Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 1557: Moms of Restructuring Families (1-13)

   Chapter 1557 Moms who reorganize the family (1-13)

   Wei Ting lowered his small head, pursed his lips, and did not speak. For a long while, his pale lips moved, as if he had said something, but because the voice was too low and too soft, Yin Yin did not hear it.

   After a while, Wei Ting raised his head, and a pair of Qing Lingling's eyes were stained with a mist of water. He said: "grandma said, I can't let my mother and Uncle Zhu quarrel because of me, let alone get a divorce. I, I am an oil bottler, I have to be good."

Ten-year-old children still don't hide their inner emotions very much, so the original owner didn't find out in the previous life, or the original owner subconsciously ignored the son's strangeness in order to maintain his marriage at first, and he regretted it until he lost his son later. .

   probably touched the emotions that were hidden in the heart. Just after saying this, a crystal tear fell down, followed by the second drop, the third drop...

  The child was terrified. He didn't want to cry in front of his mother, so he wiped away the tears with his little hands. The back of his hand can still see the needle hole left by the needle stick last night.

  Yin Yin found the information of Mother Yin from memory.

  Speaking of which, the tragedy of the original owner and Wei Ting in the previous life was also partly due to Mother Yin.

  Wei Ting has low self-esteem, because he was disliked by his father and was unwilling to support him, so he threw him to his mother, because his grandmother said that he was his mother's oil bottle. Without him, his mother could live a better life. Therefore, he was very well-behaved and lived carefully. When he was in the Zhu family, he felt that he was inferior to Zhu Chuan and the others. His grandmother brooded in front of him, causing him to swallow the pain in his heart and dare not tell his mother, because his mother had already worked hard to raise him, and it would be very troublesome for him to not be able to give his mother any more, and he was actually afraid, afraid Will there be a day when Mommy will throw him away like Dad did.

  Dad throws him away, and if mom doesn't want him anymore, then he becomes a child without mom and dad.

In the last life, the original owner did not plan to remarry at first, and just wanted to guard Wei Ting, but Mother Yin forced her to go on a blind date and get married again and again, so that the original owner met Zhu Yi, a family of jackals, tigers and leopards. At that time, the original owner felt tired and suffered. When she returned to her mother’s house and mentioned it occasionally, Yin’s mother also told her to endure it, saying that she was not satisfied and didn’t know what to do. Zhu Yi is such a good man, who has a house and a car, and even marrying him would still be ok. feel bad. So the original owner was cursed like this for a long time, and after that, the original owner didn't say anything to Mother Yin.

  Speaking of which, the relationship between the original owner and Yin's mother, although on the surface they were mother and daughter, was actually very weak.

   Mother Yin wanted to save face and said that what she did was for the original owner's good, but in fact she didn't really want to be nice to the original owner.


   Yin Yin retracted her thoughts. In this life, she will never let Mother Yin control her thoughts and behaviors.

Yin Yin sat on the hospital bed, gently hugged Wei Ting's small body in her arms, and said softly: "Ting Ting, don't listen to your grandmother's nonsense. You are not mother's oil bottle, you are mother's pregnant tenth. The son born on the moon is my mother’s favorite baby. No one can compare to you. As long as my mother has you, she will be very happy.”

   Wei Ting widened his eyes and looked up at his mother.

   Mom said, he is not a drag bottle, he is mom's little baby.

   is still my favorite.

  Wei Ting wanted to ask if it was true, but seeing the soft light in his mother's eyes, he couldn't ask.

   Because he could feel that what his mother said at this time was true.

   (end of this chapter)