Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 1414

Then, in his sight, the blood-red sky solidified, the crow on the branch opened its mouth and remained motionless, the disgusting stench disappeared, the air was no longer flowing, the wind was no longer noisy, and even the sunset in the sky was no longer there. Exudes light and heat.

Dracula once saw this scene. He slowly raised his head. In the **** sunset, a man in a pure white dress was sitting in the air with his legs crossed, underneath him was a scarlet. The throne, he is holding a glass of wine like red glaze in his hand.

At this moment, he is the **** of this world, the king of this world, regardless of time and space, whether it is a human or a beast, he must surrender under his feet.

The blood flowed from the air to the earth. It was the blood that flowed from the god-like man. This blood, as if it were spiritual, slowly gathered in front of Dracula, spelling out a line of words-in **** Sing the gospel!

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Dracula stared at Luo Zhen in the sky stiffly. He was accustomed to the power that stopped time. His dry lips were slightly opened, and it was the hoarse and unpleasant voice that said, "...You are Come to see my joke, King of the Red Moon."

His eyes were calm, there was no anger, no sorrow, and no hatred, as if Dracula had abandoned everything and just wanted to return his soul to the original nothingness.

"I have no interest in making fun of you, Arcado..."

Luo Zhen sneered. The scarlet throne he was sitting on turned into a ball of flames and burned out, his feet fell on the dead river, and slowly came to Dracula's face with the solidified blood.

Within the range of sight, it is like an impression of hell. The hideous knights are holding up the butcher knife, slaughtering the pitiful ordinary civilians, and Dracula in front of him is like a poor worm, at any time. Will be chopped off by the dull big knife and turned into a withered bone.

"Then what are you going to do, King of the Red Moon..."

Dracula's eyes dimmed, he lowered his head and looked at the blood in front of him, smelling the sweet smell, like a corpse.

"God has betrayed you, and you cursed God, then Akado, do you want to throw into the arms of the devil, become a monster that only knows to **** blood, gain power beyond the mortal, and those who will betray you and those who will trample on you, will Kill all those who are against you, turn them into a part of your life, and become the beginning of your immortal chapter?"

Luo Zhen's tone was contemptuous, dumbly seducing.

"Looking at this corpse mountain and blood sea, they are all your leaders, and they have no regrets for your revenge. Now they are all prisoners. As the lord, don't you have the idea of ​​revenge for them? "


Dracula licked his dry and white lips, as if searching for the source of life and the hope of living there.

"Blood is the currency of the soul... Human souls are buried deep in the deepest part of the blood. Feel them, those souls are crying, crying for help, let it become immortal, your legend is just beginning, Arcado!"

Luo Zhen didn't panic, he stood in front of Dracula leisurely, looking at him condescendingly.

"No one can be truly immortal."

Dracula murmured, as if resisting the temptation in his heart, refuting Luo Zhen.

"But I am truly immortal."

Luo Zhen's tone was low, as if it were absolute truth, which made people unable to resist.

Dracula's face moved, he slowly raised his head to stare at Luo Zhen, and suddenly laughed, "...but the immortal life is the greatest curse."

"Ha... you once said that there are few human beings that you can see clearly, but it is precisely because of this that it explains your speciality, and it is also because of this that I am able to turn you into immortality. The impulse of things."

Luo Zhen took out a sharp knife and gently stroked his wrist. A drop of bright red blood fell into the scarlet pool. This is the power that contains the blood of the true ancestor king. In the world of the moon, the hope that all the dead men seek and want to gain.

But now, this drop of blood was placed in front of Dracula, and he could easily obtain this coveted power.

Dracula, or Arkaduo, is extremely talented. He was simply born to become a'vampire'. In Luo Zhen's memory, the fastest record of the Moon World turned into a dead person is'Gung Tomb May. 'This girl, only one day after she was sucked blood, she recovered her memory, from a ghoul to a dead person, and quickly mastered the inherent barrier with powerful magic power, and became a dead The ancestor of the disciple.

As for Akado in front of him, Luo Zhen believes that he will become a real dead person at the moment he merges with the blood of the true ancestor. At this moment, he will receive the uprightness in the profound meaning, the forbidden curse in the forbidden curse, Known as the inherent enchantment, the magic of the recent magic!

Dracula looked at the blood in front of him with his face solidified. He fell into silence, fighting between heaven and man in his heart, not knowing what he should do.

Luo Zhen did not urge, nor was he anxious, just standing there quietly like the same immortal thing that has never changed.

After a while, Dracula moved his stiff body. Under Luo Zhen's smile, he gently poked his head over, and his dry and gray lips aimed at the blood that was condensed with the supreme mystery.

A tongue slowly protruded, and the tip of the tongue touched the blood lightly.


