Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

v9 Chapter 15: Smuggling in time and space (four k)

Nayue Subaru, who was lying on the bed looking at the moon, straightened up suddenly, but he wanted to see what caused him to die twice, what kind of monster is it.

And... he was able to "read files and save files" several times. Could it be related to the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System?

In the eyes of Caiyue Subaru, the biggest mess after traveling through another world lies in this inexplicable system.

"Ding~ to determine the identity of the host."

"Ding~The Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System is for you."

"You can check freely now."

The experienced Pleiades Caiyue closed her eyes, and a picture naturally appeared in her mind.

There are dense small prints written on it, and it is a headache just to look at it.

However, in the upper left corner of the screen, there is a photo sticker of his upper body, still in that old sportswear.

"Is my hair so messy?" Caiyue Subaru doubted, and then continued to look down.

Name: Caiyue Subaru

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Strength: 6 (you are only a bit stronger than an ordinary adult man, facing two people, you will not have any chance of winning)

Speed: 6 (hopefully running for 13 seconds in a hundred meters)

Nervous: 6 (for fps players, your neural response is too weak)

Coordination: 5 (this is only the standard of a normal person)

Charm: 5 (common to not ordinary, maybe people can only remember your coquettish hairstyle)

Note: The average value of adult men is 5, commonly known as Zhanwuzu.

"66655." Caiyue Subaru read it once, then read it several times, "So, I'm still better?"

"Ding~ Please face the reality of the host. This is a different world. The air contains high-energy energy, and their physical fitness is generally higher than that of people on earth."

"Therefore, the host is still a five-scumbag, and it is very likely that he can't even beat the cubs of Warcraft."

"No? I'm very strong!" Subaru Nayuki made a squeezing posture, "Leim thumped me twice and was avoided by me. Is your system wrong?"

The mechanical sound in my mind did not continue to answer Caiyue Suba's question.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of activating the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System. A special title reward: Salesman."

"Wearing the title of salesman can increase the strength and speed of the host a little."

"Wear it." Caiyue Subaru said without hesitation.

Then, on the sticker on the panel, a gray title appeared with the words "Salesman."

"Good lo."

Subaru Cai Yue was taken aback, stretched out his hands and shook hands back and forth. The sudden increase in strength made Subaru a little uncomfortable. Although he could not kill a cow with one punch, it was still possible to kill a dog with one punch.

Looking at the things on the property panel, after the power and speed, there is a parenthesis with the words (+1) written inside.

"My god, when my power becomes 999+, can I punch a mountain? Now that I meet the devil of Rem, I guess I can flash a few more times..."

"Oh~" Caiyue Subaru sighed again, he still didn't dare to act alone, if it weren't for Kuang San is a girl, he would want to live with each other.

Fortunately, Kuangsan lived next door to him, otherwise, no matter how courage he was, he would not dare to live in this manor full of demons.

Rahm has such power, isn't Ram, who is a twin sister, even more powerful? Parker is okay, and Count Mezzas... the ghost knows if they all want to kill themselves.

Fortunately, there is the Ten Thousand Realm Merchant System, which makes Caiyue Subaru feel a touch of warmth in this icy alien world.

In other words, this Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System should be to buy and sell things, gain points, and increase oneself, right? Just like in the game, but this time the player is not an adventurer, but a treacherous businessman?

It's really a different start.

Caiyue Subaru lay on the bed again, "After experiencing so many things, I have died twice before I have finished the cg part of the different world game?"

"Ding~ In order to strive for the development of the two realms and achieve common prosperity, the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System will activate the earth world. Please find the details by yourself."

"Earth world?" Caiyue Subaru came to the spirit. What Kuangsan said to him this afternoon, he kept in his heart. It was obviously more comfortable to be home in the earth than to die twice and have no attachment to another world.

Even if his kind of waste wood lives in Yingzhou very hard, at least he won't be killed by perverted murderers for no reason!

Compared with the security of another world, Yingzhou is like a heaven!

And there is no game console here, nor can he understand the news, he can't learn magic, and the beautiful girl can't attack...He is homesick.

The picture in my mind showing the attributes of the body changed and turned into a projection map of the earth and another world.

