Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 1482: Please knock on the door of her heart (1

   Chapter 1482 Please knock on the door of her heart (10)

The    tree, swaying, as if it would be unbearable to be broken in the next moment.

  The sound of rain, one after another, seems to be someone weeping.

  Lin Yushuang curled up on the ground, with her hands on her chest, tears fell from her eyes and fell on the ground inch by inch...

  It hurts, it really hurts.

   The pain was so painful that she could hardly breathe.

   At this moment, the girl did not come to the pain and discomfort, as if she was abandoned by the whole world.

   The arm suddenly became stiff. The surrounding voices amplified a little bit, Lin Yushuang's eyes gradually became confused, and there seemed to be a person in front of her who was constantly approaching, repeatedly saying to her: You are so useless, what are you doing alive. No one will like you, to others, you are just a dispensable person. No value at all.

  Go away, go away, go away…

   The girl did not cry, but there was a little person in her heart who was crying and screaming constantly. She wanted to run away, but found that the road ahead was blocked and there was no escape.


  Zhou's villa, Zhou Qinghuan stood in front of the window, looking at the weather outside, his cold brows frowned slightly, like a layer of frost and worry that could not be melted away.

  On the desk, the diary stays on a certain page, which reads: Depressed patients are very sensitive to changes in the weather.

  Autumn winds, rainy nights, cloudy days, everything is depressed, and rainy, these weather are the most likely to make depression depressed, unable to concentrate, and feel inexplicably sad.

   Just like Lin Daiyu, when she sees falling flowers, she will think of herself and cry with sadness.

   In such weather, Zhou Qinghuan was very worried about her. It would be great if she could stay by her side.

   Zhou Qinghuan couldn't wait for the plan in his heart.

   He must hurry and act.

   He wants to pull the girl he likes back from the road to death alone.


   In the master bedroom, Yin Yin put a document into the online mailbox of City A in front of the computer.

   It was an email about Zheng Cuiping. Zheng Cuiping was Lin Yushuang's head teacher, the black teacher.

Zheng Cuiping, she is strict in teaching, strong in utilitarianism, and likes to abuse students. She has been scolded by students to tears, and there have been students who have been scolded by her and dropped out of school. However, before Zheng Cuiping entered this experimental high school, she I teach at another high school.

   In that school, there was a female student from a poor family who needed to work outside, so sometimes she came back late.

   Once, when the staff had a dinner, she went back to school late and was seen by Zheng Cuiping.

There was only one seriously ill mother in the female student's family. The mother dragged her sick body to the school to seek justice, but Zheng Cuiping was a relative of the principal. In the end, it was only Zheng Cuiping who was transferred to other students. But because of her own illness and the death of her daughter, the white-haired man sent the black-haired man to die soon.

   (end of this chapter)