Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v8 Chapter 26: Simulated angel

?Under this claw, Gardoxiu and the Queen's machine were completely destroyed, and they became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel of the small artificial island.

"Boom! ~ Huh! -"

The small artificial island collapsed into the ocean, and large waves hit, Nangong led the crowd teleported to Xian Shen Island that month, but the cruise ship, at this time, was like a small paper boat, swaying in the wind in the stormy waves.

Even the border of Xianjin Island suffered "retaliation from nature." The piers close to the small artificial island were all destroyed. Fortunately, the alarm was timely and no casualties were caused.

"Master, Narakweiler's new control instructions have been written, and the audio will be played in the cockpit of the Queen's aircraft immediately."

Mo Xiao took back the Taixu Ancient Dragon, which had been cremated by the three thousand Yanyan flames, and plunged into the depths of the ocean.

"You also learned from Lan Yu, is audio playback very practical?"

"Well, Lan Yu is indeed a genius. Audio control is the most applicable and simplest method at this stage."

Mo Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, "I just don't know if Lan Yu's shrewd head is a plane characteristic, or he is self-taught."

"..." After Xiaohong was silent for a while, as if thinking, "There is not enough data for modeling and calculation, and accurate analysis cannot be made yet."

Mo Xiao didn't care, he just asked casually.

The Narakweilers who were not under the control of the Queen's machine were all quiet. Mo Xiao stretched out his palm, and the big hand formed by magic crossed the sea water, grabbing the Narakweiler scattered around to his side.

Not long afterwards, the queen machine, the largest in size, recovered in a burst of white light. Before the queen machine could initiate a command, Mo Xiao punched through the cockpit of the queen machine, still entering the new control command audio written by the red queen.


The bizarre audio fluctuations caused part of the sea to tremble, and it didn't take long for Mo Xiao to control these "skilled weapons" in real time.

"Master, because your body is a puppet body, you can load control instructions directly in your mind. If your body wants to be controlled remotely, you need to create and install soul-driven types. This kind of technology can only be manufactured by the mother body now... .."


Mo Xiao waved his big hand and took Narakweiler into the ring, his figure flashed, and the ocean returned to calm.


"Has he gone?"

"Should you go now?" Ji Tuan Xuelai said uncertainly as he looked towards the gradually calming sea.

"Naraqweiler was also taken away by him? Put that kind of thing on such a dangerous person..."

Before Xiao Gucheng finished speaking, the three of Nangong looked at him with the same eyes as they looked at him.

"Uh...what's wrong? Am I wrong?"

"With that spare time, he might as well let his beast give you a claw." Nangong replied nonchalantly that month.

Xiao Gucheng choked in when he reached his lips, and didn't know what to say.

Nangong turned her side that month, "Snake charmer, what do you think?"

"What can I think? Report to the Warlord Domain, and then continue to stay on Xianjin Island as my consulate ambassador." Vatola took off her sunglasses, and the sea breeze blew his long golden sideburns. "After all, Xianjin Island's The level of fun is far beyond my imagination."


After the kidnapping of the Black Death Emperor faction, Kuang San got acquainted with the "harems" of Xiao Gucheng. Although Lan Yu Qian Cong and Ji Tuan Shelley could not be said to be tit-for-tat, they were not much different.

The game was held smoothly. With his abnormal physical quality, Xiao Gucheng successfully won the men's and women's mixed doubles championship with Lan Yu Qian Cong.

In the indoor gymnasium, Ji Tuan Shelley's fluttering skirt corners are also deeply imprinted in the minds of many teenagers. After a few decades, they can even say to their grandsons: "I think, back then, the royal concubine of the fourth true ancestor, but danced for me personally..."

The days calmed down, and Xiao Gucheng was feeling burnt for his own results again. As the head teacher, Nangong would not let any chance of embarrassing him during that month.

On the other side, Xiaohonghou quietly registered a machinery manufacturing company in Xianjindao, mainly to study whether Naraqweiler and various metals match.

In her database, there are blueprints for the production of "Nightmare".

When a piece of energy is endless, recovers infinitely, is immune to secondary attacks, and the mechas equipped with the star destroyer form an army, this force can definitely easily take down most of the planes.

Kuang San didn't care either, and let Xiao Honghou study it. She herself still had feelings for'Nightmare', after all, she helped her so much on the Marvel plane. The name alone sounds very intimate.

The Lion King Organization, the Warlord Domain, and the Xianjindao Commune... many other extraordinary forces who have received definite news are looking for a man named Mo Xiao.

His whole person was the same as when he came, suddenly appearing, and suddenly evaporating. No one knows what kind of power he belongs to, and no one knows the powerful beast that covers the sky and the sun, whether he has a second one. No one knows if he is a vampire...

The time for Zhang Jie to convene the meeting is getting shorter and shorter, and it seems that he has not found any breakthrough. Zheng Sheng is fired. He is still much worse than playing with those rich second generations. At this time, under Zhang Jie’s protection, he barely saved one. life.

The auntie cleaning and the uncle driver had already calmed down and started to work seriously, seeming to really regard themselves as a part of Xianjindao.

Women in the workplace slowly, and also like the job of a teacher, except for Kuang San, none of them made Zhang Jie worry.

In Zhang Jie's view, Kuangsan has successfully entered the small circle of the Fourth True Ancestor. As long as there is no accident, he can slowly wait for the Fourth True Ancestor to establish the Empire of Night.

But the task of becoming a purebred vampire...

Kuang left the rally blankly on three faces.

Since it was because of herself that these people were forcibly involved in the blood-devouring raid world, she can only guarantee that the other party would not die for no reason.

She wanted to wait until Li Yingjun said "the plot is over," before challenging other true ancestors.

If it succeeded, it would be easy to help Xiaogucheng build the Empire of Night. It is the reincarnation headed by Zhang Jie who will get a point that is very inconsistent with their strength.

These are the benefits that Kuangsan brings to them.



Kuangsan opened the door of the and ran into a student head on.

The two who didn't pay attention took a small step back at the same time.

Kuangsan narrowed his eyes, changed his expression in an instant, and hurriedly came to the silver-haired girl, "Yase, are you okay?"

"Well, it doesn't matter, it was my fault just now, I'm really sorry..."

Kuang San talked a few words with the girl at random, and the two passed by.

The contact with her body only took a half step back, her face was delicate, her pores closed, and another person who wouldn't let Kuang Sanxin be disgusted.

‘This is the angel Li Yingjun is talking about, right? ’
