Top Green Tea Has Become a Heartthrob In Escape Games

Chapter 8: .Zero Devil and Lamb

Harry's short blond hair and lake-blue eyes looked extraordinarily deep and sparkling in the setting sun.

If he hadn't stood beside Creamer, he would have been the most charming boy in this town.

Unfortunately, with Creamer, it is like the difference between the glow of fireflies and the stars in the sky.

Even Su Xiaoxi, who doesn't care about appearance so much, can't help but be attracted by Creamer.

Su Xiaoxi still made fish for dinner, sweet and sour fish, after all, it was cheap.

The fish was picked for nothing, and the sugar and vinegar were taken for free from the seasoning bag. When it was just made, the greedy hali halts almost flowed out.

When eating, Su Xiaoxi took a sip of "Brother Harry" on the left and "eat more" on the right. Seeing that the number following Harry's name rose steadily, the smile on Su Xiaoxi's face changed. More joyful.

After eating and drinking, Harry patted his chubby belly and gave Su Xiaoxi a thumbs up.

The number behind his name is already over eighty, and as long as he works hard, he can quickly break through one hundred.

The fish on the plate had been eaten so that only bones were left. Su Xiaoxi just remembered that he had left Creamer in the cold for a long time.

At this moment, he was sitting on the wicker chair in the yard, lying there as usual, watching the moon lonely.

The water master Su Xiaoxi walked over with an unbearable expression, "Brother, are you hungry? Don’t you still like the fish at night? It’s my fault. I should cook my favorite dishes for my brother, but I really don’t have any money. NS…"

Creamer raised his eyes to look at Su Xiaoxi, then glanced at the cold leftovers over there, and Harry, who was patted his stomach and picked his teeth when he was full.

I don't know why, I suddenly couldn't understand this golden retriever boy.

Creamer snorted and pointed to Harry: "Why is he still here?"

Without this dog, she would definitely not be able to finish the fish, and he would be able to feed the stray cat with the remaining half of the fish.

Su Xiaoxi noticed the unhappiness hidden under the iceberg-like expression of Creamer. Although his emotions were a little headless, she still patiently leaned into his ear and whispered: "Brother, I tell You have a secret!"

The little girl's voice was soft and soft, and there was a hint of shyness and excitement to share secrets with her brother. It was like a summer evening breeze, like a feather in her ears, a feeling that Creamer had never experienced.

His body tightened unconsciously, and he coughed lightly, unaware that his throat was tight.

"What's the secret? Say something quickly."

Su Xiaoxi couldn't help but cocked his mouth when he saw him fidgeting and even trying to escape.

Such a cool brother, he has no experience at all.

She stood on her tiptoes and moved to his ears, her warm breath spreading to his ears.

Creamer frowned, took a step back, and was about to start cursing, but when he faced Su Xiaoxi's clear and soft eyes, he swallowed all the words back.

Su Xiaoxi didn’t get any more inches. She stuck her tongue out and shared her secret very quietly, “Brother, suddenly there are some strange data in my game panel. The name of neighbor Harry appears, followed by it. A strange number, do you know what it means?"

Creamer's eyes twitched slightly, and his words were concise, "I don't know."

Su Xiaoxi sighed, and tentatively asked, "Is there such strange data in the panel of brother?"


"Ah!" Su Xiaoxi exclaimed a little, looking at Creamer's expression, "Does that brother don't want to know what this means?"

"In no mood."

Su Xiaoxi: ... as expected. His reaction, as expected, shouldn't be an ordinary novice.

Su Xiaoxi seemed to be nervous but actually licked the corners of his mouth excitedly, "Who are there in the game panel of brother?"

She won't tell him that there are the names of all the residents of the town in her game panel.

Creamer seemed to be interested in this question finally, and raised his eyes to look at her, "The residents of the small town are all there. How about you?"

Su Xiaoxi's heart beat faster, almost telling him subconsciously that she too.

But at the last second, she realized that he seemed to be tempting her, so she changed what she was going to say to-"I envy brother, only Brother Harry is on my panel."

Creamer frowned slightly, "What? Do you call brother when you meet?"

It sounds like it has something to do with him.

Su Xiaoxi pursed his lips, and when Harry called her, he quickly said: "Brother, I won't tell you yet. I will try my best and secretly tell you that the number behind Harry is already eighty. That's too much! When that number breaks one hundred, maybe you can know what it represents!"

