Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v6 Chapter 92: Noire domain (one/three)

In the capital of the Snake Man Empire, two huge snake shadows faintly signaled that they were separated. Except for the small twitching tail, the colorful sky swallowing python didn't make any other movements.

The rest of the snake-man old women, chanting incantations in their mouths faster and faster, and the strange and ancient patterns gradually light up, wrapping the colorful sky-swallowing python into the light.

"Will they succeed?"

Lin Tie heard Kuangsan's question, and then respectfully said: "There is a certain chance that if you change to the mad dogs in the Soul Palace, the probability of success will be higher."


Medusa was entangled with the soul of the newborn colorful sky-swallowing python. The old snake-man was anxious and could only chant the mantra silently, urging the ancient formation to the extreme.

The soul of the colorful sky swallowing python gradually lost its support and was slowly stripped away by inexplicable power.

Kuang San silently looked at the giant snake entangled below, and said: "If the soul of the colorful sky swallowing python is immortal, please take action to save it."


The noise became louder and louder, and even many Dou Kings came from far away human cities to see this shocking scene.

Whether Medusa survives or not is related to the interests of the surrounding forces, so they can't help but care!

After another half an hour, when even Kuang San felt that it was useless, the soul of the colorful swallowing python was suddenly pushed out of the body by Medusa!


Losing the restraint of the vindictive hand, the colorful giant python, which had raised its upper body high, fell back into the city of Snake Man.

Although Medusa successfully used external force to push the new soul out of the body, the soul's ability to control the new body was undoubtedly weakened to the extreme.

Even if she can exert the strength of Douzong, that is only a very short time.

Lin Tie, who had seen everything clearly, would not speak out. According to Kuangsan's order, he gently wrapped the newborn soul and poured it with the liquid that nourishes the soul.

In a short while, the newborn soul that has recovered to a small body will be able to preserve its form on its own. Seeing Kuang Sanchao beckoning, she shot Kuang San immediately.

Snake pupil is pitiful, and the core that he spit out points directly at the body of the colorful giant python below, as if he wants Kuangsan to avenge her.

Unable to touch with his hands, Kuangsan could only release his mental power to soothe the little snake. He took out a bottle of Qihuan Qingling saliva from the ring, and let the Qicai soul get in.

Below, Queen Medusa gradually took control of the snake's body, her huge mouth slightly opened, and the sound of the wind poured back, instantly vomiting a lot of grudge.

It transforms from a serpentine shape into a human shape, a delicate armor with a light gauze, enveloping that wonderful body.

The body's breath erupted, and Ling Li's aura swept away the remaining clouds in the sky, and the group of Dou Huang who was onlookers changed their faces.

Queen Medusa... really broke through to the fight!

Facing the Kuangsan three people, nodded slightly, and didn't ask about the new soul. Footsteps in the void, there is no breath at all, and it is not stable.

The vertical pupils circled the distance, and the Emperor Dou nodded to Medusa one after another, and many Dou Emperors who had no interest disputes with the Snake Man Empire flew forward to congratulate him.

Of course, they naturally inevitably greet Lin Tie and Lin Tong.

Lin Tie took the soul of the giant snake and gave it to the girl in the black dress.

However, they didn't even know that if they were to be counted according to their seniority, the three-legged madness was the first-level figure of the grandmother of the two brothers of the Lin family!

Lin Tiequan regards filial piety to ancestors!

As for age...Who let her cheap father live for so many years?

Jiaxingtian, the guardian of the Gama Empire, smiled, and he was not dissatisfied with the empire's perennial disputes with the snake people.

After taking out the gifts to congratulate Queen Medusa, he tried his best to gather around Lin Tong to find out the news.

After everyone talked for a while, they were asked to leave by Medusa coldly because of her busy schedule. Each of those fighting emperors had their own guesses, but because they couldn't figure out the relationship between the two brothers of the Lin family and the snake-human tribe, they didn't dare to try it out.

With so many high-ranking Dou Huang, they surrounded and beat a strong man who had just entered Dou Zong. The pressure was not too great, but the Snake Clan also had two other Dou Zong who had vague attitudes and were suspected of helping...

Jia Xingtian didn't get any useful information from Lin Tong, but he still smiled, and he repeatedly invited the two brothers of the Lin family to visit the royal family of the Gama Empire.

After the human fighting emperor bid farewell one by one, there was only a snake-man city that had destroyed more than half of it.

Medusa's face remained unchanged, her face turned pale as soon as she landed in the semi-abandoned palace!

The newborn soul of Colorful Sky Swallowing Python is, in a sense, separated from her body. The best way is to merge the two souls and let her soul dominate.

But now...Since the new soul has been stripped out by force, Medusa can no longer merge.

The degree of running-in between the soul and the transformed body is too low, and she can no longer support it.

Several old women forcefully suppressed their injuries and were going to help Medusa.


The graceful tall and attractive body, under the gaze of a few old snake people, turned into a colorful little snake again!

But it was in a state of lethargy, and a big bubble came out of the snake's head! This left several old snake men at a loss.

"Medusa only has a low degree of physical fitness. After a certain period of time, he can regain control of this body."

Outside the collapsed palace, walked into the three figures.

One of the old snake-man with a minor injury winked at the others and hurried forward.

"Miss Thanks to a few of the snake people, they were able to get a new life. The remaining 20% ​​of the medicinal materials have been integrated, and the old man will make arrangements."


After Kuang San took away the last medicinal material reserve of the snake people, he refused the invitation of the old snake people to play for a few more days, and left without nostalgia.

This caused Medusa to hear that after waking up, she fell into a coma again in a fit of anger.

The two brothers of the Lin family weren't hiding at all, and followed Kuangsan in an open manner!

With two retired black soldiers leading the way, the whole journey can be said to be quite boring. Apart from flying on the road every day, Kuangsan couldn't find other fun at all.

The Black Point Region is an unattended area, and this is one of the areas where the basic laws of the vindictive continent are most prominent.

Dou Wang could die at any time, even if Dou Huang was first-rate, enemies came to him every day.

Here, the importance of darkness and strength is fully demonstrated! But in such a place, there is a well-known fighting spirit academy.

The strength of Kuangsan has grown slowly, and the two-star Douwang placed in the Black Point area can only be regarded as a third-rate level that can't even be beaten by a splash.

However, there are two Dou Zong "escorts," and those desperadoes along the way only have to escape!

It's not that the two brothers of the Lin family have swelled, but they have received news...Lin Bai has also come to the Black Point Region. They couldn't figure out what a Dou Zun represented in the Black Point Region.

"That said, Kaoru's girl is about to arrive at Canaan Academy?"

"Yes! It is a coincidence that the second lady is in the northwestern mainland freshmen team, led by Canaan instructor, preparing to cross the Black Point region."

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