Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 1660: Motherland - the way home from a dream (

   Chapter 1660 Motherland - The Way Home From A Dream (10)

   After his mother died, Li Ergou lived with his father.

   He was very young at that time.

   His father is good-looking and practical and capable. Someone in the village wanted to introduce him to someone, but he refused.

   He just wanted to watch over the youngest child, Li Ergou.

   So, these years, Li Ergou has always depended on his father for life.

   Until three years ago, when the war with Liguo was about to start, he chose to join the army, even though he was very timid, he still wanted to do his part for the country.

   But he was also worried about his father. He thought that if his father did not agree, then he would not go. He didn't want to make his father sad, because he was also afraid, and he was afraid that he would not be able to come back once he left.

   His father and his mother have lost so many children, how many times the white-haired person gave the black-haired person.

   Now he is the only father left. If something happened to him again, how sad my father would be.

   Dad... didn't stop it.

"...My father said that boys must dare to fight and dare to break through. The motherland has blessed us. Now that the motherland is in trouble, she needs us, and we must do our part. I still remember that before I left home, What my dad said. He said-"

"Son, don't worry about Daddy, Daddy will be at home waiting for you to come back, always, always waiting for you to come back. If you have a chance, remember to write a letter, don't say anything more, just tell Daddy that you are safe. "

   Tears blurred Li Ergou's eyes. In a trance, he seemed to see the old father who was standing at the entrance of the village, looking in the direction outside, waiting for him to return.

   He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and carefully took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

   The paper is slightly yellowed, but not wrinkled.

   He opened the paper slowly.

   "This, this is a letter I wrote to my father..."

   This is the paper he bought from the villagers when they were resting in a certain village, and he also borrowed pencils at the time.

   “write letters” on paper yourself.

The    paper was slowly opened, and the inside was not a text, but a pattern.

  Yes, Li Ergou is illiterate.

   So in his letter writing, he just drew down what he wanted to write.

   "I kept this letter for two years..." I just don't know if it will be sent out that day.

   Li Ergou said half of what he said, but everyone knew what he meant.

   They are far away in a foreign country, hundreds of thousands of comrades-in-arms, from all over the country, how difficult it is to send letters back.

   It can be said that it is basically impossible.

   So this letter was written and kept by Li Ergou for more than two years, but he still couldn't send it back, and he couldn't say goodbye to his father.

  The people present were disappointed.

   In fact, they didn't want to write a letter to go home to report safety. When I saw Li Ergou write a letter, some people wrote it.

   And their letters were also not sent out.

  Some may be able to go home with them after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and some may never be sent out.

   Some of them may even have only one name when they return to the war.

Li Ergou folded the letter again and again and said, "I, I want to go back after the war as soon as possible, and tell my father that I am back, if, if I can't go back... I also think that at least I can send this letter to my father. To my father." Let my father know that my son has always missed him.

  Rao is Zhang Jianjun, who has always been in control of his emotions, and couldn't help crying again.

   He stood up and bowed to everyone: "I'm sorry, comrades in arms, I couldn't help you send letters home, and I couldn't even bring my dead compatriots back..."

   Yin Yin's presence in this world is relatively low, as long as she tells the story of her "children" in this world. In my outline vision, the world is more tear-jerking.



   (end of this chapter)