Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 1478: Please knock on the door of her heart (6

   Chapter 1478 Please knock on the door of her heart (6)

  It was also from this day that Lin Yushuang began to self-mutilate, from moderate depression to severe depression, until the last step, either passively or actively, towards death.

  Yin Yin hurried back, just to prevent this from happening, but it was still a little late, but luckily it wasn't too late.

  Yin Yin took out her mobile phone, played a soothing pure music, and started to pack the glass again, saying, "By the way, Shuangshuang, I have something to tell you."

  Lin Yushuang immediately sat upright.

   "The educational institution you signed up for the cram school before has recently undergone rectification, and temporarily cannot allow students to attend classes."

  Lin Yushuang snorted: "Then what should I do, or mom, you can find another family for me."

  Lin Yushuang felt that her mother might have found another family, or maybe, more than one family.

  Lin Yushuang has basically never taken any art classes since childhood. The only art class is probably hard pen calligraphy. All she attends are remedial classes for cultural classes. When she was a child, she studied English, mathematics, and English. When she grew up, she added Olympiad, chemistry, and physics. Others may have classes every two or three days. Lin Yushuang takes classes every day, except on Fridays. In the evening, in addition to the school dormitory, class starts at 7:30 on weekends, takes an hour break for lunch at noon, and then resumes class until the end of 10:00 in the evening. Every weekend is like this.

   It can be said that tutoring has become as necessary for Lin Yushuang as eating and sleeping.

Yin Yin threw the glass fragments into the trash can, turned back and said to her: "No, I still think this one is better, and I don't want you to study in other crucian carp institutions, I'm afraid the courses will be different, and the way of class will not be easy to adapt to. Wait, I heard that the rectification time is not too long. By the way, why don't you accompany your mother to the guqin class during this time. "

   "Guqin lessons?"

   "Yes, a lot of people in my company are studying recently, and they think it's pretty good. It's not interesting for me to study alone. You go with me."

   Lin Yushuang had a tangled look on her face: "Mom, I'm not going. I'll brush up the papers at home. Learning the guqin is of no use to me, so I won't waste my time."

  Yes, guqin is useless to Lin Yushuang.

   Or, to be more precise, the original owner had instilled such thoughts in Lin Yushuang since he was a child. Except for cultural lessons, everything else was useless.

  Lin Yushuang spends all his spare time doing It seems that as long as he doesn't do these things for a moment, he will feel a strong sense of guilt, feel that he is sorry for his mother's hard work, and feel that he is useless.

  If she agreed to take a guqin lesson, would her mother think that she would not focus on her studies and would not want to study?

   Moreover, she is not interested in learning guqin now.

   In other words, she has little interest in everything. Most of the time, she just wanted to be alone and be in a daze.

Lin Yushuang's refusal was expected by Yin Yin, but she did not give up, and said, "But the people who go together are basically little girls, I am a little embarrassed to go alone, Shuangshuang, go with your mother, if you want If you don't, just go to the previous section, and if you don't like it, come back."

   In the end, Lin Yushuang agreed.

Yin Yin also knew that she would agree, because Lin Yushuang was not a person who would reject others, or a patient with smiling depression, and usually would not reject others. They were used to forcing a smile, and were used to making themselves gregarious and not letting others notice. to its own strangeness.

   (end of this chapter)