It was as if some kind of mysterious shackles were broken, the still world turned again, Dracula's eyes widened, as if he was experiencing an unusually painful thing, his muscles and muscles were bursting out, and a **** vortex suddenly emerged from his heart. Spin out.

The big knife just dropped and slashed on Dracula’s neck, but at this moment, Dracula’s neck was like reinforced concrete, causing the big knife to suddenly turn into fragments, and the knife and axe were **** without any reaction. The vortex was pulled to pieces, and his soul rolled in the sea of ​​blood, howling miserably, and then entered Dracula's body.

Supplemented by the soul, the inherent barrier was finally activated. The Romanian Grand Duke used a slight force, and the chains that had bound him turned into fly ashes. He looked up at the blood-colored sky and howled silently, the blood-colored vortex becoming more and more intense. The faster you turn, the wider the scope!

The cardinal standing on the side first noticed the error, but before he could react, his body and soul were also pulled into it, just like the swordsman, and turned into a part of Dracula, on the plains. The human wailing was suppressed, leaving only the last scream in Dracula’s life. The dry river of blood under his feet boiled, and the heads of each person appeared on the river of blood. They were like tired birds returning home, and they all rushed. To Dracula!

Blood is the currency of the soul. These souls that have not been completely dissipated are hidden in the blood. Under the activation of the dead river, like the roar of the yellow river, the river is countercurrent, the blood and soul of the entire plain are gathered together, no matter whether it is a living creature. Still dead creatures, they are all giving their all to welcome the arrival of the inanimate king!

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The dead river flowing across the earth turned all living and dead creatures into a part of Dracula, the crows wailing on the branches, the knights with slaying faces, the ordinary subjects with numb faces and begging for mercy, the soldiers who Dracula had once loyal, The villains who betrayed him, the people with high morals, the people with depraved morals, the kind people, and the sinful people are all wrapped up in a dead river, and no longer have the power to struggle.

The surging Dead River broke through the barriers of the plain, bringing the soldiers of the Holy Roman Empire, the soldiers of the Ottoman Empire, and the servants of Dracula who were captured by them into its scope.

Countless souls are wailing in the dead river, their hands trying hard to climb out of the dead river's range, but no matter how great they were in their lives, when the soul currency of blood is caught by the dead river, they will never break free. may.

Then, the deep vortex resembling the sea converged to the center of the plain. The blood that once dried up was gone, and the criss-crossed corpses disappeared. The **** sunset was replaced by the dark moon, and the whole world was quiet. Coming down, it was like the previous killings and bloodshed, all of which were illusions that people imagined.

The whirlpool gradually converged into a human form. His appearance was young and handsome, his beard and face were white, and there was no trace of filth on his body. His cold face had a mature temperament, and his body was slender. He was dressed in a red dress and robe similar to Luo Zhen. Wrapped on him, long black hair fluttered under the moon.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

A screaming cry came from his throat, causing the earth to shake. Dracula, who was reborn again, only felt that his soul had been miscellaneous. Millions of souls were fighting with him and shouting, and thinking was divided in an instant. With millions of copies, if it weren't for his extraordinary talent, just for a moment, he would become a lunatic who only knows how to kill.

With his shouting, terrifying magic shocked the void, and countless soul arms emerged from his body, trying to get out of his bondage, but as the shouting voice gradually weakened, these souls were once again taken by the dead river. Catch.

Dracula, sweating profusely, staggered and almost fell to the ground. He clutched his chest and gasped for breath, seeing that there were no more calluses, and his pale palms, as pale as dead, were weird. Laughed.


The laughter went from low to high, like a cry of his own destiny.

After he finally got tired from laughing, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the existence in the sky that was sitting on the sidelines.

"The King of the Red Moon..."

Teeth spit out this name word by word, Dracula pointed like a sword, pointed at the sky, and suddenly a black giant dog composed of energy appeared from his shadow, the giant dog opened and opened. The tooth slammed at Luo Zhen in the sky.

Just when the giant dog that could easily swallow humans was about to bite Luo Zhen, he only saw Luo Zhen gently stroke it, and a burst of black flame burned up. The giant dog didn't even make a sound of struggling, and it melted. In order to fly ashes.

Dracula looked at Luo Zhen calmly as if he was understanding his own abilities, his whole body began to open a scarlet blood eye, these dense eyes growing on his body are like eight clouds and purple. In the gap, when these abominable eyes were all opened, Dracula's lower body had turned into a shadow-like monster.

With the changes in Dracula's body, his magical power and physical fitness have greatly improved, and he instantly turned into a shadow and rushed into the sky, which had turned into a black sickle arm and slashed at Luo Zhen.


There was a scream of metal fighting, the black shadow and Luo Zhen splashed a spark between his hands, and the dark sky suddenly turned blood red. Dracula raised his head and looked at the red moon like a miracle. , Hanging high in the sky again!

"The doll can never resist the"