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Chapter 1503: Please knock on the door of her heart (3

   Chapter 1503 Please knock on the door of her heart (31)

   Probably because the tune was too sweet and moving, Lin Yushuang couldn't help but closed her eyes.

  The sound of the violin didn't stop, the young man's clear eyes stared at the beautiful girl sitting on the chair with his eyes closed, the tenderness between his eyebrows could not be hidden.

  The old and young people around were also attracted by the sound of Zhou Qinghuan's harmonica.

  Lin Yushuang felt that the surroundings seemed to be quieter, closed his eyes, and the other senses enlarged unconsciously.

  Lin Yushuang heard a little bird that seemed to be calling softly, the voice was tender and milky, with the vitality of the newborn.

   She smelled all kinds of breakfast, with the unique smell of fireworks in this city, which was usually reassuring.

   She felt the morning breeze, gently brushing her skin, bringing a touch of coolness, and brushing her hair, as if a big hand was caressing her, comfortable and warm.

   Of course, along with these came that song, the strands of which flowed into Lin Yushuang's heart like a mountain stream and a clear spring, stirring up the heart lake that the girl had been silent for a long time without fluctuations.

   After the song was over, the sound stopped, and Lin Yushuang slowly opened his eyes.

   At this moment, she saw the sunlight in front of her, warm with a splendid light, and saw the young man with gentle eyebrows staring at her not far away, Lin Yushuang felt that something seemed to change quietly at this moment.

   She couldn't tell what the change was, only that she liked it.


  【Shuanghua: ...Do you think he likes me a little? 】

  【Born to the sun: I think it must be. 】


  At night, it was still a night of insomnia, Lin Yushuang chatted with Xiang Yangsheng on the bed.

   It has been a long time since their first chat.

   In the beginning, it was basically Xiangyang who was born to talk and tell her troubles, while Shuanghua would occasionally reply with a simple sentence or two, like a timid cub hiding in the hole, afraid to stick out her little feet.

After   , he was basically born in the sun and was looking for Shuanghua to chat.

   And Lin Yushuang also learned from Xiangyang Shengsheng's chat that Xiangyang Shengsheng was also a depression patient.

After that, Lin Yushuang and Xiang Yangsheng chatted a little more, and she would slowly tell him some of her own things, those things that were buried deep in her heart and dared not tell others, so sad, pain and sudden suddenness at a certain moment. Come to the overwhelming despair, and the thoughts about the little girl's family.

   As for why he is willing to chat with Xiang Yangsheng.

  Lin Yushuang thought, probably because of the same illness.

   It's probably because the person on the other end is a stranger. People are strange creatures. People are always harsh to those who are close to them, but they are tolerant of strangers. For those who are close to us, we are unwilling to open our minds, and even try our best to conceal our joys, sorrows and joys, but to strangers, we are not willing to open our hearts. You can express your feelings without any burden.

The more she chats with Xiangyang Shengsheng, the more Lin Yushuang feels that Xiangyang Shengsheng is like another self. With just a few words, Xiangyang Shengsheng can accurately know her emotions, her sadness, pain, despair, and Xiangyang. And students seem to be able to accurately understand, and then enlighten.

  Lin Yushuang sometimes felt that he and Xiangyang were born as two people in a winter night, reporting to each other to keep warm in the cold.

   And now, Lin Yushuang and Xiang Yang are chatting more and more with age. She felt that every time she chatted with Xiang Yangsheng, her mood could be relaxed unconsciously.

   (end of this chapter)