Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v4 Chapter 145: belief

"Master, will there be a problem with this void energy transmission channel constructed by magic?"

Kuangsan's face was slightly stiff, and he said uncertainly: "There shouldn't be any major problems."

"Uh...what if SHIELD is a big death?"

Kuang Thirty calmly lay on the chair, "Anyway, it can't blow us up, just play whatever you like! Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Look at the performance of your new energy reactor. The tunnel I constructed here will only leak a little energy in the void at most."

"Leak a little bit?" Red Queen asked suspiciously, as if she didn't believe in the integrity of her master.

"Oh, hurry up and send this high imitation product to S.H.I.E.L.D.! These two Rubik's Cubes are here, and I always feel uneasy."

The corner of Honghou's mouth twitched, and he secretly wondered whether the owner would make this thing as unstable as a low-quality bomb?

Stretched out the robotic arm from the ceiling and clipped the two "Universal Rubik's Cubes" separately. After a meeting, Red Queen said: "Master, the task has been arranged. This task will be undertaken by the'Umbrella'. The execution personnel are: k -3652."

"K-3652?" Kuangsan repeated, "Transfer the information."

The Red Empress suddenly felt a panic on her face and said stiffly: " don't need to ask about these, I will definitely arrange it!"

Kuangsan held his cheek in one hand, and beat rhythmically on the table with one hand, his burgundy eyes stared at the body of the exquisite doll, his scalp tingling after seeing the red.

"Ahhhhhhh! I know, I know!" The red queen's face showed a self-deprecating look, and the small mouth muttered in a low voice: "I knew I wouldn't use that template anymore, really..."

The virtual screen was formed in the air. When Kuangsan saw it, his body paused, with a smile on his face, and he was quite "kind" and said: "Little Red Empress~ It's time to talk to you about your ideals in life!"

"Ahhhhh! No, don't rub my face!"

Taking advantage of the host's attack, the red queen first turned into a black shadow and flashed out!

The breeze stroked the black cat's hair, and black cat opened the cat's eyes lazily. When he just wanted to close his eyes, he was blown by a strong wind!

The hair on his body was almost rolled up, and the cat had a look of uneasy expression on his face. He turned his head and licked the hair, only to find that the owner and the hateful villain had disappeared!

Maotong looked into the air, and the information of the mission personnel was also displayed on the virtual screen.

The top line of tiny tiny prints: "k—3652, manufacturing template: Mo Xiao"

"Gender: Female"

In the photos of the members, they are also nine points similar to the delicate boy who stole the universe's cube that night.

If you are not a familiar person, you will never recognize it!


"Director! Chief!"

Fry frowned. "Coleson, why are you getting more and more anxious lately? You weren't like this before."

Coleson took a second breath, "Director, Yu... the energy response of the Universe Rubik's Cube has reappeared in New York!"

"What are you talking about? The Cube of the Universe has reappeared again?"

"That's right. And this time the energy response is more prominent, and other forces can easily detect it."

Fury frowned, "First send a few teams to carry out the recovery operation, the rest depends on the situation on the spot!"

"I see, who will lead the team this time?"

Fury called up the information about Umbrella and Stark Industries on the screen, his eyes narrowed, "Let Patton go."

After Coulson responded, he quickly went to deploy the battle plan. Fury sat alone across from the screen, with a chill on his black face.

After several months of repeated investigations, Stark Industries can already be ruled out, and the Universe Rubik's Cube, one by one guarded by S.H.I.E.L.D., will definitely be controlled within the large area of ​​New York.

If it weren't for Umbrella... then it would be the old opponent of S.H.I.E.L.D....Hydra!

Thinking of the video materials he saw that day, Fury assembled Kuangsan's information, and his face was even more cold.

‘Do you really think you can do whatever you want with money? ’

‘Now... finally showing your feet, right? ’


"Bah~Bah~ Agent Barton, the target is still three kilometers away from you, keep going southeast!"

"Understood! Be reminded within one kilometer."

..."Bah~" The sound of electric current in the headset flashed, "Agent Button, approached the target for one kilometer. The target has not moved yet. The danger is unknown. Please act carefully."

Hawkeye held his breath and observed it carefully, then whispered: "The first team and the second team are encircling, and the sniper quickly selects the sniper location. After a minute, wait for my order!"

Behind the eagle eye, or in other areas, several teams of SHIELD elite quickly encircled the target, and the sniper ambush location was also quite clever.

