Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v4 Chapter 155: Worries

Ripples appeared in the air, swaying around, and the laboratory was crushed by a large number of steel frames.

The sparks splashing from it were blocked by the ripples and bounced to the ground. The heat is absorbed, and a large number of sparks become inconspicuous black particles.

Kuang San was suspended in mid-air, and the ripples all over his body slowly disappeared. He stepped on his feet and came to the edge of the cabin under the laboratory.

"Bah~Bah~" Ferry leaned against a slanted experimental platform and shook his head vigorously, so that he could wake up quickly.

There was a sound of electric current flashing through the headset, "Director, the No. 3 engine is damaged! If another engine stops working, we will fall from a height of 10,000 meters!"

"Did you find a solution?"

"Need to send someone to repair it!"

Ferry covered his headset. "Stark, do you hear me?"

"OK, I'm going now!"

"Hill, prepare to fight them back! Agent Romanoff? There is no problem with you, right?"

At this moment, Natasha was pinched to her bare feet by the steel frame, and not far from her was Dr. Banner, who was extremely emotional!

He whispered back in the headset: "It's not a big problem."

After hearing this, Fury stood up quickly and trot from the corridor into the control room.

"Brooks, look closely at Dr. Banner, if you can't suppress it... please take him away from the Aerospace carrier!"

"Hey~ Dr. Banner will be very sad if you do this~"

"I can't control so much, Dr. Banner will rely on you!"

"Okay, okay." Kuang San said helplessly.

On the other side, Natasha was still twitching her ankles, trying to comfort Banner.

"Doctor, you have to calm down! Look, aren't we all right? Right? Doctor, relax... let go..."

In Natasha's stunned eyes, Banner hugged her head with both hands, as if she was enduring great pain!

After screaming repeatedly, Natasha realized that... the roaring sound became less and less human!

The shirt on his body was collapsed by the strong green muscles! The fiber is stretched with great force and tore from it a little bit!

Dr. Banner is still doing the final resistance, but the effect does not seem to be outstanding.


The Hulk struggled on the ground for a while, his shirt was completely blown up by Juli! After moving a certain distance, he stood up, raised his head and vented wildly!

Natasha swallowed, her ankles still stuck in the steel, the Hulk suddenly looked at her!

The other's eyes are full of tyrannical!

A chill rose from behind Natasha, and after violently twitching her calf a few times, there was a despair on Qiao's face!

She didn't take out a pistol. As a senior agent of SHIELD, she was naturally very familiar with these monsters.

At such a close distance, even an anti-material sniper rifle has no effect on the Hulk! Not to mention her little pistol.


When the Hulk is about to rush over! A strange grenade suddenly rolled in front of them from the dark zone!

Natasha closed her eyes. This might be the best way to die than being torn in half by the Hulk.

It's just...Can Brooks really save Button?


Natasha opened her eyes suddenly and found herself floating in the air! Although the mind can still function, the body movements are strictly limited by inexplicable power!

The steel frame is still on top of her ankle, but she is also in a floating state. With an external force, Natasha can easily pull her calf out of it!

Just less than thirty centimeters! The big hand of the Hulk has been aimed at her head!

Natasha could completely imagine that if it weren't for that strange grenade, the Hulk would hold her great head in the next instant!

Then pull hard! The body will be pulled out from under the iron frame! Fractured calf, or was head pulled off?

Natasha didn't know, but she would definitely die.

Natasha could swear that the "Om~ Om~" sound was circling in her ears, it was definitely the most touching voice she had ever heard!

Even if it is the same as the sound of mosquitoes stirring their wings!


It was the sound of leather shoes stepping on the steel plate. Natasha knew very well that Director Fury could step on this tone when he approached.

But... the two are completely different.

Kuang San exposed his body from the darkness and looked out from the gravity field. At this time, Kuang San had a strange beauty on his body. Even Natasha, as a female, had a feeling of heartbeat.

My eyes lit up, and I instantly thought that in the previous New York incident, the "Nightmare" also relied on gravity grenade to solve hatred!

Umbrella’s little princess is here now, Dr. Banner...should there be no threat?

On the slender arms wrapped in black sleeves, white lines continue to emerge. Kuangsan reached out into the gravity field and pulled Natasha out!