"Connected locations: Yingzhou Island on Earth, Lugonika, Kingdom of Dragons in Another World"

"The host can travel through every five holy gold coins spent, and can carry up to 100 kg of goods to shuttle between the two worlds. If you want to increase the weight of the goods, you can pay holy gold coins as drag freight."

Caiyue Subaru, who had just lay down, straightened up suddenly, and his breathing gradually became heavier. What did he see just now?

As long as five holy gold coins, he can travel back to earth! He can go home!

After he sold his mobile phone to Lord Roma, he was paid 20 holy gold coins, ten of which were given to Kuangsan, and he himself had ten holy gold coins left.

In other words, he can go back and forth to another world once!

Oh my god! This Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System is a treasure given to him by the heavens!

I originally thought that the beautiful girl and the game console can't have both, but now...Nayuki Subaru's eyes ignited with a raging flame, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit!

Will you go home?

This thought rushed back and forth in Caiyue Suba's mind. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to go home. It was obviously more comfortable at home on Yingzhou Island than in another world where he could die at any time.

Compared with modern society in the Western Fantasy Middle Ages, people with brains will go to the Middle Ages to suffer!

go back! go back! go back!

Caiyue Subaru's eyes blushed. He has ten holy gold coins. Even if he is not used to the life of Yingzhou Island, he can choose to return to the Dragon Kingdom Lugnica.

He is completely aware of the essence of the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System, doesn't he just want him to be a second-door dealer?

If he uses it properly, he can bring things from another world to the earth, and then bring the specialties of the earth to another world...

Then no one can stop him from developing!

The excited Nayue Subaru changed her pajamas and put on her old sportswear again.

"System? System! I want to go home and take me back!"

"Ding~ You need to pay five transaction points for this crossing. Please exchange the holy gold coins for the host first."

Caiyue Subaru glanced hurriedly, one holy gold coin is equivalent to one trading point, "All ten holy gold coins are exchanged for trading points."

"Ding~ After the exchange is complete, do you consume five transaction points to traverse?"

"Yes!" Caiyue Subaru couldn't wait to say.

Suddenly, a small black spot appeared in front of him. It was so small that it couldn't be seen even if he observed it carefully.

Then the black spots got bigger and bigger, and gradually connected with the spatial fluctuations here, forming a space-time wormhole with a height of one person.

Caiyue Subaru looked left and right, and the passage of the suspected wormhole was dark, with corrugated folds around it, which seemed to have no end.

Such a weird scene made Caiyue Subaru swallowed.

"System, can this thing really go in?"

"Please rest assured, the channel connection has been fixed."

Nayue Subaru took a deep breath, gathered courage, strode forward, stepped into the space channel, and then, the dark space channel instantly collapsed into a black spot, disconnected from the space here, and disappeared. not see.

At this time, Xiaohonghou was bargaining with Count Mezzas. The strange magician learned of the strange behavior of the Pleiades of the moon, and proposed to Kuangsan to buy the cup of noodles.

Not long after, Xiaohong Empress had already given the price of one thousand holy gold coins. Until the end, Earl Mezzas paid more than 600 holy gold coins before buying the cup noodles from Kuangsan.

As for the use of Mezzas buying cup noodles, it's all about madness.

Kuang San threw six hundred golden cuties into the ring at will. In another world, without strength and great wealth, it was just a joke.

Since Caiyue Subaru has returned to Earth, with the assistance of the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System, how far can he grow?

In Kuangsan's vision, Caiyue Subaru established a consortium on the earth to control the economic lifeline, and established an empire that pushes the mainland in a different world. That is what she expected to live up to.

Although Kuangsan doesn't know what the Pleiades Caiyue in the original timeline is like, he will never create a consortium on earth to smuggle earth goods in another world.

The layout is almost complete, and now she just needs to wait for the development of the Pleiades of Caiyue quietly, if the "protagonist" is too slow, she doesn't mind pushing the Pleiades of Caiyue.

After the creation of the empire in the other world, the entire other world was demonized, and the plot line and the world line were suppressed to the extreme. The origin system of the ten thousand worlds would definitely bring her more source points than the blood-devouring raid the world.

