers, and then crazily pierced into the avatar of the million-kilometer **** of the Lord of the Nine Nethers!

There is no sound, there is silence, only a billion-diameter sphere is performing incomparably crazy beauty!

Each piece of the space fragments compressed to the extreme has a law attack, frantically annihilating the divine body of the Lord of the Nine Nethers. Taking advantage of the madness, the mad three slipped away.

She didn't show the Emperor Keke or the Crazy Emperor, so that the Lord of the Nine Nethers could be killed in a flash, the avatar of the gods who had no treasure.

But that is completely unnecessary. This is the nest of the Lord of the Nine Nethers, a million-kilometer divine body clone? Not even a dime.

Why not hurry up while the Lord of Jiuyou is stunned and it's time to slip out of Jiuyou time and space? If the Lord of Jiuyou think that it is the Lord of the universe who broke into the time and space of Jiuyou, it would really be two different things.

Not long after Kuang San left, the silver sphere gradually dissipated, and the power of the surrounding laws gradually mended the area where various space fragments fluttered.

The million-kilometer-high divine body clone of the Lord of the Nine Nethers is extremely weak.

"Annihilate 85% of the divine body of my clone?" The Lord of Jiuyou shook his head, his eyes flashing like electricity. He knew clearly that it was the other party who saved him face, or else he would use the secret technique to instantly kill this one while he was not paying attention. Divine body clones are possible.

"The human beings are also smart, and don't want to be evil with me."

The Lord of the Nine Nethers remembered the crazy scene that was like the law of the origin of space personally raging and violent. The avatar of the divine body was shocked and turned into a huge wave and disappeared into the endless secluded sea below.


Ancestor mysterious outside, Kuang San got on the white shuttle heavy treasure and shuttled into the dark universe. The little guy Welling was very anxious. After seeing that it was not in danger, he said to Kuangsan and ran to the kingdom of God to study the branches of the World Tree.

Kuangsan roamed the universe aimlessly on the "White Shuttle".

No matter where you are in the original universe, you can connect to the virtual universe, and Kuangsan is happy to be outside alone.

Although she has always been alone.

She was still some distance away from Breaking Through the Universe Venerable. Taking advantage of her current effort, Kuang San stopped her bloodline condensing and began to meticulously study the secret method.

Whether it is a bullet or a water bottle bullet, they can all be said to be their own talent secrets. These secret method Kuangsan need not study more profound, as long as the realm is up, the power they cause will naturally increase.

Most of the secret methods studied by Kuangsan are how to assist in the use of the various skills granted by Emperor Keji and Kuangdi.

The secret method created according to the space shock is similar to Luo Feng's "I am the Universe", but the space debris can focus on attacking a single target, and it can kill on a large scale, which is stronger than the micro universe.

From the perspective of artistic conception, there is no doubt that the microcosm is strong, but in terms of single attack, the microcosm is not necessarily comparable to the evolutionary version of the "space shock".

Less than a few decades after retreating, City Lord Chaos sent her a message.

Kuangsan glanced, and his consciousness entered the virtual universe.

"Chaos, what do you want me to do?"

Kuangsan sat aside, drinking a good tea made from Pinghai Company.

The Chaos City Lord said solemnly: "Did you fight with the Lord of the Nine Nethers in the Mysterious Ancestral Realm?"

"Yeah." Kuangsan nodded, "I went to Jiuyou Time and Space Tree Island to find the World Tree for its roots, and then I discussed with the Lord of Jiuyou... I found that I couldn't beat him, so I just Ran off."

Chaos City Lord couldn't laugh or cry about his "Master" From the information he received, it was obvious that the Lord of Nine Nethers suffered a dark loss, but "Master" told how pitiful he was. .....

The two talked for a long time, and saw Kuang San disappear from him, and the Lord of Chaos City fell into contemplation.

His "Master" has incredible talents whether it is comprehension ability or other aspects.

This era hasn't even arrived, and he has grown from a small world lord to the point where he can fight against the lord of Jiuyou! No one would believe this kind of thing!

Even the peerless geniuses, such as Kedi and Eclipse Fire, appeared in the past billions of times, in front of the "Master", they are like fluorescent contrast to the bright moon.

Let’s not talk about where the strange treasures of Master Master came from, how did the realm of the single realm master live from the place where the original universe was born to the present?

"Master" possessed the power of the Lord of the Universe in a very short time. Although he was surprised, he could accept it. After all, it was the great figure who led human beings to rise from the end in the ancient times and taught the original ancestors.

But... can the world master really live so long? This violates the operation of the rules of the universe! Even if he asks the teacher's original ancestor, the original ancestor does not say, only that there is a big secret and a big horror. It is best not to participate in his strength.

He has a Tier 5 top combat power in the universe, and the Chaos City Lord admits that he is still very weak, but the founder of the Great Axe should always be qualified, right?

The original ancestor still did not say.

What makes Chaos City Lord even more inexplicable is that the "precursor of the Chaos Stele" left by the "Master" in the extremely ancient era still exists. Even if he is aware of his existence, he sometimes gains a little insight, but this is it. A great "Master", could actually comprehend the cosmic chaos monument he created? Let him help construct the ultimate secret method?


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