Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 1067

It was still far away, and the emperor than that Ju Tianzi vigorously pulled Liang Yiluo's hand, pointed his fingers into the distance, and exclaimed in excitement.

"Ah, I saw it."

For the excitement of the emperor than that, Liang Yiluo feels a lot of headaches. This deity is too selfish and doesn’t listen to others at all. Everything is done by his own will, if not in the general direction, he can command She, Liang Yiluo will never take her to Yuedu.

Looking at it, in the sea of ​​clouds, there is an unknown island on which a rather luxurious palace is built. The style of this palace is somewhat incompatible with the heavens. Although the houses in the heavens are very luxurious, they are only made of materials. The houses built by the heavens are closer to the usual natural wooden houses, and the one in front of them is indeed a magnificent palace.

Liang Yi was left to be pulled by the emperor, and gradually approached the palace.

The palace is enveloped by walls and is steeped in crimson color. The architectural style is very similar to the ancient architecture of the celestial dynasty. The palace is not very big, it fits the size of the island.

Inside the wall are sparse brick houses. There are not many houses. Some people can be seen coming in and out. In the center of the palace group covered by the wall, it is not the imagined main hall, but a magnificent one. door.

The gate was built with unknown stones. Inside the gate was something spiraling in front and back, like a time-space gate, occasionally a ray of light overflowed from it, crossed the door, and splashed on the white marble ground used around it.

Liang Yiluo knew that it was the passage between the heavenly realm and the moon capital. It was not formed after the gate was established, but there was a passage first, and then the gate was built to wrap it around.

The channel that connects the two worlds is so powerful that the violent energy in it is impossible to seal at all. In a powerful seal, it will be eroded by the chaotic energy in it. Apart from exhausting the sealer, there is nothing. effect. Therefore, Yuezhimin did not do anything stupid, and wished to seal the door with his own technology and mysterious power. They just sent an emissary from the Dragon Palace to guard this place.

After coming to the sky above this island, the emperor Bina directly let go of Liang Yiluo, and shouted excitedly: "Yijiu, I'm coming to see you!"

After shouting, the emperor quickly fell from the sky and wanted to enter the palace, but just approaching the sky above the palace, he was blocked by a barrier that suddenly appeared.

Faced with this situation, normal people should give up decisively and enter from the front door, but the wayward Miss Tianren doesn’t think so much at all. She directly drew out the prop with a gradient color that looks like a sword but not a sword. I picked up the sword in my hand, and the surrounding sky was filled with colorful gas. I slashed the long sword in my hand without even thinking about it. After a violent wailing, the enchantment that enveloped the palace just trembled and was beaten by the emperor. Broken.

The Sword of Feixiang, a weapon that only the heavenly can use, can be said to be one of the highest secret treasures of Buddhism.

According to legend, the top of the 28-day Buddhism, the highest level of the colorless world, that is, the top of the world, it is also called the top of the sky!

The law of Buddhism is the law of man and the ultimate pursuit of man’s spirit. The Sword of Scarlett can see through the temperament of people, find the weakness of the person, involving the sixth and seventh senses, and even if the ability of the sword of Scarlett is fully activated, it can briefly contact the eighth consciousness, which is Alaya. knowledge!

This is a weapon equivalent to the three divine weapons, and a weapon involving human consciousness!

Of course, weapons are always only weapons, and props are always only props. There are limits to strong weapons and props. The limit of this weapon is to let people touch the Alaya consciousness a little bit.

As a celestial being, he is born with the ability to manipulate the sky. As a person of the same clan, he has the ability to manipulate the keystone, and he also has the ability to manipulate the earth. In addition, he holds the sword of Scarlett and has the mastery. Human abilities can be said to have mastered the power of the three talents of heaven, earth and humans than that of the emperor. This is also the source of her confidence in her own strength!

From this point of view, her relationship with Yasaka Kanako and Shuya Suwako must not be much better.

The emperor’s willful attack caused the palace to be messed up all of a sudden. Countless people wearing feather garments, like celestial women, flew out of the palace. When they saw that the person was better than the emperor’s son, all of them were crying and standing. At a loss in the air, I don't know if I should stop it or if I didn't see it.

It is conceivable that it is not the first time that the emperor has done these things, but think about it, with the character of the emperor, no one in the entire heaven can communicate. These dragon palace envoys have the consciousness of being human no matter what, the emperor always It is understandable to run here.

"Master Tianzi! Didn't I say that, I hope you can walk through the front door."

A rather helpless female voice came from the group of dragon palace messengers, and each dragon palace messenger spontaneously dispersed, showing the woman standing in the center.

This is a beautiful-looking figure who looks like a big sister, wearing a red feather coat with lace, and wearing a modern hat that looks very similar to the emperor. There are two red ribbons on the hat. It is like a fish's fins floating in the water.

