Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 1451: baby mama take you home (58)

   Chapter 1451 Baby, Mom takes you home (58)

   As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Xu Huanhuan pulling her head, shaking her head constantly, and expressing something in her mouth.

   "Don't you want me to divorce your father?" Yin Yin asked.

  Xu Huanhuan nodded immediately, she didn't want her parents to divorce because of her, so she would feel very guilty, she would say guiltily, maybe she shouldn't have come back in the first place.

  Yin Yin knew what Huanhuan was worried about. She said, "Huanhuan, listen to what mom said. Mom admits that part of the reason for divorce from dad was really because of you, but more because of mom herself."

  Xu Huanhuan looked suspicious, obviously not convinced.

"What kind of person is Li Ke, I believe you should know now, but you and I know, it doesn't mean that your father, brother and grandma know. When you and Li Ke have conflicts, they will always stand on Li Ke's side. Huanhuan, you are your mother's biological daughter, and your mother finally found you, how could she have the heart to let you stay in that house and be hurt again and again by them.

   Of course, the more reason is because of the mother. The concept of mother and grandmother is at odds, and we can't get along well with each other. Your father does love my wife, but she can't give up the mother who gave birth to him and raised him. If he doesn't get divorced, he will always be in a dilemma between me and his mother. If there are conflicts and quarrels, the feelings will be slowly consumed. This kind of life is very tiring. Instead of this, it is better to break it at the beginning.

   There is also a conflict between my mother and Xu Ke, and my mother does not want them to be in a dilemma between me and Xu Ke. So, separation is the best option..."

  Yin Yin said a long paragraph, analyzing her own psychology with Xu Huanhuan.

   Actually, Yin Yin didn't tell the truth completely. The main reason she chose to divorce was because of Huanhuan, but she couldn't say it, otherwise the child with low self-esteem would just attribute all the faults to herself. That's not what Yin Yin wants to see.

   "...So don't think too much about Huanhuan. Mom just wants to ask you, if mom and dad get divorced, will Huanhuan be willing to live with mom alone?"

   Xu Huanhuan reacted immediately, clenched her mother's hand and nodded.

   She blinked and listened to her mother's words. In fact, she hadn't reacted much. Is the reason for her mother's divorce really the same as what her mother said?

   Xu Huanhuan had no nostalgia for her grandma, and her brother, who didn't believe her, father, let go of her hand at the edge of life and death, and exhausted her expectations for them a little bit.

   As for the license can…

  Xu Huanhuan is completely willing to live with her mother.

   "Okay, don't think too much, mom is an adult, mom knows what choices to make."

   In the end, Xu Huanhuan was persuaded by Yin Yin.

   Mom is right. Mom is an adult and an adult. The choice of an adult will not be as willful as a child, and it is all carefully considered.

   "Okay, eat the wontons. If you don't eat them, they will soften." Yin Yin opened the package and pushed a smaller bowl of wontons in front of Huanhuan.

   Mother and daughter eat wontons face to face.

   It was more than half an hour after eating the wontons. Yin Yin came out with the trash to throw away, and saw the man sitting on the chair in the corridor.

  Compared to the high-spirited man in the past, at this time he was a lot more depressed, and his eyes were full of confusion.

   In the past, he always kept himself clean, and it was rare for him to be a little embarrassed.

   (end of this chapter)