However, although it is not a downtown area, it is not too far away, and many things cannot be stretched out.

If the other party randomly throws a bomb into the crowd... Coleson can swear that the phone calls of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be blown by those officials tomorrow!

K—3652, a beautiful-looking Oriental "boy", there is no trace of impurities in his eyes, so pure that he does not know the world.

If someone with a special fetish sees it, they will definitely try their best to get this cute little pet!

However, this "little pet," may become a lone wolf who eats life at any time!

'Mo Xiao' tightened the black backpack on her body, and a black casual suit of unknown material made her whole person more energetic.

The hair is slightly long, about to cover the pinna, giving a more feminine softness.

Slowly eating a plate of spaghetti in front of him, as if feeling something, his eyes looked to the other side.

I collided with Hawkeye's gaze firmly!

The other party just smiled at him friendly, and then continued to eat the spaghetti. Barton's heart did not fluctuate. He had seen many prisoners with superb disguise skills, and he didn't have much thoughts about this goal.

In the restaurant, the waiters began to persuade the customers to leave one by one, with a humble look on their faces and sincere, but "Mo Xiao" was still eating noodles there.


The last piece of noodles was sucked into her mouth, and a little condiment was stained beside her ruddy lips.

Lifting his head and looking at the almost empty restaurant,'Mo Xiao' scratched his head with some doubts.

"Waiter, check out!"

Not far away, a man dressed as a waiter has a bright smile on his face, and is very skilled in helping'Mo Xiao' settle the bill.

"Sir, please have a look."

'Mo Xiao' took the bill, glanced casually, took out his wallet and asked, "Are you a restaurant for soldiers?"

The waiter's expression remained unchanged, and he still smiled and asked, "Sir, why do you say that?"

'Mo Xiao' reached out his finger and pointed at the guests who had not left, and then handed out the money.

"They all have a **** smell that can't be washed away."

"Oh? Sir, you should feel..."

"Including you." Mo Xiao's eyes were calm as a pool of stagnant water, with no fluctuations in his tone. "The disgusting smell of blood, except for the executioner, only reminds me of soldiers who defended the country. "

"Hey~ what kind of do you belong to?"

'Mo Xiao' leaned forward slightly and just handed the coin to the waiter. There was no expression on the neutral face, and the agent couldn't help but feel ridiculous!

That kind of extremely pure eyes, he had only seen it in his newly-born daughter!

The extremely tough psychological quality made the agent recover in an instant! The complexion suddenly changed, and the folding knife on the wrist quickly bounced away and pierced straight into the throat of "Mo Xiao"!


The sound was undetectable. Everyone in the restaurant looked over here.'Mo Xiao' used the thumb and index finger of his right hand to easily clamp the blade, so that the other party couldn't get close to half an inch!

Eyes drooping, sensing the danger behind him,'Mo Xiao' raised her head and showed a smile to the "waiter", "I...just treat you as a soldier to defend your home and country."

The body turned around in an instant, leaving the "waiter" behind, and at the same time quickly jumped to the other side of the stone pillar!


The sound of the sniper rifle popping out, the bullet passed through the glass in the next instant, and hit the left side of the waist of the "waiter". The unusually huge kinetic energy caused it to burst into a fist-sized round hole!

'Mo Xiao', whose back was leaning against the wall, smashed his mouth, and finally there was a wave of fluctuations in his pure eyes.

"They...why do they hurt each other?"

"Mo Xiao" couldn't understand it, but the task she received was to protect the backpack until she couldn't support it.

The mission time is within one day, and the scope cannot cross New York.

Those "waiters" and "customers" in the front gradually surrounded "Mo Xiao".

The footsteps gradually moved forward, but there was no other sound.


'Mo Xiao' stepped on a piece of glass fragment, and those disguised agents pulled the trigger instantly!

The muzzle shot out a tongue of fire, hitting the wall with potholes, but "Mo Xiao" rushed to the other side!

"Sniper One, the target is moving north, please be prepared for the sniper."

"Roger that."

As soon as ‘Mo Xiao’ opened the window, his vigilance immediately rose to the limit! Just turn the head and let the body lean back naturally!

A high-speed rotating bullet flew across the white and tender cheeks!

"Puff through~"

A look of pain flashed across "Mo Xiao"'s face, and he touched his right cheek with his hand, where a blood stain had already been rubbed by the bullet!

