Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 1996: Eccentric mother who treats her adopted

   Chapter 1996 Eccentric mother who treats her adopted son harshly (67)

   Mrs. He thinks that when she sees her son this time, she must look at their passbook, and it is best to get the passbook.

   Anyway, she wouldn't spend their money, she just helped save it, and left it to Amin in the future, so as not to let that vixen ruin the family, is it easy for her son to work hard to make money?

  He Xiangjin and the others all remember the restaurant's words.

   When they were about to arrive at the restaurant, they seemed to see a figure in the distance, which seemed to be their mother.

   "Mom." He Xiangming immediately waved his little hand and shouted loudly.

   Yin Yin's hearing is good, so he could hear the figure from a distance and looked in the direction of the sound.

   But the next second, she saw a scene that made her eyes split.

   I saw a small car driving in the middle of the road for some unknown reason, and suddenly rushed to the sidewalk on the right.

   There are many people on the sidewalk.

   Seeing this, he hurriedly avoided the vehicle.

   And Yin Yin just happened to see the car heading straight for the three of them.

  He Xiangjin immediately grabbed the hand of his brother and grandma He and was about to pull them away and avoid the car.

   It stands to reason that although the car was charging towards them, the speed was not very fast. It seemed that the owner of the car was already reducing the speed, but the inertia of the car could not stop immediately.

   When He Xiangjin reacts, he pulls Mrs. He and He Xiangming away, and there is a high possibility that they can be avoided.


   When He Xiangjin went to pull them, he couldn't pull them.

The old lady He, who has always been very neat in her legs, was so scared that she froze in place and didn't dare to move at all. Not only that, she also held He Xiangming, who was holding her tightly, and wanted to pull her away. Jin also grabbed her hand.

  He Xiangming was only a five-year-old child, so he was forgiven for not being able to react to this scene.

   And He Xiangjin is going to pull Mrs. He and He Xiangming.

   Originally, according to He Xiangjin's estimation, he pulled up Mrs. He and He Xiangming, and then Mrs. He and him took Aming to avoid.

   But now, Mrs. He is stiff in place, like a rock that can't be moved at all.

   There is no doubt that the three people who stayed in place will be hit immediately once the car rushes over.

  Yin Yin felt that her breathing was about to stop at that moment. She couldn't imagine what would happen to the children in front of her.

   So, she rushed up desperately.

   It was at that time that Mrs. He seemed to have reacted suddenly and acted all of a sudden.

   But that action made Yin Yin and everyone around him feel chills.

   I saw Mrs. He dragged He Xiangjin who was beside her and blocked in front of herself and He Xiangming. Then she held He Xiangming in her arms and blocked it with her back.

   She has no strength to back away, but she can pull someone to stand in front of herself and her grandson.

  In this way, the car will hit He Xiangjin first, and then hit them, but even if they are hit, they should not die.

   As for what will happen to He Xiangjin,

   Mrs. He didn't pay attention at all. For her, it was an honor for He Xiangjin to die to save her and He Xiangming.

   After all, they had raised He Xiangjin for so many years, if he knew how grateful he was, he should jump out and stand in front of her when she pulled him in front of him.

He Xiangjin was pulled in front of him and it was too late to leave again. All he could see was the car rushing towards him. His pupils dilated rapidly. At that moment, he had only one thought: he, yes Not to die?

   I can't finish writing this story today, but tomorrow. The protagonist of the next story is a girl.



   (end of this chapter)