Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 1101

After killing all the invading Yuezhimin and Yuetu, Liangyi raised his eyebrows and quickly grabbed Sister Matsuki, and disappeared on the streets of Yuedu.

"Where is your residence?"

Shuttle in the flow of time, the sisters Matsuki looked at the strange scenery all around in amazement, the outside world completely disappeared, and only the back of time is left. Here, it seems to be detached from the whole world, bringing the long river of time into view. general.

The two people who were guarded by the law of Ryogisaki time were able to move and talk freely during this time. Toyoki Watatsuki heard Ryogisaki’s question and quickly replied: "My bedroom is in the moon. Near the center of the capital."

Liang Yiluo nodded. Although the moon is big, it is only a drop in the ocean in front of time. The three of them were still on the edge of Yuedu City in the last time segment. In the next time segment, Liangyiluo already carried the moon. Sisters, appeared on a tall hall near the central area of ​​Moon Capital.

As soon as he showed up, Toyohime pointed his finger to a magnificent courtyard, and said warmly: "There is my palace, and Yihime's palace is on the other side."


Stopping the waists of the two sisters again, Liang Yiluo didn't care about the delicateness and tenderness in his palms. With a slight movement, he crossed the space and came to the courtyard pointed by Toyohime. He looked around and found a delicate building. The attic, turned into a phantom, entered the attic.

Liang Yiluo's eyes swept away and saw that there was an open book on the table in the attic. After a little thought, he knew that before Toyohime set off, he must have been reading a book here.

Toyohime, who returned to this beautiful small attic again, suddenly felt a sense of nonsense. She sighed gently and brushed her hand across the clean wooden table.

There is no filth in the Moon City, and therefore no dust, it is still as clean as when she left. But this has only changed everything in less than a month.

She is no longer a noble princess of the moon, but a prisoner of mermaid meat. The moon is not pure and pure, but full of death and war.

The whole palace is very quiet. There are no moon rabbits coming and going and the people of the moon guarding. Now this empty courtyard, there is no sound. If it is correct, those people have been called urgently to participate in the war. Got it.

Toyohime thought of her pet Suzusen, the timid and scared Moon Rabbit was a little worried. She didn't know if she had already participated in the war, or whether she had been killed in the war. With the character of that Moon Rabbit, She must be shivering in the trenches.

Thinking of this, Toyohime couldn't help but grin.

"what's so funny?"

Liang Yiluo sat where Toyohime had been sitting before, picked up the book she had placed on the table, flipped through two pages, and found that it was full of myths.

Toyohime's face flushed, as if someone had discovered her little secret, but she didn't dare to **** the book from Liang Yiluo's hands, but she was at a loss.

Looking at the gentle smiling face that Liang Yiluo raised his head and the faint gentleness in his eyes, Toyohime couldn't believe it. This person just started a war at will, bringing hundreds of thousands of monsters to hundreds of thousands of moon rabbits, hundreds of thousands. The chief culprit in the death of the Moon People was the ancient **** who could kill two people with a cold face and a grinning smile.

"Sorry, I just thought of some funny things, I disturbed your Highness."

Toyohime spoke softly and tenderly, like a hot spring on a mountain, brushing through the tiredness in people's hearts.

"I won't disturb..."

Liang Yiluo put down the book in his hand, and leaned on the soft cushion behind him easily, watching the scenery of the entire courtyard.

At this moment, Mengzuki Yiji hesitated, and asked with a stiff face: "Didn't Your Highness say that he is going to save Huiye? Why is there still leisure to watch the scenery here?"

Yi Ji's face was very serious, she straightened her back, she was not afraid even when facing Liang Yi Luo, but bravely stared at him.

"Have you seen the weapon launched in the Moon Capital just now?"

Liang Yiluo did not answer, but asked with a chuckle.

"That is the final weapon of Yuedu, the rune of the gods."

As a military attache, Watazuki Yoshihime naturally knew all Yuedu's weapons and equipment, and was also proud of Yuedu, a weapon that surpassed the times.

