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Chapter 1717: The ruthless mother of the empress (8)

   Chapter 1717 The ruthless mother of the empress (8)

   The eldest prince has more children than the original owner, and now he has more than a dozen children.

  The second prince, Yuan Jiarui, has the biggest problem with greed for money. Taking a little money from him is no different from killing him.

   These two sons, although they each have their own unique personalities, both have good talents and are above the original owner.

   As for the remaining sons and daughters, they all have their own characteristics, and some people's characteristics are really hard for Yin Yin to describe.

   In the first few years of his reign, the original owner managed the country well, but then gradually became ruthless and violent.

   She favored the treacherous ministers, listened to the slanderous words of the people beside the pillow in the harem, was drunk, and ignored the life and death of the people. If those courtiers offended her, the lesser ones were dismissed from office, and the more serious ones were directly pulled down and cut at the gate of the palace.

   At this time, the Yuan Dynasty had already developed to the late stage. The country next door was becoming stronger and stronger, and there were all kinds of problems in the country.

  Unfortunately, these original owners were invisible.

   The original owner was busy enjoying himself, and several princes were busy taking the heir, the loyal ministers were gradually killed by the original owner, and the treacherous ministers made the Yuan Dynasty, which was already at its end, even more ruined.

   Finally, the neighboring state of Lu attacked the Yuan Dynasty.

   The capable generals of the Yuan Dynasty were killed by the original owner long ago.

  Therefore, the army of Lu State drove in. In the end, the Yuan Dynasty was destroyed, and the original owner became the king of the subjugated country and was strangled to death.

   And her sons and daughters did not end well either.

  Yin Yin recalled the scenes in the original owner's previous life and couldn't help sighing.

   A good country was defeated by the original owner like this.

   Now that Yin Yin is here, naturally he can't be like the original owner.

   Fortunately, she came in time. Although the original owner is enjoying himself, he has been comatose for many years, and is also a little violent, but he has not reached the point of bloodthirsty in the later stage, otherwise Liang Yushi would definitely not dare to come out this time.

   In the last life, Liang Yushi died this time. The original owner loved the second prince, Zhang Sen and others were the second prince's people, so Zhang Sen and others were fine, but Liang Yushi died.

   In the past life, this time, the floods in Mingqing and Mingkang were very serious, and it was also the beginning of the corruption of the Yuan Dynasty.

   Now that Yin Yin is here, he should not only stabilize the Yuan Dynasty, but also teach several wonderful sons and daughters.


  The Palace of the First Prince.

  The elegant and elegant woman in a palace dress was flipping through the ledger.

   The maid, Oriole, came in from outside: "Empress, it's time to eat."

   Zhao Wanwan gently closed the ledger and raised her head, revealing an oval face with clear water coming out of a hibiscus, she opened her mouth, and her voice was as clear as a spring: "Where's the First Prince?"

   Oriole bit his lip, hesitating.

   Zhao Wanwan also noticed something when she saw her like this, so she used to say: "Tell me, which woman's room is he in now."

   Oriole said: "Half an hour ago, the eldest prince asked Aunt Lian, Aunt Liu, and that Persian beauty, An Angeli, to be called to Qingya Pavilion. So far, they haven't come out yet."

When    Oriole said this, his eyes were angry.

   "Emperor Concubine, your Highness is going too far. It's still bright and sunny now. Actually, actually..."

   "Oriole, be careful!" Zhao Wanwan said softly.

   Oriole had to shut up, but still muttered: "The slave girl just can't stand it."

Her imperial concubine was so kind to His Highness, but His Highness could not see the sincerity of His Majesty for him. She spent the whole day hanging out with those women. There were so many women in the backyard, and she always made so many bad things for her. The mother-in-law cleans up.

   (end of this chapter)