She has a calm expression, as if she doesn't care about anything. Only after seeing the emperor can she discover the depression and helplessness between her eyebrows.

"Yijiu, you just came here, so leave the heavens with me to play!"

The woman named Yijiu waved her hand, and the dragon palace envoys on the side hurriedly left, and it could be seen that they really didn't want to deal with the emperor.

As the dragon palace messengers, they are actually the subordinates of Yuedu. They are oppressed by the moon people, and the dragon palace gate is in the heaven. These dragon palace messengers can't provoke the heavens, and they are caught between the moon people and the heavens. , Can be said to be a group of very miserable guys.

"Sir, you want to leave the heavens? But your duty..."

"Don't worry about those responsibilities, someone has already taken over for me temporarily! Yijiu, don't you always stay in this boring heaven to guard the gate of the Dragon Palace, you should go to the Dragon Palace to play with me!"

"Wait...Wait a minute! Where did you say you want to go, Lord Son?"

"Of course it is Dragon Palace!"

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"Of course it is Dragon Palace!"

Hearing what the emperor had said, Yongjiang Yijiu's expression changed suddenly, and the appearance that was troublesome before disappeared in an instant. She smiled bitterly and said slightly entangled: "Master emperor, you have another problem for me."

Yong Jiang Yijiu was very depressed. The willful nature of the heavens and humans in front of him was simply a breakthrough in the sky, and he was a super-self person at all. Although he knows that the character of Tianren is actually stubborn and has his own world view, other celestial beings do not have seven emotions and six desires and will not show it, and the bad celestial being like the emperor exposes all the defects in the character Up.

Mingming and Yongjiang Yijiu have known each other for a long time, and they can be said to be very good friends, but the emperor will not consider Yongjiang Yijiu at all. He will tell his own thoughts in his own way, and ignore Yongjiang Yijiu's responsibility as the emissary of the Dragon Palace.

Yongjiang Yijiu knows the emperor too well, she carefully considered the sentence and did not want to say too much against the emperor, otherwise this child, like a deity, would definitely be upset and angry.

"Sir, forgive me for not agreeing to you. You also know that my responsibility is to guard the Dragon Palace, so..."

Yongjiang Yijiu felt that her head hurts to death. She was afraid of trouble and likes to go with the crowd. Now she wants to persuade others. This is really not suitable for her.

Yongjiang Yijiu does not like to persuade others, nor does she like troublesome things. Even if someone has a disagreement with her on a certain issue, she will not care, and she will never find a way to get the other party to accept her advice. Such an easy-going and go-to-go character destined that she can only become a supporting role, and it is absolutely impossible to become the protagonist.

"There are so many things in Yijiu, just get out of the way!"

The emperor urged Yongjiang Yijiu to give way.

"Can't you stop embarrassing me?"

Yong Jiang Yijiu clutched his head, saying that it was just such a sentence, but it was a pity that she couldn't listen to the emperor's words at all.

Bi Naju, the emperor, walked towards the gate of the Dragon Palace on his own, ignoring Yongjiang Yijiu at all. The Dragon Palace messenger didn't dare to stop her. If there is a fire and fight a battle here, they must be the Dragon Palace messengers who cried in the end.

The other Dragon Palace messengers all hid in the house and couldn't come out, so they handed this place to Yi Jiu so that she could solve the trouble of heaven and human.

Unconsciously, Yongjiang Yijiu followed the emperor to the passage of the Dragon Palace. When he arrived here, Yongjiang Yijiu gritted his teeth, struggled for a long time, and finally gave up.

‘Anyway, I can’t stop the Lord of Heaven. Even if I am blamed by the Dragon Palace, I should be fine...’

Yongjiang Yijiu comforted herself and found excuses for herself.

But the fact is also true, even if Yong Jiang Yijiu resists no matter how much he can resist, it is impossible to stop Bi Na Juezi, this deity is a character that will never give up as long as he makes up his mind.

When the emperor Bibi swayed to the door of the Dragon Palace, she suddenly turned her head, beckoned at Liangyi Luo in the sky, and shouted: "Then I will go one step first! Liangyi, come here quickly. !"

Yong Jiang Yijiu was taken aback, and she raised her head in surprise. Only then did she discover that there was still someone in the sky.

But before Yong Jiang Yijiu could react, the emperor had already stepped into the passage and disappeared into the heaven.

Liang Yi fell in the air and shook his head. He didn't do much better than that of the emperor Ju Tianzi, but he ran away by himself and threw him here.

He is not familiar with Yongjiang Yijiu, how could this Dragon Palace messenger let him go?

Although thinking so, Liang Yiluo fell from the sky and stood not far in front of the passage.

At this time, Yongjiang Yijiu finally reacted, and she quickly stopped in front of Liang Yiluo, not letting him pass.

Putting a deity in it can be said to be helpless, but putting an unknown person in it is really dereliction of her duty.