Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 1058: Wealthy mother who was born but not rais

   Chapter 1058 The wealthy mother who was born but not raised (10)

   Actually, Wu Shan is a liar rather than a quack doctor.

   A few years ago, he was hanging around among the wealthy and noble ladies, and what he saw was infertility. The so-called treatment method was very harmful to the body. As Sylvia Lin said, just one treatment would cost half of his life.

   And the reason why Wu Shan dared to deceive is because a few women who went to see infertility by accident before were pregnant.

   Therefore, the existence of Wu Shan spread quietly among the wealthy and noble ladies and was quite famous.

   Later, because someone was put to death by him, Wu Shan fled in a hurry. Because it is a rich and powerful secret, few people know about it.

   I didn’t expect that a few years later, Wu Shan would still dare to appear.

   "Miss Yunxi, you don't have to go to Wu Shan's place in the future." The family doctor said.

   Ye Yunxi's face was very pale from the beginning, her hand suddenly grabbed the sofa under her and released it.

   Sure enough, she doesn't deserve to have children, and she doesn't deserve to be loved.

   Ye Yunxi quickly calmed down and said softly, "I understand, thank you Dr. Zheng."

   "Doctor Zheng, how is Yunxi's body now?" Yin Yin interjected.

"Ms. Yunxi's body has suffered severe losses now, and she is stagnant in her heart. In terms of her body, it is not suitable to take western medicine. It is too harmful to the body. I will prescribe some traditional Chinese medicine and some medicated meals. As for stagnation in the heart." Dr. Zheng After a pause, "Miss, you still have to think about everything."

   Ye Yunxi smiled bitterly in his heart.

   Depressed in her heart, she probably had depression in her heart since she was a child, and she may not be able to cure it for the rest of her life.

   "Yunxi, then I won't let Wu Shan go." After Dr. Zheng left, Yin Yin said to Ye Yunxi.

   Ye Yunxi's fingertips trembled, she wanted to ask why, why didn't she let Wu Shan go, was it because she was hurt by Wu Shan?

   But Ye Yunxi didn't dare to ask, she was afraid that it was just her own overthinking.

   Twenty years of cold waiting and half giving up of strength had already exhausted Ye Yunxi's expectations.

  Yin Yin felt more and more distressed when she saw Ye Yunxi's cautious appearance in front of her mother.

   But it doesn't matter, she will change all that.

   Yin Yin didn't explain much. She leaned over and hugged Ye Yunxi: "Go to sleep when you're tired. Yunxi, good night." Also, mother loves you.

   After saying that, Yin Yin quickly got up on the third floor to prevent Ye Yunxi from seeing the haze in his eyes.

   When she hugged Ye Yunxi just now, her hand was the bulging bone on the back of her hand, and Yin Yinci realized that Ye Yunxi was really thin and thin now.

  She has suffered a lot.

  After Yin Yin left, Ye Yunxi was still sitting in the same place, there seemed to be a fragrance around him, both familiar and unfamiliar.

   Ye Yunxi knew that it was the smell of his mother.

  Suddenly, her back was slightly bent, her hands covered her face, and she let the tears flow between her fingers.

  's back trembled slightly.

   She wept silently.

   Because this is the second hug from her mother since she can remember.

   The first hug was at her wedding ceremony, in front of all the media, it wasn't for her, it was just for others to see.

   But she remembered that hug and the fragrance of her mother.

  From childhood to adulthood, she has always been extravagant.

   She knew that she shouldn't be so extravagant, she shouldn't be so humble, but her character is already like this and can't be changed.

   After a long time, Ye Yunxi returned to the room to rest.

   The room I lived in for more than 20 years is familiar and unfamiliar.

   She thought she would toss and turn, but she fell asleep quickly.

   (end of this chapter)