Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 685: Single mothers with negative education (

  Chapter 685 Negative Education Single Mothers (End)

Even though his business grew bigger and bigger and he faced more and more temptations, he kept his original intention. It was not until middle age that he got rid of the influence of his original family and fell in love with him under the strong love of his wife. his wife.

   Of course, during this period, Gu's father, Gu's mother and stepmother did not come to make trouble, and they came to ask for money, but Gu Heng was no longer the weak child he used to be.

   In the end, those few people didn't get any benefit, so they could only leave in despair, and didn't dare to appear again after that.

  Yin Cheng married Yuan Jing after graduating from college.

   The two are childhood sweethearts from elementary school to university. Yin Cheng has long been accustomed to Yuanjing, and he is very clear in his heart and understands.

   Yuan Jing, who can be temperamental, is a rough and nervous person. She likes Yin Cheng without knowing it, and has always regarded Yin Cheng as her best friend.

   It was not until I was in college that I saw so many girls chasing Yin Cheng, and when I learned that Yin Cheng agreed to date with one of the girls, I didn’t realize that I fell in love with Yin Cheng.

   In the end, he was so sad that he cried. It was Yin Cheng who came to her when he realized that something was wrong.

   Finally, Yin Cheng pulled her into the woods and kissed her fiercely.

   shows that he didn't date any girls, it was just a stoop, and the person he liked was her from beginning to end.

   After the two got married as soon as they graduated from college, they quickly gave birth to a pair of twin sons and then a daughter.


   A few years later

   At that time, Yin Yin had already passed away.

  Yin Cheng and Yuan Jing also just passed away. Yin Cheng's daughter Yin Yun accidentally found her father's diary while sorting out her father's belongings.

  *My parents got divorced, and my father left, leaving me and my sister to follow my mother.

  *Many people laughed at me and my sister as children that my father didn’t want, and my classmates didn’t play with me. They said I was a bad boy.

*This time, because of stomach pain in the middle of the math test, I didn't do well in the test, and I was very scared. I remembered that my mother would check it. I took a blank paper and pretended to be a good score. Later, my mother found out, and my mother scolded me. hit me, hit me.

* "How did I give birth to a child like you, why don't you look at who is who", "When the adults talk, don't interrupt the children, I did this for your own good", "I worked hard to raise you, and you are right." Mine", "Why are you so stupid"...Am I really that bad? I am pretty tired.

  *Mom allowed me and my sister to see my dad, I'm very happy.

  *Today I went to the breakfast shop with my mother. It turns out that my mother worked so hard to earn money.

  *Mom bought me a bag of candy, I was reluctant to eat it and wanted to keep it.

  *My mother asked me to bring dessert to share with my classmates. My father also came to school and made friends today. I am very happy.

*My sister got married, my brother-in-law loves my sister very much, is very tolerant, and cherishes my sister. I believe that my sister and my brother-in-law will be happy. On the day of my sister's wedding, my mother cried, cried and laughed, and my mother said, that day she was this The happiest day of my life.

  *I like Yuanjing, but unfortunately she doesn't know, I don't know when I liked Yuanjing, and why I liked it, probably because she has the optimism, liveliness, and self-confidence that I didn't have before. With her, I always feel warm and relaxed.

*I married Yuan Jing. When she told me she was pregnant, I was stunned for a while, and then I silently told myself that in the future, I must take good care of my child and grow up in her beautiful family fantasy. .


  *Mom passed away today, so caught off guard and seemed to be expected, I hugged her and cried for a long, long time...

Yin Yun finished reading all of his father's diaries, and finally closed the diary slowly and reviewed his life. Yin Yun held the diary in his arms and said softly, "Dad, you said that you will love you all your life. Child, you have done it, my brothers and I are very happy, happy."

  —this world is over

   (end of this chapter)