Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 877: Crying children have sugar to eat (32)

   Chapter 877 Crying children have candy (32)

   "Ci Ci, why are you targeting your brother. Why are you saying that to your brother, your brother has always treated you very well." Yin Yin asked, her tone a little cold.

Ye Chengci turned around slowly, revealing a face full of tears but flushed, with red eyes, he stared at Yin Yin, like a cub about to go mad, he snorted heavily, gritted his teeth and said : "Because that's what Ye Chengnian owes me, if he hadn't robbed me of my nutrition when I was in the stomach, my body wouldn't have been so weak since childhood.

  Why when he can run and jump, I can only be sick and unable to move in bed; why can he be healthy, but I have to have injections and medicines all year round. I have forgotten how many times I have had injections since I was a child and how many times I have taken medicines. Do you know how painful an injection is? Do you know how hard it is to take medicine? Why should I have to bear this. Can he, Ye Chengnian, feel the pain 10 times more sensitive to pain and smell? "

  Although Ye Chengci and Ye Chengnian are twins, their faces are almost identical, but the most different apart from their temperament is their sense of pain and smell.

  Yes, Ye Chengnian's sense of pain and smell are within the normal range, while Ye Chengci's sense of pain and smell are 10 times more sensitive than ordinary people.

   For others, the injection is just a light stab, and some people even ignore the pain, but Ye Chengci couldn't help it.

   He is 10 times more sensitive to pain than ordinary people, but one injection is very painful, and every time it hurts, he sheds tears, and sometimes his body cramps because of the pain.

   In this case, his body must not suffer huge damage, otherwise, he is really likely to be "distressed to death".

   His sense of smell is 10 times more sensitive than ordinary people, so Ye Chengci's appetite tends to be flat, because sweet, bitter, and sour tastes will be infinitely amplified in his taste buds. That's why he's such a picky eater. But when it comes to taking medicine, he can't choose, he can only drink bowl after bowl of bitter and spicy Chinese medicine.

   This kind of bitterness, who can taste it for him.

   Facing Ye Chengci's hysterical questioning, Yin Yin froze in place.

  She came to this world and learned from the original owner's memory that Ye Chengci's sense of pain and smell were more sensitive than ordinary people, so every time Ye Chengci took injections and took medicine, he would cry and cry.

   But Yin Yin never thought that Ye Chengci's pain and olfactory nerves were 10 times more sensitive than ordinary people.

   What that means, Yin Yin knows better than anyone.

   In a world she once experienced, she was also a doctor. That day, there was a car accident at a certain intersection, and several people were taken to the hospital.

   In that world, her medical skills were superb, even people who were seriously injured and dying were rescued by her, but one person died before being pushed to the surgery.

   That was the only woman who was the least injured in the car accident, and the only one who died.

   Her death was not because of excessive bleeding or damage to her internal organs, but because she was forced to die in a car accident.

   Later, Yin Yin realized that this dead woman's pain nerves were 10 times more sensitive than ordinary people.

The original owner didn't know much about this. When he took Ye Cheng to see the doctor, although the doctor said it, the doctor only found something was wrong and didn't know much about it. He only told her a result, no matter who it was. There is no way to experience the pain and suffering like Ye Chengci did.

   (end of this chapter)