Tokyo Police

v15 Chapter 88: Minister Sato's Secret Mission

"Idiot, you have completely offended Sumitomo this time. Don't you think about the serious consequences of this incident? Now our retired colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Department have lost another good treatment. The receiving unit…”

"This subordinate is incompetent, it's really causing you trouble!"

In the office of Sato's criminal minister, Aizawa and Hanagata are now being slammed by Counselor Nakahara. At this moment, the Central Plains Counselor is frantically venting his dissatisfaction on the two of them. Even though it was a case that the superiors had decided not to investigate, Lin Xiuyi and the people in his family still acted in disobedience, and finally ended up arresting such a big man as Xiushu Calais. Although this incident on the surface reflects the justice of the Metropolitan Police Department, in fact, it has caused the Metropolitan Police Department to have a lot of hatred with the receiving unit that had good relations in the past, Sumitomo Pharmaceutical, and the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.


After Counselor Zhongyuan finally vented his anger, he turned to look at his superior, Minister Sato, and then wanted to ask the other party for any other instructions.

"That Lin Xiuyi, is he going to leave the search class at the end of the year!"

Minister Sato was silent for a long time, and then he asked Counselor Nakayuan with some uncertainty.

"Hey, according to the usual practice, the Lin police department will complete the inspection of the police department next year, so he should be transferred to the lower police station to serve as a deputy. Minister, may I ask you..."

Counselor Nakayuan asked Minister Sato a little uncertainly. In the past few years, he has been asked by his superiors more than once to deal with the mess left by the special search department. Almost every time he receives such a task, the Zhongyuan Counselor will have a headache. So if you ask Lin Xiuyi who will be happy after leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, I am afraid that the Counselor Zhongyuan will definitely be the first in the line! Therefore, at this time, Counselor Zhongyuan will definitely do everything possible to help Lin Xiuyi and let him leave the Metropolitan Police Department as soon as possible.

"Although there is not much time now, if this continues like this, I am afraid the consequences will be very serious. It seems... we have to do something!"

"Minister, you... don't want Lin Xiuyi to stay in the Criminal Department! This... This is not in line with the usual practice!"

"Idiot, how could I keep him in the Criminal Department! What I'm saying is to find a way to let him stay in the Special Investigation Department for the rest of the time, and don't cause me any more trouble. !"

"Eh...I'm really sorry, my subordinates made a mistake. Excuse me... Minister, what are your plans?"

Hearing the question from Counselor Nakayuan, Sato Masayoshi couldn't help but ponder for a long time, and then he suddenly pointed to Aizawa and Kagata and asked:

"You two... I remember that you used to be Lin Xiuyi's subordinates before, right!"

Aizawa and Kagata could not help but raised their heads in surprise when they heard that the minister actually asked him a question in person, and then replied somewhat cautiously.

"Eh? Hey... Hey!"

"That...the Lin police department used to be the management officer of the 2nd Department of Sexual Crime Investigation. We...were working under him at that time!"

Seeing Aizawa and Kagata confirming his guess, Sato Masayoshi showed a rare smile on his face, and then he said to the two in a kind tone:

"Since you were his subordinates before, this matter is easy to handle, listen... I want to give you a special task. In the next six months, you must do everything possible to prevent Lin Xiuyi from continuing. Participate in the investigation of the case, if you can't do it, I will kick you out of the search class..."


Hearing that Minister Sato actually made such a request, Aizawa and Hanagata couldn't help being taken aback. The two never dreamed that the Minister of Crime would give them such a bizarre order.

"Didn't you hear it? The Minister has already said it very clearly. In the remaining six months, don't let Lin Xiuyi continue to intervene in the investigation of the case. Otherwise, you will investigate the unit by the window. Unit) go, understand!"

"Uh... hey! But..."

"However, anyway, he is a police officer, don't we... do we still need to interfere with his actions?"

With an embarrassed look on his face, Hua Xing asked the counselor of Zhongyuan for advice.

"This is not something I want to think about. In short, things like this cannot be allowed to happen again and again. Listen, he only has the second half of the time left to search for a lesson, as long as you guys The Aso Police Department of the First Department does not want to consult the people of the Special Investigation Department for every case, I think... the Minister's order can still be easily fulfilled."

"If you can complete the things I explained within the past six months, I will recommend you to take the upgrade examination for the police department, otherwise, I will transfer you from the search class and send you to any police station below... …”

Perhaps seeing Aizawa and Kagata hesitant, Sato Masayoshi once again increased the chips in the mission.


"Ah...that we will definitely complete the task you explained!"

Before Aizawa could say anything hesitant, Hanagata bluntly crossed Aizawa and accepted the bargaining chip proposed by Sato's Criminal Minister. In this case, Aizawa could only bow his head and acquiesce to Hua Xing's decision.


When Aizawa and Hanagata came out of Sato's Office of the Criminal Aizawa quickly pulled Hanagata to a place where no one was there, and then asked him anxiously:

"How could you agree to such a ridiculous thing just now? Well now, what should we do in the future to prevent the Forest Police Department from participating in the investigation of the case?"

"Senior, I'm really sorry, but I just don't want to be kicked out of the search class. Now that we have agreed to Minister Sato's conditions, we can only take one step at a time. Fortunately, only the second half of the year is left. Now, besides the police department, there are only two people in the special investigation department, Miki and Urashima. They are two people, and we are also two people. There's no reason why we can't look down on them! plan is...trying to do my best. Take all the cases from the special investigation department, no matter whether it is a major or a small case, as long as we can solve it smoothly before the police officer takes action, then... it is not a violation of Minister Sato's order."

Hearing Kagata's reassuring words, although Aizawa was still a little uneasy, but when he thought that if everything went well, he would be able to take the police department's supplementary exam in half a year, and Aizawa couldn't help but said with some temptation:

"Listening to what you said, I think... Maybe the remaining half a year is not as difficult as I thought before!"