
Chapter 105: Extra Seven: Dreamland

Lu Yao doesn't dream very often.

The most frequent time was the five years when Li Mingzhu left him, and he would dream every night.

The content is basically monotonous, and the final direction of the dream is pitch black.

He woke up, and Li Mingzhu was gone.

So Lu Yao doesn't really look forward to dreams.

But then Li Mingzhu came back, not only came back, but also returned to his bed.

Such a beautiful thing cannot be dreamed of.

So Lu Yao hasn't dreamed much over the years.

Occasionally dream of something, and I will forget it all when I wake up in the morning.

He is no longer afraid that when he dreams of Li Mingzhu, the other party will disappear into the darkness in the dream.

The person Lu Yao dreamed of, woke up and slept beside him.

His life is sweeter than a dream.

Lu Yao, who had no dreams for many years, suddenly had a dream about Li Mingzhu on the night of the first day of the new year.

The cause is estimated to be a Shinto thing, which happened not long after the two got married.

He is an atheist, but Li Mingzhu, an old-fashioned feudalist, believes in Buddhism. On the morning of the first day of the new year, when the sky is bright, she left for Lingyin Temple.

Lu Yao was most afraid of getting up in his life, especially in winter, the difficulty index of getting up increased by 30%.

On the way to Lingyin Temple, Li Mingzhu asked him what wish he wanted.

Lu Yao, a gamer, can have any wishes, so he made a wish that Cang Shui can also win the championship this year.

Li Mingzhu rejected him and told him to be more serious and make a wish with sincerity.

Lu Yao raised his eyebrows and looked at his wife, thinking to himself: Why did she become more superstitious after staying abroad for five years?

Lu Yao said seriously: "Mrs. Lu, your thinking is very dangerous now."

Mrs. Lu taught Mr. Lu a lesson: what is physical danger.

Lu Yao was beaten, so be honest.

Sitting in the car, I seriously thought about what wish I wanted to make.

In his mind, a lot of sentences starting with 'Li Mingzhu', randomly combining words such as 'healthy', 'all the best', 'don't work overtime' and so on, appeared in his mind.

Li Mingzhu said: "If you wish to make a wish related to yourself, I will make my wish."

Lu Yao said: "Then I don't have any."

Li Mingzhu:…

She knows!

Lu Yao clings to her and smiles: "I only have wishes related to you. If you let me promise myself, I will be gone."

Lu Yao has been very happy in recent years.

He was born a person who didn't know how to make progress.

Lu Yao was very happy, so he paid attention to the present.

The only bit of motivation left in his life was spent on playing games, and all the rest was spent on Li Mingzhu.

In addition to playing games, eight out of ten his wishes are related to Li Mingzhu. There is no doubt about this, because the parties themselves have seen it.

Lu Yao spent a lot of luck to meet a flower that bloomed in the mud, and worked hard to cover this 'Flower of the High Mountains', the hardships inside are not enough humane.

He is always in a passive state, and Li Mingzhu has always taken the initiative, so she has the final say when she leaves and comes back, whether she loves you or not.

The living is always more painful than the dead. The same is true for passive feelings. Sadness is always doubled.

She decided to go, and she decided to come back.

Lu Yao originally wanted to invite his teacher to ask for guilt, but in the end he still didn't dare.

He is not sure if he has a place in Li Mingzhu's heart, what if he is not in her heart?

Only those who are favored dare to be fearless. When Lu Yao was fifteen years old, he was very fearless.

When I was twenty-three, I lost my ability.

I am afraid of being lost.

Such feelings accumulate over time, bit by bit, and finally become a vast ocean.

Li Mingzhu has never been treated like this by anyone in her life.

Her life is also clear. In the second half of her life, Lu Yao appeared inexplicably, insisting on interfering in her life, and posing as if she was about to die without her, which made her heart tremble violently.

Some people are meant to be together.

There are many people who adore her, only Lu Yao regards her as his life.

Li Mingzhu said: "Don't you have any wishes?"

Lu Yao thought carefully for a while: "No, my previous wish was to wait for you to marry me, but now it's gone."

Li Mingzhu has become Mrs. Lu, he has no wish in this life, if there is, it is a last wish.

Of course, he did not dare to say this in front of Li Mingzhu.

Li Mingzhu was speechless for a while after hearing Lu Yao's wish.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yao thought that Mrs. Lu was in a bad mood, so she said without assertiveness: "I thought about it, I have a wish."

Li Mingzhu asked him: "What wish?"

Lu Yao hugged her, suddenly sat up straight, and dragged Mrs. Lu into her arms.

"Do you remember when I first met you in junior high school?"

In one sentence, Li Mingzhu's thoughts were pulled into the distant past.

She remembers too many things all day long, unlike Lu Yao, who has nothing to do except memories and her old accounts.

Therefore, Li Mingzhu can't remember the scene when the two met for the first time.

Lu Yao helped her recall: "You were brought in by Grandma Wang, wearing a white shirt with long hair, covering your eyes..."

