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Chapter 968: Houmen cannon fodder children after thei

   Chapter 968 Houmen's Cannon Fodder Children After Mother's Disappearance (71)

  Yin Yang asked someone to call the imperial doctor and asked what happened to Wei Ya's maid. Even if he doesn't like Wei Ya anymore, she is his imperial concubine and represents his face. How can she be disfigured.

   "Master, the face of the imperial concubine was ordered to be destroyed with a dagger by Marquis Weiyang, because the imperial concubine once destroyed Miss Wei Yi's face."


  Yin Yang turned the jade wrench on his thumb, never expecting to get such an answer.

   He knew about the return of the Marquis of Weiyang to the capital. He had planned to visit him sometime. Although his husband-in-law became more and more dizzy when the princess fell off the cliff in the past three years, he had some troops in his hands.

  Yin Yang is now at a critical time to seize power. Naturally, the more people he has, the better. Wei Ya's return to her parents' home is also his temptation.

  Although his father-in-law's eldest daughter married his imperial brother, who doesn't know that Yin Ce is a short-lived ghost, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be in the throne, but anyone who has a brain will choose to rely on him.

   Unexpectedly, Wei Ya, who represented his face, arrived at her parents' house and was disfigured.

  Yin Yang slapped the table fiercely, resentful: "This Marquis of Weiyang is too deceiving. I really think I, Yin Yang, can't do it. It's my own daughter anyway, and she can be so cruel."

   At this time, another subordinate hurriedly handed over news that Wei Pang broke Wei Cheng's leg, and even his own leg.

   "This Wei Pang is really crazy."

   is not a lunatic. You can even break your own legs.

   Such a person, Yin Yang didn't dare to expect anything.

   "Now is really a critical time, it is not advisable to cause more troubles, and ignore them for now."

  The imperial doctor was startled when he saw Wei Ya's **** face, but he still refrained from applying medicine and dressing.

   "What about the situation of the princess?"

   "Report to the fourth emperor's grandson, the face of the imperial concubine has been bandaged with medicine, but the scar cannot be removed."

  Yin Yang could understand, he had seen that face, and it was already rotten.

   "Master, the imperial concubine has woken up, but the situation is not very good."

  Yin Yang frowned, his eyes were full of irritability. After spending a few years with Wei Yaxu and Wei She, he became more and more irritable. He pinched the center of his eyebrows and got up and went back to the house.

  Wait a little longer, until he ascends to the throne of God, there is no need to endure everything.

  Yin Yang went back to the house to appease Wei Ya, who was mad because of her disfigured appearance, made numerous guarantees, and stayed by her side for a long time before leaving.

   At this time, Yin Yin has come to Tianshengguo through the APP.

  Because he could freely choose where to land, Yin Yin did not choose Weiyang Houfu, but Donggong.

The East Palace was originally the palace of the first prince. Later, the first prince passed away, and Yin Ce lived there. Originally, the identity of the eldest grandson of Yin Ce should not live here, but most people think that Yin Ce will die early. If so, let him live for a few years. It doesn't matter, sooner or later, the East Palace will be vacated.

"Mother." The moment Wei Yi saw Yin Yin, she jumped into her arms and hugged Yin Yin's waist tightly, tears falling: "Mother, Yier misses you so much, you finally come back already."

   Yin Yin, who returned to Tiansheng Kingdom, directly changed back to the ancient body of the original owner, and even the clothes were exactly the same as when the original owner fell off the cliff.

  Yin Yin looked at Wei Yi's face and saw that although she had recovered a lot, she still had scars on her face, and she felt another pain in her heart.

   "Don't be afraid, Yier, mother won't leave again."

   "Auntie." Yin Ce also stepped forward to greet her with tears in her phoenix eyes.

   (end of this chapter)