Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 1887: Antarctic penguin mother (10)

   Chapter 1887 The mother of Antarctic penguins (10)

  【The cute sharks, you must not let them go. 】

  【Am I the only one wondering why there are sharks in Antarctica? Is this Antarctica? 】

   [Upstairs, I have been to Antarctica for scientific research, and I am sure that this is the Antarctic. As for why there are sharks in the Antarctic, this should be the pot of our human beings. 】

  【? ? ? 】

  【Global warming, greenhouse effect. As the temperature of the sea rises, those marine creatures that can only survive in warm seas will come, and those creatures that can only survive in cold sea water, if they can't adapt, will only gradually decrease. For example, the penguin's food, krill, is now gradually decreasing. It is unimaginable that penguins will starve to death one day. 】

  【The temperature is rising, the snow-capped mountains are melting, the ice surface is melting, the animals living in the Antarctic have a worrying living environment, and now there is human hunting. They are really pitiful. 】

  The live broadcast room was silent for a moment, wondering if human beings were ashamed for their actions, or were they mourning for these creatures who suffered extinction because of their actions.

   It wasn't until a long time ago that someone in the live broadcast room had a bubble again.

  【I’m really curious about what kind of person the anchor is. He is the great **** of hiding and photography, right? In the end, he avoids sharks and these people and broadcasts such a scene. 】

   [Anchor, can you make a sound? 】

  Yin Yin: …The anchor Benbo said that she is just a penguin now.

When the people in the    protected area arrived, they saw this picture.

   A few sharks surrounded a few people who fell into the sea. The latter fluttered in the sea, surrounded by sharks' white fangs. No matter which direction they swim, there is a dead end.

  woo, if I knew they were killed, they wouldn't come to Antarctica to hunt penguins.

  In the past, if they saw people in the protected area, they would definitely hide as far away as possible, but now...

   "We are here, we are here."

   "Please, save me."

   "I want to go to jail, I hunted penguins, catch me and go to jail." Jail is better than being eaten by sharks.

  People in the reserve: …This is the first time I have seen such a strong statement that they want to go to jail. But it's understandable to look at the sharks around them.

  People, they want to save, although these people are hateful, but the law can punish them.

  Just, how could they save them from the sharks.

   At this time, everyone did not see it. In a place they could not see, there was a penguin, the mastermind behind the scenes, lurking in the dark, watching all this silently.

   Now this scene is precisely what she brought about.

  Yin Yin was very satisfied with this scene, hiding her merit and fame.

   But Yin Yin didn't plan to let the shark eat these people. Although it looks cool to let the shark eat them, it's not necessary.

   So she consulted with the sharks to let them go and play elsewhere.

  The sharks are very close to Yin Yin and listen to her words, but they are not so obedient to their mother.

  Because Yin Yin said at the beginning that he would not eat these people, the sharks only used these people as toys to tease.

   It was fun to play with toys and watch them yell, but Yin Yin said to let them go. They also left.

  So, when the people in the reserve were racking their brains about how to drive the sharks away, the sharks turned around and left with a beautiful tail wave as if they had negotiated.

  Sharks: It's just a few playthings, it's not worth our nostalgia, you can give it to you if you want.

   (end of this chapter)