Crazy three beautiful calculations, once again immersing consciousness into the source.


Earth, Yingzhou Island.


The car honking the horn flew past Pleiades Nayuki, and the gust of wind it brought up made Nayuki Subaru's coquettish hairstyle even more coquettish.

Caiyue Subaru stepped on the ground and jumped a few times, "I'm back! I'm back!"


Another high-speed car passed by Subaru Caiyue.

"Neurotic." The owner complained.

Caiyue Subaru did not hear the owner's complaint. Even if he travels to another world, he is still an out-and-out "ordinary person."

Behind him is a convenience store that is open 24 hours a day. It is in the morning and the sign that is open 24 hours is not yet lit.

The salesperson inside has changed.

Caiyue Subaru touched her pocket, and there was nothing left of her cell phone or wallet.

"Go home first, go home first!"

Caiyue Subaru looked around at the passing vehicles, crossed the road, and trot towards the apartment opposite.

Using the spare key to open the small house in the apartment, there is no one in the family at this time.

After disappearing for two days, shouldn't they call the police to find someone?

Caiyue Subaru didn't think about it. There were too many things happening "today". He had died twice, and let Kuangsan accompany him to a visit to Lord Roma to sell the stolen goods, and he was exhausted long ago.

Caiyue Subaru didn't even take off her sportswear, so she threw herself on the bed and fell asleep.

After a long time, the sky dimmed a lot outside, and Caiyue Subaru opened the curtains to realize that she had slept until the evening.

He only felt that his scalp was itchy, so he found a change of clothes in his closet and hurriedly walked into the bathroom to rinse it.

In the two days in another world, he experienced too many things. Although he also took a bath in the Manor of Mezzas, the "shampoo" of another world was obviously not so friendly to his hair.

Cai Yue Subaru undressed, soaked in the warm water, and groaned comfortably.

Soon, he squeezed out the shampoo, rubbing his head full of foam, smelling the fresh scent from the top of his head, Caiyue Subaru felt that this was life.

After washing off the foam on the top of the head, Naiyue Subaru realized that his hair had fallen off a lot, but he didn’t care. He thought it was caused by not washing his hair for a few days, so he used shower gel and facial cleanser to clean himself up and down One side...

After taking a shower, Cai Yue Subaru changed clothes, took some change from the flower stand, and was going to the convenience store downstairs to buy something to eat.

It's the shelf, the cup noodles, and the cashier.

Cai Yue Pleiades bought cup noodles and potato chips, and walked out carrying a plastic bag.

The night outside is gradually rising, and the moonlight can be vaguely seen from the other side.

It was not the same as the moon in another world, at least not as bright in another world, perhaps because the night was still not deep, but Cai Yue Subaru didn't care much.

Carrying the plastic bag, I walked out of the 24-hour convenience store and came to the edge of the road. The street lights on the side of the road were properly lit.

Caiyue Subaru rubbed his There seemed to be a fairy-like girl in black dress standing under the street lamp.

When Caiyue Subaru raised her head again, she found that there was nothing under the street lamp.

Just as Nayuki Subaru's thinking drifted to another world, the cashier who was busy in the convenience store rubbed his eyes as well.

The person who came to the store just now to buy things...isn’t it the missing person the police wanted to find?

A few policemen came here last night to ask him about the situation. He also saw his parents crying into tears.

It was only after investigating the surveillance video outside the convenience store that the person suddenly disappeared!

If it weren't for the time displayed on the surveillance, the police would think the video was cut! Almost treated him as a suspect.

This can make the cashier wronged to death. How could he, a little cashier, do such a damaging thing as murder?

Seeing that the teenager in sportswear was still standing on the side of the road in a daze, the cashier hurriedly picked up the phone to call the police.

"...Yes, yes, I found the missing person. Right, right." The cashier took another look at the missing person notice and confirmed it again and again, "He just bought something in my store, really Yes, I’m standing on the side of the road in a daze, eh! He’s going to leave, he seems to be going to the apartment across the road. Yes, I don’t know where it is. Please hurry up. Okay, I will. Try to keep him, okay."

The cashier hesitated for a moment, and when there was no one, he left the job.



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