This time, Li Mingzhu remembered something.

She had just been fascinated by Grandma Wang's deception. The old man obeyed her words. She followed behind Grandma Wang and saw Lu Yao standing at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor.

Lu Yao has not yet reached the age of fifteen. He looks like a china doll.

The first time Li Mingzhu saw him, she was stimulated by Lu Yao's stinky fart looking at people.

She immediately came to a conclusion: stupid.

Lu Yao was upstairs. Although he used his nostrils to look at people, his eyes were reluctant. He condescended to move down and saw Li Mingzhu's appearance—

I also came to a conclusion in my heart: sissy.

Li Mingzhu thought of this, and thought of Lu Yao's appearance back then, and burst out laughing.

She is used to being a high-ranking person, she often has a straight face, does not smile, and rarely has too much ups and downs.

Lu Yao was depressed: "Is it so funny!"

Li Mingzhu couldn't stop.

She mainly thought of Lu Yao when she was fifteen years old, she was still a middle schooler, she was very unrestrained in her clothes, and the jingling things hung all over her like a Christmas tree.

Li Mingzhu laughed so much, Lu Yao obviously knew what she was laughing about.

"Mrs. Lu, red card once, your thinking is more dangerous than before!"

Li Mingzhu laughed enough and wiped away her tears.

"I asked what your wish was, and what did you suddenly mention."

Lu Yao thought for a while, then became inexplicably awkward.

Li Mingzhu took a look: there is a ghost.

"Speak." She spit out a word.

Lu Yao put her arms around her waist and whispered, "I want to go back to when you were young and meet you earlier, so you don't have to suffer so much."

Li Mingzhu was moved.

In the end, Lu Yao pouted and said, "Before my brother knows you, I want to know you first!"

Li Mingzhu:…


Lu Yao said: "I didn't make trouble unreasonably, I am, just..."

It's a pity.

Although Lu Yao knew for a long time that Lu Zhi and Li Mingzhu had a past that he did not know.

I know that his brother has a very detached position in Li Mingzhu's heart.

I also know that this transcendent status is different from love.

But he was awkward, like a child.

"I wish I had met you first."

Li Mingzhu was speechless: "How old were you then, are you nine?"

Lu Yao thought seriously, "Can I fly to H city by myself at the age of nine?"

Li Mingzhu: "Dad will break your leg first."

Lu Yao cut.

Li Mingzhu said: "Okay, don't make such unrealistic wishes, waste your heart."

Lu Yao promised Li Mingzhu, but when he arrived at Lingyin Temple, his mind moved.

The temple is full of incense, whether you believe in Buddhism or not, there is a sense of respect here.

Lu Yao was brainwashed by the mysterious power. In front of the Bodhisattva, he silently said: I ask her to live a peaceful and happy life, and be free from sorrow and worry in the next life.

He added in his heart: I want to accompany her to grow up and accompany her to old age.

That's all.

On the night of the first day of the new year, he had this dream not long after he fell asleep.

The bodhisattva's vow came too soon.

The dream is clear and real, not like a dream.

The long alley is blowing with the hot summer wind, and the miscellaneous quarrels and daily trivialities of the towers fill the entire old city.

Lu Yao stood at the entrance of the alley and saw Li Mingzhu, who was only ten years old, sitting upright at the door doing his homework.


She was wearing a white short sleeve, which was wrinkled but clean.

Lu Yao looked at her motionlessly.

Li Mingzhu wrote half of her homework, and it seemed that the refill of the mechanical pencil was gone. She frowned and replaced the refill for the mechanical pen.

This is a very simple, very normal action.

But in Lu Yao's eyes, his whole heart turned into water.

It is estimated that the Bone Foam Palm does not have this power.

The outside of the alley is cooler than the room, and Li Mingzhu lives on the top floor, so the heat is evident.

On a hot day, her sweat dripped down drop by drop, and when the heat was about to die, she freed up one hand and fanned herself with a yellow cardboard—this cardboard didn’t know her Where did it come from, it's full of potholes.

Small appearance is very bitter.

Lu Yao used a lot of strength to restrain himself from stepping forward to Li Mingzhu: I am your husband.

Then he is expected to be immediately transferred to the police station on charges of molesting minors.

So his method was a little roundabout, and he was determined to save the country by curve.

Li Mingzhu finished her math homework and was about to manually copy ten points for her classmates—this is her daily homework business—and felt a cool breeze in her ears.

Li Mingzhu looked back and saw a young man in his twenties who bought a small fan, smiled sweetly, and fanned for her.

He also has one of the most popular popsicles: the green tongue.

Lu Yao said: "Is it still hot? Want a drink? I'll buy it for you?"

…Attentive like a child trafficker.

Li Mingzhu was startled: "Who are you?"

Lu Yao almost blurted out the words 'I am your future husband', he quickly swallowed the words, and said inscrutable: "The secret cannot be leaked."

Li Mingzhu secretly said: ...It turned out to be a fool.