"Since Yuedu has launched weapons of this level, what does this mean? It means that Yuedu's conventional weapons can no longer prevent the invasion of monsters. The sage of the moon has chosen to use this weapon that is absolutely impossible to mass-produce. It can be guessed. It takes time to get out of them. Although I don’t know what they use this time to do, other monsters may be frightened by the power of this weapon and dare not move, but if it is Zi, she will definitely be able to see through this little The trick."

"So, we have to wait here, waiting for the monster soldiers to come to the city, waiting for the moon sages to sit still and prepare to take action personally. If these moon sages are in the moon capital, even I will find it a little troublesome. of."

Liang Yiluo explained gently, and at the same time motioned for the two princesses to sit down.

"Toyohime and Yihime, please stay with me and wait here. It doesn't take long. According to my estimate, within a few days at most, the monsters will come here, and the sages will take the initiative to attack."

Sisters Meng Yue did not say anything, and sat next to Liang Yi Luo obediently. No matter what, they now have no resistance. With the instructions of Yong Lin Bayi, the two princesses are rather well-behaved. .

Yihime is still sitting rigorously, always vigilant around, while Toyohime leaned back in the cushions lazily, picked up the book, and continued to read it with gusto. She seemed to have completely forgotten what she is now. Situation.

In this way, the three people were silent, each doing their own things, spent day after day, until the whole month became noisy again, when Liang Yiluo sensed that they had a strong breath out of the central area. After the person, he knew that the time he was waiting had arrived.

"Just don't know, who will stop me?"

Liang Yi Luo squinted his eyes and smiled. In the eyes of sisters Mian Yue, he took the initiative to release his spells. In a flash, his entire existence was exposed to Yue Du's instruments.

Liang Yiluo took out a teapot from his cuff, soaked himself a cup of fragrant tea, gently sipped the tea, and continued to wait.

And it didn't take long for the person that Liang Yiluo was waiting for finally arrived.

"No wonder you can't find your sisters. Did you betray Yuedu?"

A young man's voice suddenly appeared, with great anger in his tone.

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"Young Master Viguna?"

Sisters Mengyue whispered, they knew the sage of the moon very well, and they knew who the person was from only by their voice.


"To shut up!"

The serious Yi Ji was trying to explain, but the visitor screamed and slammed Yi Ji's words back.

Under the gaze of Liang Yiluo, a young man in a Chinese dress appeared in the courtyard of this palace. The young man appeared to be in his twenties, and he appeared to be older than the sisters. More mature.

"Shaoming Vikuna?"

Liang Yiluo drank a sip of fragrant tea gently, with only a slight glance at the corner of his eyes, scanning the ancient **** like a prisoner, and the tone in his mouth seemed to be talking to an ordinary friend.

"Are you the monster who invaded the Moon Capital?"

After drinking Sister Mian Yue, Shaoming Vigu then focused on Liang Yi Luo's body.

The sisters of Mian Yue have been the only one for thousands of years, so that Shao Ming Vikuna is not worried about the two. These two moon princesses, even after knowing that they can only be used as tools, they are only obeying the will of Yuedu, Hehui Ye's resistance is completely different.

Shaoming Vikuna's tone was very calm, but Liang Yiluo could perceive the fear deep in the god's heart.

The blow that split the Great Enchantment of Yuedu before the two instruments fell, and the magical power released was so huge, Shaman Vikuna was originally the weakest of the sages of the moon, and he took the initiative to ask Ying to solve the magical power of the moon. The invaders are just looking forward to the magical exhaustion of the incoming people because of the previous attack, so that they can pick up a bargain.

But now after finally seeing the invader, Shaman Vikuna hesitated instead.

The man sitting in the exquisite accord is like an ordinary person, unable to feel any magic flow at all, but the pressure and murderousness he releases is like a mud cow entering the sea, and it will not bring any influence on that person at all.

The person who dares to invade the Moon City and can be so relaxed after knowing that he is the sage of the moon is either a fool or a powerful monster!

"Why don't you speak? It's called Shamin Vikuna, right?"