Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v2 Chapter 142: Magic Torrent

That is an extreme stream of light!

It was the weak bugs that first came into contact with it, and they were instantly wiped out into ice **** and disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

The blue-eyed giant ant panicked and didn't choose the way, but the other side was badly injured, and the back half of the body was directly wiped by the magic torrent, making it disappear completely.

However, the residual magical power of the cold and cold followed the insect's body and instantly killed its brain cells! With only the chest, abdomen and skull, it fell to the ground, making a sound that was not worth mentioning.

No one came to think during this time, and my mind was full of that gorgeous icy blue, which seemed to symbolize beauty.

But this beauty...It is estimated that no one present can enjoy it!

The blue-eyed giant ant bulged its strength, and its feet stomped on the ground, directly sunken. The huge head didn't dare to turn its head to look at it, for fear that it would be swallowed in by accident!

The cold feeling has been surrounding it, even if it is rubbed, it will be seriously injured!

The mother emperor is here! That female life form is definitely not a human species!

Such pure magic power, even those magic continents they invaded have never encountered before!

The torrent of magic power is about to bite the tail of the blue-eyed giant ant! It is cold all over, if it continues like this, all its bodily functions will stop working soon...

The result seems to be doomed?


It roared into the sky with grief and anger, it never thought that invading a low-level world would bring it to the extreme!

If there is a lord present, you will definitely be able to see the "bullet at the front of the magic torrent." Ice glazed glass is generally, no one knows how much energy it contains, but the invading insect thread from the left wing...

When the magic torrent was about to touch the blue-eyed giant ant, its back half had already begun to form frost.

And the **** front of it has also changed! It is advanced! Break directly from the second-order high-level to the third-order low-level!

Breaking through dangerous ground, even for bugs, is still effective!

Those inheritors in Xijiang City felt the third-order aura in an instant, and their hearts became tense. Their brains did not come to think, it was an automatic reaction of the body.

Immediately afterwards, the magic torrent completely swallowed the low-level blue-eyed giant ant of Tier 3! Li Jiayu could faintly see the worms inside with his'Void Sunglasses'.

It stopped there in an instant, as if it was frozen, the third-order strength, including the worm body function, was completely frozen! It was not sealed forever like time, because...the cold magic power instantly destroyed all the cells in its body .

Then... it was completely broken into ice chips in the torrent, and then washed away! Even the ice blue third-order insect crystal was completely wiped out.

In just three or two seconds, the icy blue torrent was completely out of sight, or disappeared.

The sound of pouring air-conditioning began to sound continuously, and the insect swarm seemed to be stunned in the right wing and the center battlefield.

No one ran away, no one attacked, just staring at the left-wing battlefield...

That piece of land has become a piece of icy cold, look at it, even those inheritors, can't help but tremble!

Even if the torrent of magic power did not attack the ground, it just accidentally wiped it... it plowed the surrounding land like an invisible oval!

Worm corpse? Isn’t that stuff super disgusting in people’s minds? Now it seems like pieces of abstract art are randomly discarded on the ground.

By the way, those who were just frozen by the chill attached to the torrent of magic power...As for being hit directly...They have already disappeared in this world, with the current human technology, there is no trace of it.

The fog lingered in that land, like a fairyland for a while, the inheritor of the left-wing battlefield took a few steps forward, and wanted to reach out and touch it.


As soon as the arm entered, people on the entire battlefield were paying attention. It was obviously a life-and-death battle between the two races, and the atmosphere was so strange because of that magical torrent.

But no one cared, including those bugs.

Frost layered on top of each other, and had sealed the inheritor's arm inside, his face smiled without a trace of panic.

Both the wife and the baby died in the battle just now, so what if you take the risk and try? He wants to accompany them.

The cells of his right arm were continuously destroyed, and frost had already formed on the clothes, suddenly! He was dragged back by another young man!

"Zhao Fei! What are you doing for labor and management?!"

The young man named Zhao Fei sat down on the ground, the smile on his face was like an illusion, but now the whole person was gloomy and he looked desperate.

Muttered: "Aqiu is dead, Qiqi is also dead, what's the point of being alive."

"You!" The man reached out his hand and pulled Zhao Fei's collar, but he didn't know how to say it.

When Zhao Fei raised his head, all tears and nose came out. It's hard to imagine... a man who has always been strong and optimistic would cry like this.

"Gori, please let me die, it's boring for me to live, I'm not capable! I damn! I didn't protect them both! I..."

A sentence pierced my heart, circling continuously over the silent battlefield.

The swarms began to recede slowly, and no one wanted to die, except for the low-level bugs who had no brains!

When the humans have not reacted the mysterious strongman did not notice them, run away! Flee to the lord!

On the military side, the inheritors’ physical fitness has been improved in an all-round way, and their hearing and eyesight has become more acceptable than ordinary people! Not to mention third-order inheritors like "Tyrannosaurus".

He was only slightly touched by the youth's words, but the land surrounded by frost gave him far more shock than all!

Inadvertently, his finger bones were faintly white. Although I didn’t care about the title of "The Strongest", I saw myself fighting to death with a blue-eyed giant ant, but I was solved by someone else... If this was not affected, it would naturally be impossible. .

As if thinking of something, his head quickly turned to the other side! It was the location of the master of the magic torrent!

With that soft drink, everyone heard that she was a young woman, but she was wrapped in a magic spiral, including those of the Celestial Eye Masters, who did not see the appearance of her master, and even her height was unknown.

Only the magical arrays stacked on top of each other deeply shocked their hearts.

Who is she?

With frost magic power, the person on the left-wing battlefield is a young girl. Judging from the general position of the formation, she is about 1.6 meters tall, and she should be in good shape.

After all, he can cultivate Frost's magic to this level, one is a cold beauty.

Is there such a person? Head Li didn't have time to take care of the escaping insect swarms at this time. He picked up Zhang Qian's report and began to watch it carefully.

But... it seems that all the inheritors over there have not yet been registered.

Using the magic of frost, the body will definitely change, is it her?

Head Li suddenly remembered the girl the old mayor was looking for...

Who will it be?

Thank you "Favorite Yakumo Purple" for rewarding 100 starting coins.