Tokyo Police

v10 Chapter 46: Chinese white

"Why are your commissions so high?"

When a user named Gumantong sent an email to Ludu's mailbox, Ludu, who was sitting in front of the computer, first rubbed his dry eyes, and then picked up the marijuana gun at hand After taking a sip, with a burst of smoke spewing out of his mouth and nose, Ludu immediately felt that he had returned to the state he was at work.

Green Poison picked up the doughnut on the table and took a bite, then habitually smeared the greasy hands on his clothes. He raised his hand and thought for a moment about his words. With his fingers flexibly dancing on the keyboard, Green Poison quickly found a good excuse for the commission system formulated by dpj.

"Because our service is totally worthy of the price, and I also believe that after you complete a transaction, the profit you get is far more than our commission. Can you find another one that has a huge business like the Black Death A website with a large user base and a well-established trading system.”

"But isn't it a bit too high to charge 10% profit on every transaction, you guys made me $200,000 without doing anything, I wonder if you have any discounts on big deals or something? Yes, now I have a big business waiting for me? If you don't give me some discounts, I will consider whether I can switch to another trading platform..."

Gumantong quickly sent a new email to threaten Green Poison. Seeing this email, Green Poison couldn’t help but despise this user named Gumantong, and only made a $2 million business. Just wanting to bargain with the Black Death kit is too rude to underestimate the Black Death.

Although he despised this guy named Gumantong in his heart, as the customer service of this trading platform, Lu Du had to continue to maintain a good attitude. Because he is very clear that his responsibility is to deal with the problems raised by all users on this platform with heart. If he forces customers away because of his anger, dpj will never be happy. So, Lu Du carefully put away his contempt, he thought about some of his own words, and then wrote a new email and sent it to Gumantong.

"The issue of commission is that there is no possibility of negotiation, but I can give you a small discount personally. Remember the "China White" I gave you last time, if you want, I can give you a discount. s price."


Seeing the Chinese white (hie) mentioned in the email, Lin Xiuyi and Song Kan couldn't help but feel very puzzled, and Song Kan quickly translated the word to Aticha, who was sitting across from them.

"Hey, Green Poison asked about China White in the email. Do you know what China White is?"

"Ah, China White, yes, it's a medicinal powder that Ludu privately sold me. He told me that this kind of thing can make my female slaves give up the idea of ​​running away..."

"Powder? Is it a drug?"

When Lin Xiuyi heard Atiza's answer translated by Song Kan, he immediately thought of the clue provided to them by Scotland Yard when they were in London. The victims in the Dover case were generally detected in the body of a kind of A new drug never seen before. However, because of a lack of sufficient samples to study, Scotland Yard has yet to determine the source of the new drug. Back in the day, Osborn got into trouble in the pursuit of the drug. And now, will the Chinese white mentioned in the mouth of the green poison be the new type of drug that Osborn has been tracking down?

"Do you mean that Green Poison has been selling drugs on the Black Death behind dpj's back?"

Lin Xiuyi alertly raised this question to Aticha through Song Kan. Aticha looked at Lin Xiuyi with some hesitation, first shook his head, and then nodded again.

"Hey, what do you mean by that?"

Because he didn't understand what Atiza was trying to express, Song Kan couldn't help but reprimanded Atiza a little angrily.

"I did buy some things from Green Poison. In fact, it's not just me. Many users of the Black Death know that Green Poison sells drugs on the website. I think it's impossible for dpj to not know about this."

"Do you still have Chinese white on hand?"

Song Kan relayed Lin Xiuyi's question, but Aticha just shook his head and stopped talking, Song Kan then turned his attention to Lin Xiuyi again.

At this moment, Lin Xiuyi frowned and fell into deep thought. The news that Green Poison was selling drugs on the Black Death was too puzzling for Lin Xiuyi. Lin Xiuyi has always thought that dpj is a very domineering person, thinking about Ludu's behavior of doing private work behind the boss's back, does dpj just ignore it like this? So what is the relationship between green poison and dpj?

"Okay? I want to ask for some more Chinese white. What's the market now?"

Lin Xiuyi carefully sent a new email to Green Poison.

"If you don't count the shipping fee, the current market is 2 million US dollars per kilogram, but I don't think you can use that much at all. I suggest that you buy 0 grams first..."

When Lin Xiuyi saw the other party's reply, he couldn't help but be taken aback. This price is simply outrageous. Although Lin Xiuyi is not responsible for drug-related cases in Japan, he is also very aware of the market price of **, a kilogram of ** The price in Japan is only about 00,000 US dollars, but the Chinese white in the mouth of the green poison is more than 20 times more expensive than the **.

"Why is this thing so expensive?"

Lin Xiuyi asked Green Poison in a puzzled Didn't I tell you when you bought it last time, all I sell you are pure Chinese white, you need to dilute it by 000 times can be used as a drug. If this is the case, the 0 grams of Chinese white in your hand can eventually be diluted into a high-end product equivalent to 0 kilograms. Even if you change careers to become a drug dealer, it will be enough for you to earn a fortune, which is nearly fifty times. profit! "

Seeing Lu Du's explanation, Lin Xiuyi couldn't help but continue to ask suspiciously.

"Is this thing so powerful?"

"Haha, don't blame me for not warning you, you must remember to wear a gas mask and protective clothing when diluting, otherwise, you are courting death. Although I am not an expert in this field, but I know the power of this thing, With him, you won't look down on ** in the future..."

Just when Lu Du was still thinking about selling hard with the customer, he saw that the other party actually paid. Three bitcoins were thus credited into the payment center account of the Black Death. After some conversations, Green Poison quickly determined that the address of the harvest was a residential house in the United Kingdom. (https://)