Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v4 Chapter 70: dawn

Approximately one billion people have been infected with the "new influenza" virus.

This is by no means a small number. They even indirectly affect more than 3 billion people. All aspects of society cannot function, and some simply stop functioning.

Those big guys are anxious, every day just loss is enough to make people feel headache!

Every day the time is delayed, the losses caused are extraordinary.

The Osborne Group, which is expected by the public, releases news every few days to inspire people.

But...for a long time, even news of clinical trials has not come...People are completely disappointed in this biomedical alliance.

Japan, France, Britain, Germany, Italy...none of the laboratories can give a specific report, and even the analysis progress is stuck in the most primitive stage.

Everyone is in discomfort. They seem to understand that this kind of virus cannot be broken by existing technology at all!

so what? The high-level personnel don't care about these, they only need medicine! Even if they can only suppress the virus, they are thirsty now.

Before asking for money, ask for venue for venue, ask for machine for machine...

A week has passed, except for the "little progress" given by the Biomedical Alliance, all experimental bases are in a bottleneck.

Moreover, the Biomedical Alliance was also signaled to the public by the government.

"Let them wait, the medicine will be developed soon."

That's probably what it meant.

Another week... the whole world has changed. Even the streets of those big cities have become filthy. Most people are lifeless, and the "sick" people are still lying on the bed.

Fortunately, the virus is not spreading to other people, otherwise things would not be so easy.

The governments of various countries have seized the time to control and try to minimize the loss, but in the case of "population shortage" and serious shortage of labor, the actual operation efficiency is horribly low!

At this moment...The news of Umbrella's application for clinical trials suddenly appeared in front of the people!

Almost everyone is excited! In this situation, it is impossible to apply for a clinical trial as a cold medicine, right?

I don't know what kind of relationship the Red Queen used. All the documents and criticisms on the inhibitory liquid are open to the door. Even the news is always praised.

Occasionally there are some doubts, but there is no need to make a move after the red queen, and they are drowned in the saliva of the angry crowd!

This is the last hope! Almost everyone is looking forward to it, what if it can be cured?

This kind of thinking has always been rooted in people's hearts, and now some people suddenly question them. Although they will doubt in their hearts, they have already scolded!

Will you die if you keep some thoughts in your heart?

How could there be such a cheap person? !

Doesn't the government come out to control it?


Special things are specially done, and the efficiency of clinical trial approval is amazing, and almost the eyes of the world are gathered here.

Time is passing fast, people are paying more and more attention, and they all seem to have confidence in Umbrella, a company that has just been born!

Whether it was competing with Stark Industries before, or spending a lot of money to dig out industry elites, this has made people feel unparalleled in curiosity about the side behind it.

When this curiosity is transformed into self-confidence, Umbrella will become a real giant company in the world in one fell swoop!

Even if a mistake is made in other fields, the government will never dare to act clearly!

Of course, the premise of all this is that the medicine can successfully restore the "patient" to normal without any sequelae.

At that time, as the people want, Umbrella will have an extraordinary influence in the United States and even the world.

What's more, it is only a private enterprise. If things really develop like that, it will make your scalp numb to think about!

After a few more days, every day I can feel that the city of New York is full of seriousness, especially the headquarters of Umbrella Group, which is very quiet. I didn't imagine the reporter blocking the door, because no one dared to bother the researchers.

There are a total of seven volunteers, all of whom are in the dedicated laboratory of this building.

The giant display hanging outside is playing every move in the laboratory.

Except seven days ago, the medical staff injected the volunteers with one medicine each, but they were just taking care of their daily lives.

Judging from the broadcast video, the effect is amazing!

Everyone is able to move normally, but they are still prone to fatigue and sleepiness.

Everything that happened here has been paid attention to by the whole world. The volunteers' daily data are sent to each other by the military, and there is no possibility of interception by other organizations at all.

The military is constantly acting with great fanfare, including large-scale troops stationed in cities!

terrorist? If that thing can break through the first line of defense, it is considered a loss for the soldiers!


On the eighth day of the experiment, there were already people celebrating on the Internet, because the volunteers seemed to have returned to normal, and even the side effect of lethargy disappeared.

On the ninth day of the experiment, at 17:30 in the afternoon, Umbrella held a press conference.

Previously, some people had filmed several armored vehicles from the military and packed away a large number of sealed boxes.

As usual, the press conference is not the president or director of Umbrella as people imagined.

It is a professional who is familiar with an old professor who is very healthy.

Speaking is more formulaic, perhaps a researcher's unique style.

The reporters on the scene have been sternly warned that some unnecessary questions will not be asked by fools.

The old professor introduced the inhibitor in detail just like he was teaching at the university.

Of course, just suppressing the virus was erased, and the introduction called it completely killing the virus!

The medicine has no name, only a string of codes.


Afterwards, the old professor was invited to the program and explained in detail the meaning of this string of codes.

In just two weeks, a total of 68 experimental teams from Umbrella undertook the project.

In thousand as the base, the cap of each experiment is 9999, starting with A, and it was not until the seventh thousand six hundred and fifty experiments in column K that only a slight side effect was studied.

At that time, this video was popular all over the world! It is hard to imagine, this is not a mathematical calculation, it can be calculated hundreds of billions of times with a supercomputer.

This is a potion, every potion must be clearly marked!

In just two weeks, a total of 68 experimental teams in Umbrella staged a lore!

And the Biomedical Alliance established by the Osborne Group is skeptical about life, so many experimental groups experiment together? How to allocate? How can we get the exact news in the first place? How can we not waste time?

Experimental bases in other countries are also confused.

Kuangsan couldn't help laughing when watching the TV shows boasting about "Dawn Potion".

What thousands of system experiments? Isn't it all made up by the red post?

It seems that the effect is not bad, it coaxes other people into a daze!

As for "Dawn," it is just what some netizens call K-7650.

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