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Chapter 1767: The ruthless mother of the empress (58)

   Chapter 1767 The ruthless mother of the empress (58)

  Lu Cha said with tears in her beautiful eyes.

He asked Yuan Jiaqin softly: "Princess, I'm really a lot worse than Qi Gongzi, right? I still want to like the princess. He lowered his eyes, but his face was stained with a blush.

   Yuan Jiaqin and Du Juan all widened their eyes.

   Although there was some noise around, they all heard it.

   Yuan Jiaqin felt that his face was extremely hot when he saw Lu Cha.

   She heard right just now, did Lu Cha say she likes her?

  Yuan Jiaqin was a little dazed. This was the first time in her 14-year life that someone had confessed to her that she clearly liked her.

   As for why there are no other people, perhaps it is because of her high status as a princess, perhaps because she is not likable.

She was not very favored when she was a child. Her father and people from her father's family were not close to her besides giving her money. It was funny to say that the only people she was closest to when she was a child were Sister Changle, Du Juan and Xiao Xiao. way.

   She seems optimistic and cheerful, but in fact, she still has a trace of inferiority in her heart, especially after pursuing Qi Lang for two years without results, sometimes she feels that she is worthless.

From Qi Lang's occasional behavior, Qi Lang also thinks that she is not very good, at least apart from being a princess, apart from a lot of money, nothing is better than other noble ladies. Many people should not like to associate with her very much, but Qi Lang Said that although he only likes to associate with talented people, he can also reluctantly be friends with her.

   In order to be friends with Qi Lang, who is as beautiful as the moon, and even to make Qi Lang like her, she can only do her best to meet Qi Lang's requirements.

  No, when she knew that Qi Lang would come to Baoshu Zhai every time and wanted to buy those single copies, calligraphy and paintings, she would buy them first and give them to him.

   persisted for two years, and Qi Lang's attitude towards her improved a lot.

   But Qi Lang never said that he liked her, and now, Lu Cha said he liked her.


   Her eyes were slightly rounded, and she suddenly thought of it.

   is the hero who rescued her just now, the inadvertent kiss just now.

   She recalled the love story in the book of words she liked to read. Isn't the hero and heroine fall in love at first sight because of such an encounter.

   So, did Lu Cha fall in love with him at first sight?

  The more I think about Yuan Jiaqin, but I think there is such a possibility.

   Ah, this **** love law, she should have thought of it long ago.

  Yuan Jiaqin was suddenly a little confused, she opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

   She wanted to tell Lu Cha that it was impossible for her to be with him. Although she didn't value her status, the mother emperor must have valued her status when choosing a consort for her, and she liked Qi Lang.

   She had to destroy the flowers with fiery hands, and strangle the flower of love that Lu Cha had just sprouted to death in the bud.

   Thinking so, she was about to speak.

   But Lu Cha spoke before her.

  Lu Cha raised his eyes, and there was a hint of self-deprecating sadness in those eyes.

"Princess, Cha Cha knows that Cha Cha has a humble status and is inferior to Mr. Qi Lang and unworthy of the princess. Lu Cha only wants an opportunity to express his heart. Now that his heart has been expressed, he has no regrets. Lu Cha will not be extravagant to ask for the princess. I just want to quietly guard the princess, dedicate everything I have, and even my life for the princess, and only ask the princess to look back at me occasionally, even if it’s just a glance, that’s enough.” Tears flowed from the corners of Lu Cha's eyes, looking more and more pitiful, and thinking about what he just said made people feel more and more heartbroken.

   (end of this chapter)