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Chapter 774: The weak mother who is spoiled by the ch

   Chapter 774 The weak mother who is spoiled by the child (5)

   Wei Yao's younger sister, Wei Yuan, followed the temper of Mrs. Wei and was selfish and bitter.

   The family she married was wealthy at first, but was later defeated.

  Wei Yuan often brought her children to her parents' house to fight the autumn breeze. Not only that, she was arrogant to the original owner, and even brought her son to bully the tiger cub and Xiaocao.

   However, because the tiger cub is favored by Mrs. Wei, and because he is not the master of disadvantage, Wei Yuan's child Donkey will resist once he bullies him, so the two often fight.

   But Xiaocao is miserable. She is going to be bullied by her brother tiger cub, and the donkey eggs will come and be called and drunk by the donkey eggs. It really follows her nickname and is a grass that no one loves.

   In short, except for Xiaocao and Wei Geng's family, Yin Yin felt that the Wei family was in need of cleaning up.

  Since she is here, she is bound to make a change.

   First of all, although she is Mrs. Wei's daughter-in-law, she will never let Mrs. Wei bully her.

   Second, the tiger cub is spoiled, raised crookedly, and likes to bully his sister, so he must be corrected.

  Third, give Xiaocao the equality she deserves, don't let her be bullied by anyone, and make her confident.

   Fourth, you can't let your two children be bullied by Wei Yuan's family.

   The fifth is to solve Yang Jiaojiao's problem.

   As for the last point, it is about the Duke Wei Yao.

  The original owner liked Wei Yao who rescued her and brought her out of the sea of ​​misery, but although Wei Yao also liked him, he focused on the imperial examinations in the early stage. He went home very little and paid less attention to his wife and children.

   After that, he became a concubine.

  Wei Yao is a typical male chauvinist in ancient times, and his thoughts are also pedantic. It is difficult for such a man to change him.

Although it was normal to have three wives and four concubines in ancient times, Yin Yin couldn't accept it. No matter whether Wei Yao was active or passive, whether he liked or disliked the so-called concubines, as long as Wei Yao dared to accept it, she would dare to bring two children. and away.

   She didn't want Yang Jiaojiao, the poisonous snake, to enter the door, and she didn't want other women to enter the door, so that Wei Yao could create a lot of concubines and concubines, and she didn't want to compete with other women for jealousy. In the future, Wei Yao will be able to pass the exam and become a high-ranking official.

   Therefore, once Wei Yao wants to take a concubine, then let him go, and then Wei Yao can take as many concubines as he wants.

   For Wei Yao, the husband, Yin Yin held an attitude that he could abandon it at any time.

   Now that Wei Yao can finally be wholeheartedly towards her in body and mind, then his attitude towards family and children should be slowly guided and corrected.

   has made up his mind, and Yin Yin has a bottom line.

   also began to face the current situation.

   The original owner was pushed down by Mrs. Wei.

  The reason is that the family bought a cake for the tiger cub to eat alone, and the last two pieces were missing. The tiger cub suspected that his sister Xiaocao stole it.

   But Xiaocao said she didn't steal it, and the tiger cub didn't believe it, so he scolded Xiaocao.

   Xiaocao was aggrieved and cried to the original owner.

   Although the original owner is weak, he loves Xiaocao's daughter and believes in Xiaocao, so he found the tiger cub in the kitchen and explained to him that the cakes should not be eaten by Xiaocao, and hoped that he would not wrong his sister.

  The tiger cub was spoiled, how could he tolerate others refuting him, not even his own mother, so he yelled at Mrs. Wei.

   Mrs. Wei naturally stood by the tiger cub indiscriminately.

   She scolded the original owner and even pushed the original owner out of excitement.

   The original owner's head hit the water tank, and he fainted with blood immediately, but he woke up soon, but the person who woke up became Yin Yin...

   (end of this chapter)