As soon as her body came out of the force field, she was attracted by the gravity of the earth. Natasha could obviously react, but because the muscles were slightly stiff, she was "slapped" straight on the ground!

Turning around, two lines of blood were stretched under the bridge of her nose, but Natasha had no complaints, took a breath and stood up, "Thank you much..."

"Go help Fury and the others. I seemed to have seen Button on the deck of the aircraft carrier just now."

"Barton?" Natasha's eyes lit up, glanced at the Hulk, and hesitated: "Can you...can do it alone?"

Kuangsan rolled his eyes, and said in a bad mood: "You will only be dragged down here."

Natasha choked, "Well, you hold on, I'll let the chief send someone to reinforce it."

Kuangsan squinted at her, only to find that Natasha's ears also had blood residue, but the wireless earphones had long since disappeared.

He waved his hand, "Forget it, just leave it to me here. The force field of the new gravity grenade is about to disappear. Are you sure you want to stay here?"

Natasha subconsciously looked in the direction of the force field, only to realize that the force field was already in an unstable state.

Like the ripples of the sea, the Hulk can already move slowly in it, as if it will break the force field at any time!

Thinking of herself who had passed by death before, Natasha swallowed again.

"Well, I'll go find Thor first, let him help you deal with the Hulk, it should be easier."

Kuangsanyi raised his eyebrows, but did not refuse: "Okay, then."

The force field collapsed instantly! The Hulk fell to the ground with a "puff"!

The roar still remaining in the air made Kuang San frowned slightly.

The Hulk stood up, his face grim. Kuangsan glanced at the deck...There were still a few tooth marks on the steel, which were deeply involved!

He raised his head and looked at the Hulk, and the corners of his mouth widened upwards, "Let's play together~"

Hulk roared, reaching out his big hand to grasp the girl's slender waist!

About 30 centimeters on the right side of Liu Yao, a burst of pictures lit up, and Hulk's big hand slapped it fiercely!

The pattern that was originally hidden in the air was photographed brightly! It trembled slightly!

Hulk exhaled white gas from his mouth, clenched his fist and threw it at Kuangsan!

The air was squeezed by a huge force to be overwhelmed, and the sonic boom burst from the side!

Before the fist wind blows to the front of the three foreheads, the green big fist full of tremendous power struck!


It looked like the right side of the waist before, the small formation slowly rotated in mid-air, and was trembling with a punch by Hulk!

Xu was overstretched, Hulk staggered back a few steps, and dents were stamped on the ground with his feet. At this time, it seemed that steel seemed to be more fragile than air!

The formation blocked Juli, but the strong wind came to Kuangsan after all, and the long black bangs were blown backwards, revealing his white forehead.

The wicked golden clock Hitomi is exposed to the air!

The black skirt was blown back by the strong wind, and the hunting sounded!

"Hey~ can't you be more honest?"

As soon as the strong wind passed, Kuang San stepped forward and stretched his right hand to the side, and there was a sudden wave in the void!

Like ripples, a vintage flintlock pistol gradually formed in the air and was held tightly by a slender jade hand.

Hulk's expression on his face was undiminished, and he took a big step, took his fist, and slammed on Kuang San!

In his mind, he would not think of the threat of the delicate person in front of him. Even though the punch made me hurt, I was quickly suppressed by anger!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!~"

The loud noises continue like an explosion, no matter which direction Hulk attacks from, the corresponding formation will appear in the air, and the huge force will be firmly caught!

Another flintlock also emerged from the void.

Kuang San lazily raised her eyes, now with the energy converter as the backing, she will not be stingy with her spiritual power at all.

Even if it consumes more than half, she only needs to return to Umbrella, and she can replenish it in a few minutes.

The Hulk giant fist was constantly blocked by the lit formations, and the anger rose again and again, and many formations hidden in the air had cracks!


A small array in the upper left corner of Kuangsan was the first to shatter, turning into stardust, and the tiny magic power merged into the air, and then disappeared without a trace.

The strong wind came back, and Hulk was shaken back a few steps again.

The ferocious green face seemed to be calmer, and his feet stepped into the steel deck fiercely, and the entire aerospace carrier seemed to tremble!

"Hurry up! Tokisaki is not far ahead, Thor, you must help her hold the Hulk!"