Creamer didn't seem to be expecting it at all, he wanted to withdraw his gaze without a smile, and continued to slumped idly on the wicker chair.

Su Xiaoxi ran to Harry in small steps, and continued to spread spring-like cold and warm inquiries at him. Using the chatting skills of Green Tea and Bencha, he not only heard the gossip of his house and the whole town from Harry's mouth. Eight, the number behind his name finally climbed slowly to ninety-nine.

Su Xiaoxi happily waved goodbye to Harry and invited him to play at home next time, watching the number jump to one hundred.

Such hidden tasks generally have rewards.

Su Xiaoxi was looking forward to it. The smile on his face did not fade until Harry's back disappeared for a long time. The number behind Harry's name had jumped to 105, but the game didn't even have any rewards. ,

Su Xiaoxi: hard in vain?

A chuckle suddenly came from behind.

Su Xiaoxi turned his head and saw that the corners of Creamer's mouth had just been pressed down.

She sighed in frustration, feeling wronged like a 180-jin child, "Brother, how could this be? You said that there are all the town residents in your game panel, and what are the values ​​behind their names? ?"

"It's all zero."

It may be that she is a bit pitiful to see her busy all day.

Creamer actually answered her question without lying.

But his answer, heard in Su Xiaoxi's ears, was extremely fake.

How can it be all the same, but also all zero?

Su Xiaoxi glanced at the data in his game panel, and the numbers of residents in the town were all uneven.

Except for Harry's broken 100, and some of the residents she met today were turned positive by her, everything else was negative.

Although I don't know what the negative numbers mean, Su Xiaoxi feels that these negative numbers are very dangerous, and they must be turned into positive numbers as soon as possible.

"It's almost midnight, aren't you going to the square?" Creamer's cold voice interrupted Su Xiaoxi's cranky thoughts.

Su Xiaoxi reacted and looked at Creamer pitifully, "But brother, I'm so afraid of QAQ"

No matter what happened to him, Creamer was silent for a moment, and said helplessly: "Let's go."

Su Xiaoxi's eyes lit up, "Brother will accompany me to the square? My brother is really great! I will always like my brother!"

Creamer: …Although you can’t believe the sweet words of women, why does it sound like a little bit of joy?

Only a little bit, don't think too much.


The square near twelve o'clock was unexpectedly lively.

Almost all players are here.

It turns out that the daily tasks that everyone receives must be carried out at midnight, but some people are relatively simple, for example, they only need to go home and sleep in a circle around the square.

And some people are more terrible, such as Su Xiaoxi, who needs her to cut her wrist...

Moreover, Creamer's daily task, escorting neighbor Alice home, was also to pass through the square.

Su Xiaoxi looked at Creamer pretending to be a little worried, "Brother, is it okay if you don't complete daily tasks?"

Only the devil, don’t rush to complete daily tasks to get clues.

Creamer's phoenix eyes drooped slightly, and before he could answer, the bell suddenly rang at midnight.

The game panel in Su Xiaoxi's mind is updated again—

The night is finally here, and the demon factor in your body gradually wakes up.

Do you see the neck of the man next to you? Do you really want to take a bite?

Go! Kill those unarmed lambs wantonly!

To listen to their desperate crying and humble begging, to see their sprayed blood and feeble corpses, this is the happiness you seek!

PS: Please note that all the residents and players in the town can be your target for slaughter. When you lock the target, the opponent will become a weak lamb for you to slaughter.

In addition to this supplement, there is also a bright red font supplement.

[If two demons lock onto the same target at the same time, the war of demons will start until one of the demons dies, it can be terminated! ! 】

Su Xiaoxi understood that the lambs were very pitiful, and there was almost no room for resistance.

And the devil is equivalent to the werewolf in the werewolf killing, kill whoever wants to kill, as long as it doesn't choose the same target with other demons.

But I don't know who the other demons are. How to communicate so as not to choose the same target and hurt both sides?

Even if she has a clue that she can guess that the beard is a demon, she can't just run to him and ask: Hey, who did you lock onto tonight?

If the beard doesn’t believe her, I will give her a knife if he raises his hand...

It's really difficult.

Su Xiaoxi sighed silently in her heart, raised her eyes and saw Crimson’s long neck. Just a short distance away, he could clearly see his raised throat and buried under his cold white skin. That faint blood vessel.

His skin is very white, and it seems to glow in the dark.

so white.

I really want to bite.

Su Xiaoxi licked her lower lip and fell into the instinct of a demon unconsciously.