If it weren't for her body to be different from ordinary people, I'm afraid this bullet would take her life!

Wiping off the blood with the back of his hand, "Mo Xiao" bowed down and walked under the window, and the sound of footsteps outside was getting closer and chaotic.

The little mouth licked his lips and whispered to himself: "The task deadline is 24 hours, I can always hold on to 23 hours, right?"

The head turned to the right, and suddenly there was no movement outside, which meant that the people had arrived at the door!

Bend up, the whole body's strength is within the explosive range at any time, as long as the other party opens the door, she will rush out!


The wooden door was violently broken open, "Mo Xiao"'s eyes condensed, and his body turned into a black shadow and quickly rushed away!

The body smashed into the glass and ran to a place with a lot of people. The body's danger perception has always been there, and it has become more intense!


'Mo Xiao' rolled over and avoided the sniper, only bullet holes remained on the ground.

But this kind of action also slowed her speed by a notch in an instant, and the second bullet followed!


The bullet penetrated the flesh and blood, the teeth bit the lower lip, and bloodshot spilled from it. The beautiful face of'Mo Xiao' was squeezed into a ball, and after a few laps, it rushed into the sewer!

... "Huh~hu~"

His face was pale, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and'Mo Xiao' had been hiding in the sewer for three hours.

Because of S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel tracking, until now, she could take a break.

Although the body is different from ordinary people, she is not a superman!

The bullet in the calf still exists, and there are faint traces of scabs in the wound!

However, due to strenuous exercise, the wound did not get better.

'Mo Xiao' sat on the ground and rolled his trouser legs up! The white and tender skin is exposed to the air, and the blood flowing on it adds a cruel beauty to it.

Frowning slightly, he drew a dagger from his waist.


With a breath of air in her small mouth, Xiuli's face gradually became hideous!


The bullet was picked out by the dagger, and the whole body of'Mo Xiao' was shaking!

Not far away came the sound of chasing soldiers again, and "Mo Xiao" looked bitter, and quickly cleaned up and continued to escape.

"Run and run...You can get free after nineteen hours..."

Hawkeye squatted down, illuminating the pool of blood with a bright flashlight, and a golden warhead rolled down in it.

Those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents behind saw this scene, and they felt cold in their hearts!

Picking out the bullet from the body is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to do it!

Not to mention that there is only one person on the other side, if the nerve is invaded to the limit by pain...the person will pass out directly!

What makes them incredible is... this warhead obviously comes from a sniper rifle! Like if they were caught by that thing, their calves would definitely be pierced directly!

"Continue!" Hawkeye made a gesture and quickly chased'Mo Xiao'.

At the same time, at the headquarters of SHIELD, Fury was sitting in the office, and the screen showed an eagle eye chasing'Mo Xiao'.

Fury narrowed his eyes slightly, always feeling that something was amiss.

The target seems to be the same person as the Eastern boy who stole the cube of the universe before...not the same person!

"Hello? Into the city?" Fury glanced at the newly released information and considered for a moment, "Then change to an anesthetic warhead."

Hung up the looked through the information, with a very unkind expression on his face, "Heh, I really think I am a fool? This man's style is obviously different from that of the thief!"

... Umbrella headquarters, penthouse.

"Has the high imitation goods delivered to SHIELD?"

The red face was slightly stiff, "I don't know that the child's self-consciousness is so strong, it is estimated that the high imitation goods will be thrown after reaching his own limit."

Kuangsan shook his head, "It's like we are the villain."

"I only wanted the kid to throw the Rubik's Cube and it was done. I never thought she would take the task so seriously..."

"Yeah~ I used the template of'Mo Xiao' to create girls. There are fools on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, and none of them can tell." Kuang Sanyou said, making the Red Queen shiver.

"Then... I asked Andre to rescue her?"

"Forget it, right or wrong, let her carry out her faith to the end."


"Report, the target is unconscious!"

...Fry remained unchanged in his black coat for thousands of years. After confirming that there was no problem with the Cube of the Universe, he quickly rushed to the guard ward.

"She is a girl?"

"Yes, the doctor has confirmed it several times." Coleson said with a slight embarrassment.

"She is only fifteen years old this year?"

"The doctor said that the bone age is indeed like this."

As soon as they arrived in the ward, they saw the door being pushed open.

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