"Don't worry." Thor grinned, "Asgardians admire the most powerful fighters!"

Seeing that the road is just ahead, and the Hulk's roar can be faintly heard from here, Natasha and Thor speed up again.

The aerospace aircraft carrier is intricate and complicated. It is obviously a short distance, but it takes such a long time.

After can't let Thor wield Thor's Hammer and go through it, right?

Suddenly there was a sound from the corner camera!

"Agent Romanov! Take Thor immediately to the "cage"! Someone has come to rescue Loki!"

Natasha and Thor quickly stopped, a struggling expression flashed across Natasha's face, and she looked up at the camera.

"Director Ferry, was she mad at that time?"

"There is no problem on her side." Furui was extraordinarily calm. He saw all Kuang San's performance just now, and confirmed some of his guesses from the side!

But now is obviously not the time to be held accountable! Kuangsan was able to suppress Brooks, and from a certain perspective, it was considered to have rescued the entire crew of their aerospace carrier!

Fury doesn't believe that apart from Kuang San and Thor, who else can face the monster of the Hulk alone!

Even if it is Thor, who cannot control the power of thunder and lightning in the aircraft carrier, it is estimated that he will be hung up and beaten by the Hulk!

At that time... the situation was very dangerous.

Natasha and Thor looked at each other, and Fury said: "Brooks has the upper hand in front of Dr. Banner. Do you guys stop Loki? He will definitely be rescued!"

Thor nodded to Natasha, "I believe in the strength of that female warrior! Rocky is more important now."

Natasha opened her mouth. Just when she was about to say something, she saw a huge green shadow in the corner of her eyes, as if... as if it had just flew from the corridor ahead?


It seemed that it confirmed Natasha's conjecture that the entire Hulk was knocked into the end of the corridor, and the thick steel gate plunged into a huge figure, and Hulk was stuck in it.

Natasha rubbed her injured ear, she just seemed to hear a female voice?

It seems to be... ‘the spirit of the gods! Triple? ’

Thor glanced at Hulk, who was struggling in the thick steel door, and said to Natasha: "Now I'm going to Loki, you'd better go back to the control room. You can't participate in both battles, so you can do it yourself!"

After that, Thor was not going to take care of Natasha, and hurried to his brother's direction!

He didn't want his brother to make mistakes again and again, as long as he got the Universe Rubik's Cube and brought Loki to Asgard, with his energy, he would surely let his brother save his life!

And on earth, here in the atrium, in this pile of ‘monsters’, maybe Loki will be at risk of falling!

As if he was blessed by thunder and lightning, Thor flashed himself and quickly shuttled through the complex corridors!

Turning his gaze back to Natasha, Hulk put his hands on both sides of the door, exerting tremendous force on the steel!

The steel made an overwhelmed sound, constantly deforming under the huge force of Hulk!

The huge green body also gradually broke free from the dent, and let out a roar to the sky!

Natasha looked slightly distressed, covering her already injured Seeing Hulk rushing towards her, her expression flashed with tension!

Hulk strode forward in the narrow corridor with a fierce momentum!

Natasha ran towards the trail behind her, but when she just turned around, the angry Hulk had already come to her!


After Natasha rolled on the deck, she realized that Hulk hadn't chased her. Although there was no movement behind her, she still didn't dare to relax herself at all!

Using the corner of her eye to glance towards the rear, Natasha stopped her footsteps immediately!

stunned! The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Hulk's face was full of hideousness at this time, but it was like a slowly turning film roll.

‘Limited by gravity grenade again? ’

‘How many grenades did that little girl Tokisaki carry on her body? ’

Immediately thinking of the ‘Nightmare’ armor that the opponent had disappeared out of thin air, Natasha shook her head. Although Hulk was restrained at this time, she didn’t mean to lean forward at all.


"Dalet?" Natasha repeated it again. This time she heard what Kuangsan said clearly.

"What the hell? Place names?"

Natasha's face was dumbfounded, Hulk's big hideous face kept changing expressions where the camera could not see!

Subsequently, the green muscles on the body gradually became smaller, and the skin gradually turned white.

The huge Hulk was like a frustrated ball, becoming Dr. Banner again, with his upper body naked and lying limp on the deck.

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