Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v2 Chapter 114: What's up with her?

Li Jiayu completely denied her plan. Although it was correct to admire him, this incident also made Ran Hongxia very unconvinced.

There are only nine days left, not for exercise? How can you support Yongcheng during the Great Escape?

However, Li Jiayu's method is more ruthless than her! The training intensity is stronger than her! But no one is sorrowful, everyone is stimulated to hemorrhagic!

This scene made Ran Hongxia stunned, and she couldn't imagine that Li Jiayu, whose EQ was so low that he was horribly low, had such a skill in teaching people!

All aspects of the school are operating, and large quantities of beetles are manufactured. All kinds of inheritors related to logistics were taught by Li Jiayu one by one.

What is most important in the last days? Strength! But also to ensure logistics, especially for a large team, material security is the material pillar of this team!

The squad led by the Awakened did not disperse. The leader led the training. In the end, they all learned Li Jiayu's training method. What about the crazy three?

No one saw her, but simply greeted her and rushed out of the school, which made the people in her team sigh.

The fifth team is led by Li Jiayu, a "big beauty". They are full of motivation no matter how they look, but they are not bad! If Kuang San can be here, they will definitely be able to come up with 200% motivation!

Only I can see her every night, but the unintentional blood on her clothes tells everyone what Kuang San is doing!

Hunting bugs? Or the corpse on the other side of the city? !

Thinking of this, I have seen the person infected by the corpse poison, and his face is a bit ugly. The impact of that thing is sometimes even more terrifying than the worm cannibal!

Humanoid races are eating people! Eat them raw! A glance at the worm brain soup in their hands, the white fluttering brain flowers on it... reminds them of the child's brain!

One was unstable, the stomach kept surging, ran out and vomited out, and the people watching were inexplicable. This is not the first time to eat this worm brain soup. Isn't it the first time I have used it so much?

On the fourth night, Kuangsan's face was pale, and her off-white shirt had already been replaced. Li Jiayu discovered her abnormality in the next instant!

He frowned deeply, drank the soup in the bowl, wiped his mouth at random, and walked in front of Kuangsan.

Kuang San didn't call Black Meow today. He sat on a wooden board, and just wanted to eat something, his front became dim, and he raised his head with some doubts, just to meet Li Jiayu's sight!

Half of the pretty face was pale, even the original ruddy lips, there was no blood at this time, the burgundy eyes did not have the smile that had been hanging in the past, and there was a trace of fatigue in the depths, and it still did not escape Li Jiayu's eyes.

"Follow me." Before Kuang San could react, Li Jiayu pulled her wrist and walked out.

But in the hall, the pot is exploding!

Dian Hongxia, who was sitting with platycodon, shook her hand in the soup deliberately or unconsciously, and the faint worm's eye candle light showed her upper body on the surface of the soup in a dark shadow.

"What happened to them?"

Kikyo also felt the atmosphere dull, and asked Ran Hongxia.

The porcelain bowl was gently placed on the ground, and a circle of ripples splashed on it, the cherry-colored little mouth sighed, and finally sighed.

"Oh~" His eyes looked at the platycodon beside him, his eyes met, and soon, his red eyelids drooped, and his eyes looked at the soup on the marble floor.

"Don't you think... Kuangsan, is she alienating us intentionally or unintentionally? I don't know what's going on... I don't know why she did it."

Kikyo was silent for a while, and said: "She was injured. With her strength, there should be no monsters in Xijiang City that can threaten her at this time."

After a pause, he said, "Her body... is not enough to support her in high-intensity combat."

"Why?" Ran Hongxia was puzzled, her pupils dilated, and she suddenly looked at Kikyo, "Everyone is desperate, but she should have a great chance of fleeing to Yongcheng! Why should she do such meaningless things? ?"

Before Kikyo could answer, she turned her head, her little head shook slightly, and her long, supple black hair swayed beside her, just like fine pure black silk.

"I don't believe that Kuangsan has not gained the inheritance, and her strength cannot be improved in a day. Her fighting instinct is more terrifying than Li Jiayu! Why did she do this?"

"Help the south of the city solve the corpse?"

When this sentence was said, not only did Kikyo not believe it, but even Dian Hongxia felt that he was crazy!

"Is there any reason why I can't help myself." Kikyo said. She guards the village and fights against demons and monsters. This is responsibility and belief. As a witch, she can only fight forever.

Until the next generation of witches grow up, or...she died in battle.

She has been like this since she was a child, and she, who has survived in the world of Flurry Dance, knows far more about this aspect than Ran Hongxia.

Ran Hongxia is not making a sound, she feels that she is a bit overwhelmed, but she can remember all the movements of Kuangsan in her mind. It was clear that she was fine before. Why has it suddenly changed in the past few days?

According to the original, Kuang San's temperament was like her black cat, very lazy, and would never make a move if he could.

The phrase "Quiet as if the virgin moves like a rabbit" is just right to describe Kuangsan.

But now I go hunting every day, what else is there except those corpses in the south of the city? Killed so She was injured with her strength... One can imagine what powerful creature she encountered!

Ran Hongxia doesn't have much confidence in herself, Kuangsan is more powerful than Li Jiayu, and Li Jiayu is strong enough to stabilize her, even Kuangsan is like this...

Of course, now is not the time to care about this. Why did Kuangsan become like this is the first point. Is it really like what Kikyo said, what is unspeakable involuntary?

Suddenly stood up and stunned one of the bellflowers, "What are you doing?"

Turning his head to look at Kikyo, those eyes were full of seriousness, "Go to Kuangsan."

"I will go with you."


At the corner of the stairs, Li Jiayu frowned and looked at Kuangsan. Just when he wanted to speak, he was interrupted by Keren.

There was a symbolic smile on his pale face, but it was not as charming as before, on the contrary it looked even more poignant.

In the usual tone, "Do you want to eat a group again? But today..."

"Kuang San!" A low voice made her a little dazed. She had never met anyone who spoke to her in such a tone.

While she was stunned, Li Jiayu put her hands directly on the shoulders covered by her sweater, exerting a slight force, and the softness came out of her palms and rippled in her heart.

But Li Jiayu didn't care about it at this time, her sword eyebrows were almost squeezed together, and asked the girl in front of him: "What's the matter with you?"


The stunning girl showed only half of her pretty face, her smile stiffened, and the corners of her mouth slowly dropped, her head lowered slightly, her long bangs drooped down, making her face difficult to see.

Li Jiayu took a deep breath, her nose filled with deodorant that radiated into the air, forcing her brain to calm down.

As soon as the palm of his hand left his shoulder, Kuang San Ying's lips moved slightly, "It..."